If I go out for a $40 dollar meal and the service is exceptional I give them a good tip, So why wouldn't I do the same for a provider. Its all in how they handle the "MEAT", that makes all the difference.

And Tara you know I don't like Bud light, so how about next time we have some Stella Artois. Only The best for the best. Originally Posted by imcbci
Okay you can have a Stella
Randall Creed's Avatar
Does anyone tip the cable guy? Maybe slip the cab driver a lil extra? What about the car salesman? The guy or woman at the cleaners? The Wal-Mart cashier?

No? Just wondering.

Wish I could make $200 an hour (give or take)....sometimes plus tips.
Well cab drivers do get tips from time to time.
Tipping a provider for doing what she does is a courtesy that some of us do.
She may make $200 an hour or so but she also isn't driving a cab or working at wal-mart .the comparision is ludicrous
Randall Creed's Avatar
The point is she makes more an hour than many. Not only that but she can set her own prices. None of the others can. What other unskilled 'workers' do you know that have the priviledge of being in position to make that kind of money?if it makes you feel better tipping someone who already makes a killing compared to most, then knock yourself out.

Sorry if the whole process flew over your head.
Guest100610-3's Avatar
Does anyone tip the cable guy? Maybe slip the cab driver a lil extra? What about the car salesman? The guy or woman at the cleaners? The Wal-Mart cashier?

No? Just wondering.

Wish I could make $200 an hour (give or take)....sometimes plus tips.
Originally Posted by Rambro

NO, but the cab driver, dry cleaner,car salesman,and the cashier didn't just give me a BBBJTC or a message with a happy ending ether.
notdeadyet's Avatar
NO, but the cab driver, dry cleaner,car salesman,and the cashier didn't just give me a BBBJTC or a message with a happy ending ether. Originally Posted by imcbci
Could be that a lawyer gave you a good screwing. Do you tip him/her?
the whole process hardly flew over my head.
The ladies are doing something quite a bit more than unskilled labor.
it seems to me that you need an attitude adjustment.
Don't be talking down to those who do tip.We do it because we appreciate the ladies efforts and we "respect" them.
Randall Creed's Avatar
My attitude's perfectly fine, thank you. I had it checked out the other day. No calibration required.

Hey, if tipping's your thing, rock on. The only time I've done is when the session was off the charts good....or the rare occasion that I didn't have smaller denominations. I think in some instances tipping can send wrong messages. If I had a great time with a woman she'll be etched in my mind, making me want to see her again and again. Given the vastness of Dallas' provider market, repeat business is about the biggest 'tip' you can give these ladies. There are new providers sprouting up everyday with bodies built for sin that are a couple good reviews away from owning the market. That said, there are some that I've seen once and want to see again, but the timing just haven't worked out.

As far appreciating their effort goes, you mean to tell me you don't love the crispness of freshly pressed shirt, or a sharp crease in your slacks? That 'how are you doing?' from the cashier doesn't brighten your day at all? Not even just a hair?

Just saying...
I normally don't tip if they are a independent because they set their own rates. If they work at a studio then I tip. If the independent is running a special I usually pay their regular rate. If I felt a connection with the provider I leave a tip.
Since many of the ladies I see don't actually consider themselves providers, I am not sure if it is really a tip, or just me trying to guess what they think is an acceptable rate.

At least one lady told me that the amount I was leaving her was quite satisfactory as long as I also continued to leave her fully satisfied when I left.

And she always makes sure I crawl out the door.
Cowboy2Step's Avatar
I often feel like a session is a love making not just me getting my rocks off, so I am wanting to please them as well... I almost feel like leaving a tip makes my visit that much more of a business transaction, cheapens it, and degrades my experience mentally...if they go above and beyond and want to be paid more for those services...charge more...like many of the gentlemen have stated the best "tip" is a repeat customer, in a market that is flooded and is a "buyers" market with so many choices, so few hours and limited resources that should be the best compliment.
bkat6049's Avatar
The only way I won't leave a tip is if the service is just "average"... For the most part I'm quite happy with the ladies I choose to see.. Matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I didn't leave a tip...

It may be in the form of cash, gift card, alcohol or chocolates.... It's just me and what I choose to do... Everybody has their own deal and that's OK too, but I just feel better leaving a tip...
deere's Avatar
  • deere
  • 01-18-2010, 06:53 PM
I always tip 20% first time, everytime... I'm a capitalist:flag_ schweiz: and I love to earn money...and then I love to put it back in circulation... Sometimes I believe my tipping has led to outstanding performance and great over the top treatment...with others it is taken for granted and I remember that when deciding who to visit (or revisit) next...

Hey! its only money... we can make more of it!!!
When mentioning the cab drivers, dry cleaners, etc. above...I would like to say that not always but certainly on occasion I DO tip random people. I have also on many occasions ATTEMPTED to tip people who had helped me only to be turned down.

I just like to treat people well when they are helpful or very courteous to me. As far as EXPECTING tips: I'll say it again, I NEVER expect a tip because I always try to treat everyone the best I possibly can. IF a gentleman or lady leaves me a tip, it really makes me feel good because I feel like I have done a good service for them.

My dad always buys lunch when we go out on Sundays and he is a notoriously cheap tipper. Of course, he IS on a very limited income so I always supplement his tip or any other people I may be out with if I don't think they are tipping enough. That's just me, I don't think badly of folks who don't, it's just a personal choice.
I asked for change once from 3-100's on a $250/hour and provider was offended...Ooops. I got my $50 though. I seldom tip but I do gift...bath salts, candles, wine etc...