I know that this is about whether the LADIES like it.....
But it needs to be said....
The GUYS will think you are really creepy if they can smell you from a distance. This needs to be an "up close and personal" thing. (if you care)
Nothing smells better than "clean." Take a good shower with some decent deodorant soap. You will be amazed at how many times you are complimented just for that!
Originally Posted by rooster
this is VERY true on all counts.
I hate colognes, felt like my skin was dirty upon putting the shit on, just maybe twice in my life.
frankly, I don't get it' but to each his own.
im not going to a strange women with a strange funk smell she may not like
nothing WORSE than some guy working on a job site reaking of the shit, it hangs in the air when under close quarters , very inconsiderate , oblivious and yes CREEPY.
just SOAP!
wash your ass
wash your balls
brush your teeth
youll be fine