Flash websites

  • npita
  • 04-20-2010, 12:24 AM
I'm quite familiar with the HTML5 spec and I have yet to come across the '<informative>' tag. Good and bad website design is just that - design. Don't fall for Apple's propaganda regarding Adobe.
Who gives a shit about HTML5, apple and adobe or whatever? HTML 2.0 is good enough to create a great website for any purpose relevant to providers and clients.

In the meantime, you're skipping hulu and the other 70% of video-enabled websites? Not into porn I guess? Have fun with that.
No, I'm skipping 100% of the video enabled websites. I'd rather be having sex than watching it.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I agree with this. Flash is NOT required. Just don't listen to anyone who tells you that HTML5 is the answer. It won't be for years. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
While Flash does suck donkey dick, a site with unnecessary HTML5 crap would be bad, too.

Give me the info, give me good pictures. I don't need dancing babies that poop out moving links to other pages or flaming dogs that chase my cursor around the screen. I don't want to be impressed by your web designer. I want to find my info and be impressed by the lady it's promoting.

There are some sites that have some fancy function that warrants Flash. Provider web sites don't. Info, links, pictures, that's it.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Using flash means going to a lot of extra effort for the sake of reducing the number of guys who can view your site. The ``best'' you can do is also the easiest - not use flash. Originally Posted by npita
Ya know...one of my favorite sayings is...KISS Keep is Simple, Sweets!

So, the site I'm using is a generic layout that has a few bells and whistles. I like to add at least a little personality to show who I am and that I have some. If I really thought the consensus was to have a plain site that contained only my statistical info with a couple of sexy "mugshots" thrown up was the best way to market myself and stand out from the masses of gorgeous ladies out there, I would totally go that route.

I actually learned a few things back in "the day" when creating websites was fun for me and advertising and marketing was a part of my every day life. There has been so much advancement in technology since I was in school and working in that field though....I seriously had no idea there was an HTML5. So, I'm gettin' some learning here....and everyone knows I love to learn something new! Hate that we have a 5 and I totally have missed 2, 3 & 4. LOL I'm never gonna catch up! sigh

No one answered my question about being able to see showcases on the iphone. Let me know. Since I don't have one of these fancy gizmos...I'm not really sure what can be seen and what can't. Until this thread, I didn't know there were issues. I guess I shouldn't assume that all technology is everything we all want it to be.

btw...went in to pay my personal telephone bill the other day and checked out the new DROID. It was kewl and I was tempted, but refrained due to my lack of technical knowledge and abilities these days. I got a few other gents,....ummm, I mean things, that keep me busy. '-) Anywho...the screens are kinda small and I wear glasses to read, so I enjoy working where I have a bigger screen and am able to see what I'm doing. I occasionally carry around my "pink" (I'm a pink freak...ya ought to see the hot new bright pink bra and panty set I got at Victoria Secret yesterday....yummy) DELL mini laptop in case I need to run by somewhere and check my mail while out and about. I thought I was being tech savvy being able to do that. WALDT....my first time ever using this acronym! LOL

Think I'm gonna take a break, go put on my overalls and head out back to the garden. My tomaters are poppin' up and I gotta do some weedin'. Can an iphone do that? HA! LOL Happy day everyone! xoxo
You could also just do an HTML mirror of a flash site and give the site's visitor an option to pick which they want.

When I first built my new site, I had the flash or html option. If you clicked html, it brought you to a very simple site. If you clicked flash, it brought you to a page that said "this is still under construction" (lame, I know. But halfway through making the flash site, my desktop with Adobe flash on it decided to die on me).

Nobody knew that the flash site was "under construction" from the front page.

So as I do, about once a month, I looked at my site's stats and out of all the clicks received between the two options, only 4 chose to click the flash version. And for all I know, those 4 clicks could have been from one person trying to see when the flash version was ready lol. So I said "screw it" and decided not to waste my time on the flash site.


While looking at the browsers and OS used by my sites' visitors, I was quite surprised!

Top OS:
Unknown (I'm guessing these are mobile users)
Nintendo Wii
Sony PlayStation Portable
Unknown Unix system

Windows BY FAR is the most used OS, but the difference between Mac and what I can only assume are mobile (Probably Android) users was very small. What shocked me is that so many people use their Wiis and PSP to search for escorts. Then again, I use my Wii and PSP to surf the web all the time too lol.

Top Browsers:
MS Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Motorola Browser

Again, I'm assuming that "unknown" accounts for people browsing on their mobile phones. That's still 9.9% of my site's visitors.

Those stats, combined with the fact that many sites (TER, CityVibe and Eros, among others) are leaning towards reaching out to the mobile-user market have pretty much convinced me that I need to do the same. Instead of my home-page saying "flash or html," I'm in the process of making a mobile version and it will soon say "full version or lite version." Maybe I'll just have it autodetect mobile browsers and auto re-direct them to the mobile version.

