America's Cold Civil War

You see they spent the money on retaining jobs, and not "shovel ready" jobs. Im not saying none were created, just short of what was promised. Originally Posted by iman77
Maybe I am missing your point. What is the difference if the money was used to create new jobs or save jobs that potentially could have been lost? Either way, you're keeping people employed, contributing to state and federal revenues and off of unemployment and welfare.
my point was how they spent the money retaining jobs by giving money to the union for pension and health care when those programs were owned by the union. for example, the teachers pay dues to the unions and the union charges the tax payers the highest rates for their product than any other entity within the state would. The teachers are required to be part of the union. the union would then go to the government and say you have to pay this much for insurance for the teachers, and the union owns the insurance company too. it is money laundering on the backs of the taxpayers, but the reform from gov. walker stopped their little game.
my point was how they spent the money retaining jobs by giving money to the union for pension and health care when those programs were owned by the union. for example, the teachers pay dues to the unions and the union charges the tax payers the highest rates for their product than any other entity within the state would. The teachers are required to be part of the union. the union would then go to the government and say you have to pay this much for insurance for the teachers, and the union owns the insurance company too. it is money laundering on the backs of the taxpayers, but the reform from gov. walker stopped their little game. Originally Posted by iman77
You've been reading too many right-wing blogs. WEA Trust is a NON-PROFIT insurance carrier. This is nothing more than a tribute to just how much the GOP lies in order to get its way. Until they destroy unions in this country, they will be unable to have us all working for less than minimum wage.

Find me on legitimate source for this information. Legitimate, meaning you didn't find it on RedState or Andrew Breitbart's blog, etc.

Here's what WEA Trust had to say about the accusations. Accusations that came strictly from the GOP: