Understanding U.S. Unemployment Rate Numbers

Actually the economy was better when Bush left office. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And I suppose JDIdiot also believes in Santa Claus!

Perhaps even the Easter Bunny!

What about the Tooth Fairy?

And even an occasional hijacked 777, discreetly parked on a remote island, camouflaged by netting and of course, wilted shrubs.
And I suppose JDIdiot also believes in Santa Claus!

Perhaps even the Easter Bunny!

What about the Tooth Fairy?

And even an occasional hijacked 777, discreetly parked on a remote island, camouflaged by netting and of course, wilted shrubs. Originally Posted by bigtex
psssst... BGItex, she's talking to you.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Sad but true. Name recognition can go a long way even if you had nothing to do with it becoming a "name".
LexusLover's Avatar
And I suppose JDIdiot also believes in Santa Claus!

Perhaps even the Easter Bunny!

What about the Tooth Fairy? Originally Posted by bigtex
Sad but true. Name recognition can go a long way even if you had nothing to do with it becoming a "name". Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You are correct ...

... and that one sounded like a broken record also.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
and this is what happens when lie
Sad but true. Name recognition can go a long way even if you had nothing to do with it becoming a "name". Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Are you referring to how George W. Shrubya was accepted into Yale as a high school academic scholar?

I suppose you are going to also make the case that Shrubya worked his way through college as a Yale Yell Leader!

Poor Shrubbie, he had to work so hard!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
93,000,000 people out of the workforce, black and youth unemployment at an all time high, and rampant illegal immigration are not signs of a healthy, robust economy. And you answer with government approved graphs? You are telling the passengers on the Titanic that the sea has been a little rough, but it's getting better. You're saying, "You only think the ship is sinking because the Captain is black and you're a racist!" No, asshole. THE SHIP IS SINKING! Now quit whining and ignoring that fact and DO SOMETHING! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You apparently don't understand economics specifically macro economics. What do you have to say about the record DOW numbers? That typically doesn't happen in a bad economy. Also are you aware that there are literally hundreds of companies that are sitting on enormous wealth and who have made huge profits during the Obama regime ? The economy is robust yes there's always going to room for improvement but stop trying to rain on this parade. Obama has done a tremendous job and just like Chris Matthews I still get a warm tingling feeling that radiates down my leg every time I see the guy he's very polarizing and a living legend.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Dow is being propped up by artificial economic stimulation by the FED. If you understood economics, you know that. I hope you have all your money in the market. It won't be there much longer.
The Dow is being propped up by artificial economic stimulation by the FED. If you understood economics, you know that. I hope you have all your money in the market. It won't be there much longer. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Bullshit. Now's the time to pull a Soros and make a killing. If you knew anything about economics, you'd know there's money to be made, regardless of what the market does.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The Dow is being propped up by artificial economic stimulation by the FED. If you understood economics, you know that. I hope you have all your money in the market. It won't be there much longer. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sir do you mind if I pm you my number and perhaps I could give you a lesson in economics at no cost ? You need to fire your financial planner if you have one because you obviously don't know squat about economics - if you come off your high horse and stop your personal agenda against me I will be glad to teach you some economics 101.
  • DSK
  • 06-11-2015, 06:14 PM
Please provide PROOF the U.S. Department of Labor manipulates their unemployment rate statistics.

PROVIDE PROOF!! Otherwise your statement is nothing but opinion.

Here is the OFFICIAL unemployment rates from the U.S. Department of Labor from 1988-2015.


Are you suggesting the U.S. government manipulated these numbers during the Obama, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Ronald Reagan Administrations?

GET REAL!! Originally Posted by PizzaLover
I'm willing to accept the official US government figures on unemployment when black people accept the official government numbers on crime.
  • DSK
  • 06-11-2015, 06:20 PM
The Dow is being propped up by artificial economic stimulation by the FED. If you understood economics, you know that. I hope you have all your money in the market. It won't be there much longer. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are absolutely correct about the FED propping up the economy, and it will eventually fail. I think it will go on for a very long time because all the governments of the world are doing the same thing, and we have so much accumulated capital here we can play the game longer than the other people.

Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I'm willing to accept the official US government figures on unemployment when black people accept the official government numbers on crime. Originally Posted by DSK
You are a filthy racist and I demand an apology. It's apparent you have an agenda against African Americans - you sound very much like Jewish lawyer in your rhetoric. You are an idiot if you think their aren't barriers that blacks fade as opposed to white men- I am not making excuses but you are an absolute idiot to deny the obvious.
Riddle me this - the sentence for crack and cocaine convictions are far different - hmmm I wonder why ? Which population tends to use one over the other ?
  • DSK
  • 06-11-2015, 07:32 PM
You are a filthy racist and I demand an apology. It's apparent you have an agenda against African Americans - you sound very much like Jewish lawyer in your rhetoric. You are an idiot if you think their aren't barriers that blacks fade as opposed to white men- I am not making excuses but you are an absolute idiot to deny the obvious.
Riddle me this - the sentence for crack and cocaine convictions are far different - hmmm I wonder why ? Which population tends to use one over the other ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Riddle me this Mr Agenda: Which country in Africa run by Africans is doing well?

How many countries are run by Africans that have millions starving to death and white people send the food and medical aid to keep them alive?

You people kill each other all the time in the US and blame white people for your problems, while white people have kept millions of your people alive in Africa!!! (As well as Haiti, another black run paradise)

Take your demand for my apology and stick it up your black ass!!!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Riddle me this Mr Agenda: Which country in Africa run by Africans is doing well?

How many countries are run by Africans that have millions starving to death and white people send the food and medical aid to keep them alive?

You people kill each other all the time in the US and blame white people for your problems, while white people have kept millions of your people alive in Africa!!! (As well as Haiti, another black run paradise)

Take your demand for my apology and stick it up your black ass!!! Originally Posted by DSK
You ever heard of Nigeria you racist piece of shit they have like the 4th largest oil reserve in the world. Have you ever heard of South Africa ? Last time I checked it was no longer an apartheid state and ran by majority of blacks. If you were in South Africa you couldn't tell the difference between that country and the United States.
Do you realize the wealth of that continent? You probably forgot that it was raided by the British Dutch and many other nations in order to steal its wealth.
I guess whites don't commit murders huh - I know you are Jewish lawyer you filthy bastard