Joe Biden Financial Search Turns Up Over $5 Illion Unaccounted ForDollars.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Hunter will take a deal ( if anything ) to pay a fine and or probation leaving all this up to Jim Jordon and the new House Judiciary committee to further investigate.

And if Merrick Garland can't convict Trump of a criminal charge before Nov. 8th, he is in deep shit and will along with Joe Biden, be impeached in January. January 6th would be the day I'd choose.
Who gives a shit if they impeach him. Impeachment is no longer a real threat after trump. There’s no expectation the presidents party will care when it gets to the senate.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The evidence is mounting everyday. The Biden family is corrupt and depraved. But the beat goes on. Originally Posted by bambino
Yssup Rider's Avatar


BOOM! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

... That's a cool and mod trick with the duck there.
Surely looks like he's Rage Whining.

... Yes, the evidence of direct ties of Joe Biden to China
and Hunter's business dealings surely come to light with
each passing day.

It will be interesting to see how all this plays out
once Joe is no longer on as president and becomes
"Citizen Biden" once again.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ask a silly question. Get a Daffy answer.

Not today, man.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
...Surely had to bump it one more time. ... Cool-looking!

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
...Surely had to bump it one more time. ... Cool-looking!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Bump that, dude.
Bump that, dude. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

... Mate, that's a good one also!

But we'd better say something that's related to
the thread-topic.

... Lemme se--- Oh... I surely hope President Biden can
explain the extra money there...

... Before those new IRS blokes are on-to him!

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
bump yourself nssup
ICU 812's Avatar
I am not surprised. Who is surprised?

And if this story is not accurate in some way or even if it is totally incorrect, then something else like it is.

The bigger picture is that the puppet masters and string pullers are laying the ground work for replacing President Biden outright, or merely wounding him so that he cannot run in 2024.

Additionally, the conspiracy theorist in me looks for VP Harris to step down, resigne or in some other way replaced first before Mr, in some sudden way, be illness or accident. I look for the replacement for Ms. Harris to be the power broker's pick to replace Mr. Biden.

If the president is replaced before the midterms, that person may only run for one subsequent four year term. If the presidential succession takes place after the midterm election, that person may fill out the current term and is eligible to run twice for president on their own.

There will be several books, a documentary and a dramatic movie about all this by 2030.
... Blimey! ... Good insights from 10 months ago.

And still holding truth today... Just more and more
Biden corruption has been revealed.

#### Salty
... Blimey! ... Good insights from 10 months ago.

And still holding truth today... Just more and more
Biden corruption has been revealed.

#### Salty