Comer Tells Is All We Need To Know About Bidens

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Let’s be honest, I don’t think our Justice Department could find a turd in a Port-a-Jon!

And the FBI can find one, they just can’t, or won’t, tell you if it smells like shit or not!

And remember, “You never fuck with a Biden.”
Doocy: Okay. So you’re going to hear we’re going to see a bunch of bank records. Ultimately, you’re going to have a narrative, I would imagine, about what happened. But do you know for a fact what happened? Did you talk to anybody in the Biden family and say, okay, why did you get this money? Or is it you know, it is supposition what happened? And have you found out, Congressman, that any of the Bidens broke any rules? Did they break any laws? Because ultimately, that’s what the American people want to know. If they broke laws, they should be held accountable. But you’ve got to be able to prove they broke laws. Can you do that?

Coomer: Well, as you know, my job is to investigate and present the facts. We’re presenting facts that’s never been presented before. No one has ever seen wire transfers to the Biden family. Now, you asked if I’ve spoken to the Bidens. I have not. They have lawyered up what they thought I would do. And I got subpoena power at the 1st of February is they thought I would subpoena the Bidens. They were going to block that. And we had been tied up in court for two years. But what what I did what our committee has done is we went in the back door. We knew who some of these shady characters were that were accepting the first wire transfers from places like China and then laundering it down to the to the Biden family. We subpoenaed their bank accounts and therefore we got the transactions to the Bidens through the back door. So they never thought we would have their bank records. They’ve done everything in their ability to block and obstruct. So, no, I haven’t talked to the Bidens yet, but we’re building the case leading to the Bidens. We’re following the money and all roads lead to Joe. Did they pay. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Went in Trump's back door and out his mouth.
And yet Trump was impeached for less. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Less than what exactly?
I doubt that 1b1 represents Biden. If he truly is an attorney then he probably spends more of his time in small claims court dealing with evictions and such. If you notice he has an inordinate amount of his day posting on a hooker board. Wonder what the Sr. Partners would say and if he is billing his supposed clients for his time. But alas he says he is good depending on what his definition of good is Originally Posted by golferguy55
This BS is straight out of Trump's play book. "Just say there is an investigation and I'll take care of the rest..."