Canisuis College Valedictorian in Biology

jokacz's Avatar
Back in the 70's I used to fly airplanes for a couple dairy farmer brothers in the Batavia area. They unapologetically received payments from the government to dump their milk. This is one way the republican scumbags kept the rural vote.
Many "farmers" live in NYC.They purchase them..dude ranches and the like in different parts of the country to avoid paying taxes and receive the various handouts the government gives them. Originally Posted by keeponrisin
Got any names of those Billionaire Farmers?? Or do they only reside in your imagination?
I'm confused. I thought this thread was about college valedictorians.
Yes--this thread has gotten far afield of Canisius College. Mea maxima culpa.
I did not obtain any useful information from my request, but I would like to thank everyone for getting my thread up to 3 pages. That's worth something
I did not obtain any useful information from my request, but I would like to thank everyone for getting my thread up to 3 pages. That's worth something Originally Posted by Ranger Dog

Replies in the beginning of your thread advised you that Colleges and Universities don't have valedictorians and salutatorians etc.
Don't you think that info was/is useful?