Time for a touchy one


I think a lot of what you've said has some merit. Most of the modstaff on ECCIE is drastically overwhelmed right now, I don't think any of us expected ECCIE to take off like it did. It's amazing, we've doubled the "most people online" that there ever was on the site and we've done it with less staff members. That being said, moderators do what they can, when they can. I'm blessed to own my own business and sit in front of a computer for most of the day and can generally get to issues fairly quickly.

I don't know how feasible it's going to be to have 1 mod from each major city that is represented in Upstate NY. My suggestion is to work on getting 1 or 2 more mod's from that general direction (meaning U. NY area). As the area grows add more staff members to accommodate the growth.

FWIW, many forums on ECCIE have an Admin listed in the modstaff list so we get the email alerts and updates even though we don't have much time to actively contribute to the forums.

To anyone that is wanting or willing to step up, please take some time to read the ECCIE mission statement. Make sure you not only believe in that statement but are willing to adhere to it. Also know that once you put on the "mod hat" your view of the hobby will forever be changed...how you take that is entirely up to you.

edr1322's Avatar
Well said LAP. I believe GP would be a great Mod. When he made some really good points and got bashed and none of the Mods said anything but to move on. GP has brought alot to this board andthe other site. If I am out of line. I apologise to you LAP. GP keep up the good work. ED
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-04-2010, 08:30 PM
Thanks for the response LAP. And thank you Ed for the kind words, however I personally do not feel I am the man for the job at this time. We have many other fine people in Upstate NY who are quite capable.

So come on, lets hear those names! Now is not the time to be shy!
edr1322's Avatar
TDaBr's Avatar
  • TDaBr
  • 03-05-2010, 04:21 AM
While I choose to stay a bit out of the limelight here lately, I've got to step in here. GP, even though you claim not to have a vendetta against individuals, your constant mention of Jbonz belies that. You also weaken your case by mentioning that you have sought the Mod position.
I can't think of anything here that has not been addressed timely. Who cares whether it is Jbonz, LAP, Eli or GFE that does it? It gets done, and in my less-than-humble opinion, it gets done pretty damn well! (And better than in prior boards where civility was on the wane)
I do see Jbonz regularly and I know what he does behind the scenes. Your criticism of him is mid-directed. Had you started this off by directing some questions via PM to the exisiting Mods, you would have been better informed rather than making unfounded accusations. I would have also had more respect for your post if it introduced the topic in general, rather than immediately turing personal.
A mod in each city is laudable, but not necessary. I'll leave it up to the current mods/admin to decide whether they are overloaded.
A female mod is a good suggestion. I think they would bring a POV to the care and keeping of this board that would improve it. Chloe has shown that she is not afraid to take on issues. Her real life might preclude further involvement. Chloe? Other mods?

Just my two cents. I've been here and on ASPD for MANY years. I can truly say that I have never seen the board in better shape than it is now!! My thanks and appreciation to the Mods/Admins for the fine job they are doing!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-05-2010, 07:34 AM
Thank you for your comments. Even if they are contrary to mine, they are appreciated.

I said I have no vendetta. If you can not believe that, then sobeit. Not everyone in life will agree with me and I can live with that. I have said it before and I will say it again, I am only looking to improve what we have here. I have nothing personal against jbonz. Him and I have always gotten along fine in the past. I was incorrect in my claim about him not doing "the job" and I apologized. HOWEVER, I was not wrong in my claim about his participation as a member of this forum and contributing to the general discussion. I understand your view as far as me applying for the job in the past. I considereded not even mentioning it, but I want to be completely transparent (Not something usually seen in this day and age). That is why I do not want it now. This way there are no "sour grapes" so to speak.

A mod in each city is laudable, but not necessary. I'll leave it up to the current mods/admin to decide whether they are overloaded. Originally Posted by TDaBr
I think this has already been answered by the mods and admins.

I think a lot of what you've said has some merit. Most of the modstaff on ECCIE is drastically overwhelmed right now, I don't think any of us expected ECCIE to take off like it did Originally Posted by lickalotapus
Yes, I've been a bit over busy these past few months with some personal things going on. Business has taken me out of town a lot more than normal and more than a few things have popped up at home. So, my hobbying has been a bit restricted lately and therefore my posting. Originally Posted by jbonz
I can't find the time to participate and I find myself wondering how you guys find it! Originally Posted by Eli
While gfe's and LAPs efforts have been greatly appreciated here in New York, please know that these assignments have been temporary and will likely be dropped as we add local help. They've got their hands full in their own local areas. Originally Posted by St.Christopher
offshoredrilling's Avatar

To anyone that is wanting or willing to step up, please take some time to read the ECCIE mission statement. Make sure you not only believe in that statement but are willing to adhere to it. Also know that once you put on the "mod hat" your view of the hobby will forever be changed...how you take that is entirely up to you.

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
Well the ECCIE mission statement(above link) that I just reread is good. And LAP stated "your view of the hobby will change forever". But I would think your veiw of the board will also change. And how you act, what threads you start, what you say in posts to other threads, ect. will change. It is not something someone would want to just jump into with thinking long and hard first.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 03-05-2010, 12:09 PM
OSD, I could not agree more. You are 100% correct. A mod can and should still participate, but has to be OH SO careful not to take sides. They can still have opinions, but they just have to be careful in how and where they do participate.
  • jbonz
  • 03-06-2010, 05:08 AM

No offense taken from the discussion.. and yes.. if you only knew how many times I have the urge to post yet just bite my tongue and refrain. As I mentioned earlier I tend to watch and listen and as long as things aren't too far out of hand let you guys handle things between yourselves.

I'd also like to suggest a SPONSOR A MOD program where us hard working mods get monthly allowances to allow us to hobby more often! What do you think Eli? :-)
(Just kidding .. sort of )

offshoredrilling's Avatar
SPONSOR A MOD program LOL I do not think Eli or LAP need the penny's.

errrrrr sorry had to

All the mods do more than many think. I have been helped a lot by the ones in TX alot and a bit form jbonz, in the past. And only I and the mod's knew.
skater2's Avatar
Wow.. You guys are way to serious here!! LOL
  • jbonz
  • 03-09-2010, 11:30 AM
On that note I'd like to officially submit my resignation as a mod. I don't see things lightening up much in the next few months and I'm sure there are people out there that have much more time to tend to things than I will. I'd suggest that the board that someone who can be available 24/7 would be much more appropriate. And even though some of the old guard know and respect me I don't think the new folks have that history. Hence, someone who posts daily (or hourly as GP does) probably will garner much more respect than an old fart like myself who has been there and done that and chooses to only step in when absolutely necessary.

Good luck to all.

We wish you best of luck sir, and appreciate the contributions you have made as a staff member. I'm only a PM away should you ever need any assistance with your account in the future. On that note, this thread is closed.

St. C