New to Houston! Wanted to say Hi & Find out some info.

rmrstyle23's Avatar
Houston is a great city very diverse people , food and cultures. It's a place where if you want it you can get it
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I'm hispanic/white. It says Caucasian because I am. Originally Posted by Alana kay
You don't owe anybody any answers. You have 19 pictures on your showcase and if they aren't smart enough to see how you look, you really don't want to see them.

This thread is so typical Houston co-ed. A couple of no life assholes don't have anything more important to do than to act childish and stupid to get attention.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Lesen sie diesen klebrigen, die im sehr forum ist. Es ist voll von nützlichen informationen
Sie sind also auf tour Houston
[Read this sticky, which is in the very forum. It's full of useful information
So you're touring Houston]
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Any particular cuisine? Do you have transportation? Are holes-in-the-wall with delicious food ok or do you require la-ti-da atmosphere?

Most of the really good owner-operated eating places are way out on the outskirts of town, if not outside Houston, to escape confiscatory rent and regulatory hell.

Chains suck as far as I am concerned, and the sentiment is reciprocated by them apparently.
Why? Because I draw attention to the fact that she's not entirely Caucasian as her showcase indicates? Originally Posted by Wakeup
There are too many reasons to list. Lols.
Wakeup's Avatar
As long as me being right about her lying on her showcase to try and make it seem like she's not just another Mexican hooker so she can get more business isn't on that list...
LexusLover's Avatar
As long as me being right about her lying on her showcase to try and make it seem like she's not just another Mexican hooker so she can get more business isn't on that list... Originally Posted by Wakeup
When looking at pictures 2, 7, and 19 of her showcase she looks more European (you're familiar with the look, aren't you?), as opposed to native Indian of the Americas, which would indicate she is "Caucasian" as that term has been used over the decades to differentiate between races ... and the skin color is simply a result of the ancestry from the Southern European countries ... and since she is apparently a citizen of the United States she is not "Mexican" ... as a result the designation of "Hispanic" has more to do with the first language of her ancestors.

You seemingly complaining about "Mexican hookers" here in Texas reminds me of Russians bitching about all the "German Hookers" in East Germany ... "back in the day"!
dearhunter's Avatar
He runs all white providers through ancestry. com before booking

He can't risk fucking hookers who aren't 100% Aryan..
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Why don't you move ?

Oh wait.. if you can't get a woman to sleep with you or even buy pussy in a city with low standards like Houston, what are chances of a loser like you making it in a World Class City? Originally Posted by NubianPrince

TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
He runs all white providers through ancestry. com before booking

He can't risk fucking hookers who aren't 100% Aryan.. Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Do you blame the fella?,,,Finding a bona fide white Whore is becoming more difficult in Houston,,,Check out the WW for the "diversity."
Do you blame the fella?,,,Finding a bona fide white Whore is becoming more difficult in Houston,,,Check out the WW for the "diversity." Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
How many bona fide white whores have you managed to fuck?

When it wasn't difficult that is..

Name one

I will wait
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
How many bona fide white whores have you managed to fuck? Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Proves my point about Houston and its "diversity!",,,LMAO.
Proves my point about Houston and its "diversity!",,,LMAO. Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
No idiot...I asked you how many did u manage to fuck WHEN IT WASN'T DIFFICULT??
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
No idiot...I asked you how many did u manage to fuck WHEN IT WASN'T DIFFICULT?? Originally Posted by NubianPrince
And you complain that Wakeup is going Aryan in his line of questioning?,,,LMAO.