Activities list on P411???

gimme_that's Avatar
I don't care to get herpes or the like.........

I prefer to take risks in other parts of my life. Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
You may want to remove those other risks you speak BBBJ, touching, DATY, and kissing from your menu and reviews as well. Herpes only requires skin to skin stripper slide or not you will still possibly contract it unless you take EVERY preventative measure.......

Although you might not personally prefer a stripper slide, it can be linked to you by way of of the trainchain of your reviews. One guys sees a lady for stripper slide then sees you, or see another guy who ask for it that one of your reviewed clients proceed to slobber and suck on the cock in BBBJ with him....and the blessings are passed to you......just saying.
lookingood's Avatar
I don't know. You may be passing up some quality ladies with this approach. I see no harm in asking if your favorite activities are not listed. Also, I see no harm in asking if she lists no activities. She just may not realize it is an option or how to use the option. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
No, I think the providers are missing out on some great clients by not listing activities in their P-411. Like the OP said, she is tired of answering questions because people don't read. There again if there isn't anything to read, then that starts the 20 question game. Those providers that don't list activities and depend on reviews to provide proof of activities doesn't cut it for me. If it doesn't come from the provider it may not be true. When a client relies on a review that lists the activites and he expects the same menu and doesn't get it then you have two unhappy people. I'm happy with my approach of doing things and I don't look back, as it works for me. Most providers don't want to discuss their menu when you ask anyway. I love my P-411 providers.
smoothnsilky's Avatar
Please see previous response regarding my mention of risky behavior. Thanks.

You may want to remove those other risks you speak BBBJ, touching, DATY, and kissing from your menu and reviews as well. Herpes only requires skin to skin stripper slide or not you will still possibly contract it unless you take EVERY preventative measure.......

Although you might not personally prefer a stripper slide, it can be linked to you by way of of the trainchain of your reviews. One guys sees a lady for stripper slide then sees you, or see another guy who ask for it that one of your reviewed clients proceed to slobber and suck on the cock in BBBJ with him....and the blessings are passed to you......just saying. Originally Posted by gimme_that
gimme_that's Avatar
Yes I read your response....but I also called you out on the service you already offer....which in turn present the same risk. Herpes isn't only limited to genatailia contact. But yeah you can avert and warp your mind away from the possibility if needed. No response necessary, your silence is enough.
Logan's Avatar
  • Logan
  • 07-21-2013, 01:33 PM

Um yeah, no thanks. I prefer not to take part in a stripper slide. I don't care to get herpes or the like.

You go right ahead with yourself. Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
Oh...I will go ahead right with myself. Had a couple of nice wet-n-sticky stripper slidez w/ COP this past weekend. Very nice!

I always rinse off with alcohol and then hydrogen peroxide within 30 minutes of a stripper slide. I then follow with a nice moisturizer like Vitamin E oil. Been stripper slidin' for yearz with no problems. If she looks or smells unclean, then I won't ask for a stripper slide.

You may not do a stripper slide, but plenty of P411/Eccie providers that gladly offer this service!!!

Take it from me...Father Stripper Slide
txhunter56's Avatar
I am curious as to how many clients actually read the activities list on P411 because I get the impression that NO ONE DOES! Does it take up to much time to actually go through the list that a provider puts out there for you to read?

I have had to tell I don't know how many clients it's a big 'ol HELL NO on the stripper slide crap!!!! (GROSS!!!) And I am not submissive nor am I PSE!

It sure would ease a lot of issues if guys actually did some homework on a lady before going to see someone.

How much easier can it get?? Originally Posted by smoothnsilky
I check the activities list! It's part of the research process.
I always read EVERYTHING I can find on a Provider BEfORE I make the first contact. I want to know everything I can, so I can make the best decision. This hobby is great when Provider and Client match well. It's a complete waste of time, when they don't. Originally Posted by 65wolf
I totally agree. I always review everything I can find. There are several things I enjoyed and are sometimes listed on P411 and when you read the reviews you find out otherwise. I'm temporarily retired for physical reasons (prostate problems). I do believe it is Ok to put a 'yes' on a review where you didn't completely enjoy the services. If the gents put a 'no' every time there was some little thing wrong, many ladies couldn't earn a yes. It is a business. We don't want the ladies bad mouthing us do we?