Etiquette on a dinner date

I don't want to eat with the lady. I want to eat her(pussy).
It all comes back to the fact it's my money and that is what I want.
Why exactly would you want to take a provider on a dinner date? Traditionally dinner dates are to impress so the night will hopefully lead to some pussy time. With a provider there will be pussy time caz you are paying for it, ie pussy. Originally Posted by bill sins
Some of us are great company. My services aren't all about pussy, there's more to me than that...for those with the maturity and desire to see beyond pussy.

I find that most clients I see prefer the total package, not just one aspect of it.

I also find that Dinner dates allow me to get to know my clients better and have a great time, you know, beyond the dick.
I have had a many nice dinner dates over the years with providers and have enjoyed every minute of them.
When you are out of town on business it gets old dining by yourself and having a good looking woman to dine with is a treat.
I have always treated the provider just like I do a civilian date and treat her with the same respect and class I would give any woman I would chose to dine with and go to a top of the line restaurant where we can both enjoy the food. Make the whole thing an experience for the both of you and usually after a good night out with food and drinks leads to good time back at hotel. I prefer to take a lady that I have previously seen that way you can talk about food choice, drinks, any type payment to be made and where that payment will be made before hand and its as simple as that..Most providers enjoy a good meal and most don't charge for the meal time if your dropping a hundred or more on food and drinks
but some do and that's when you meet in the bar area or lounge before hand or just meet at there place and drive them to dinner.
Its a date just like with any other lady ive ever dated and just enjoy your time together.
Becca Wooly my thoughts exactly. Dallas and I have gone to dinner every time we have met. I so enjoy dinners where we can "cool" down after a romp in the hay. I guess thinking back on it I have gone to dinner with the majority of the providers that I have been with. I don't see any ladies that often but when I do I like to have fun. I recall several late nights at the Pancake house after parties with providers that were a blast also. In Houston with Fancy in heels and her magnificent chest full of names that drew the attention of every one there. I try to arrange my appointment to be near dinner time.