All this to say... as business owners, it's in the best interest of providers to take a look at our site statistics from time to time and also not to discount the opinions of (polite and non-condescending) customers and potential customers simply because the status-quo appears to be working out (for now).

Privacy is going to be a concern for the hobbyist with a wife and kids who may be trying to get on his computer all the time (not to mention that because of this he can't bookmark sites) and at work where adult sites may be blocked. Using a mobile device to access escort sites DOES seem like it's the most logical solution to those problems and some in the industry have already realized that and are trying to tap into that market. Sooner or later the rest of us will follow suit.
ForeverYoung's Avatar
Privacy is going to be a concern for the hobbyist with a wife and kids who may be trying to get on his computer all the time (not to mention that because of this he can't bookmark sites) and at work where adult sites may be blocked. Using a mobile device to access escort sites DOES seem like it's the most logical solution to those problems and some in the industry have already realized that and are trying to tap into that market. Sooner or later the rest of us will follow suit. Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore
Veronica, you sound like one smart lady to me. I use my iphone more and more for everything from provider reviews to buying stock. Apple is not my favorite company, but the hand writing is on the wall. Mobil devices are on a fast track, whether Windows or Mac based. Checkout some of the top porno sites! They have or are developing sites that will support the mobile market. As you aptly state.... "Sooner or later the rest of us will follow suit".

Smart sites and ladies will keep moving with the technology.... pain in the ass or not. Just my thoughts.
Smart sites and ladies will keep moving with the technology.... pain in the ass or not.

Staying on top of technology is just one more part of being a provider. I'm sure years ago, there were many providers who didn't think they needed to be on the internet/have websites too.

Yeah... a lot of things having to do with running your own business are a pain in the ass. If it was always easy, everyone would own their own businesses lol
Boltfan's Avatar
Apple is notorious for having "leading edge" products that are without features that many of their counter parts have had for years.

There are several phones that have flash browsers. If you have that need I would suggest buying one of them. You can always swap your sim if you want to keep your AT&T service.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 04-29-2010, 07:57 AM
Apple's latest thoughts on Flash... it's old-school tech.
Apple's latest thoughts on Flash... it's old-school tech.
http://www.apple.com/hotnews/thoughts-on-flash/ Originally Posted by S-Man
Unfortunately for Steve Jobs (who wrote that little memo), Flash is not old-school tech (even with its issues), and will not become old-school tech until something replaces it. (Like HTML5...which we have already stated...won't be a standard for many years to come) Apple is a minority competitor in the Computer Market...with 8% Market Share, I think Mr. Jobs hardly knows whats best for the rest of us. No Thanks Apple.

A complete lie on Apple's behalf is where they call Flash the "closed" system and infer to Apple's App Store as the "open" system. This could not be FARTHER from the truth.
ANYONE can create a flash app and post it on their website or create flash content and use it wherever they wish. Try doing that with the App Store...guess what, can't do it unless Apples approves. I don't understand Steve's logic.


Mr. Jobs and some frenzied analysts may enjoy positioning Flash as a dying technology but let us just look at the facts as they stand today:
o 1.2 billion mobile phones are Flash-capable
o 70 percent of online gaming sites run Flash
o 98 percent of Internet-enabled desktops use it
o 85 percent of top 100 Web sites use Flash
o No. 1 platform for video on the Web – 75 percent of all videos use Flash, including Hulu, Disney and YouTube
o 2-3-million-person Flash developers community
o 90 percent of creative professionals have Adobe software on their desktops

With numbers and penetration rates like that, the better question is why would I not choose to support this technology? None of the facts indicate that Adobe Flash is disappearing anytime soon.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I don't understand Steve's logic. Originally Posted by dentonseek
Steve Job's logic on iPhone is exactly the same as Bill Gates's logic was on Windows.

"I have a monopoly. I'll do whatever I darn well please."

He'll get away with it as long as his sheepish customers and our government let him.
  • npita
  • 04-29-2010, 09:47 AM
Smart sites and ladies will keep moving with the technology.... pain in the ass or not. Just my thoughts. Originally Posted by ForeverYoung
Being smart has nothing to do with using the latest technology. Being smart is using whatever gets the job done in the simplest way possible while excluding the fewest potential customers. There is no reason to do something just because you can. That's the sort of thinking that gets a clock put into your toaster as a selling point instead of trying to sell a simple, improved toaster.
Steve Job's logic on iPhone is exactly the same as Bill Gates's logic was on Windows.

"I have a monopoly. I'll do whatever I darn well please."

He'll get away with it as long as his sheepish customers and our government let him. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
You're probably right.

With Mac's security vulnerabilities, i'm surprised there has been corporate adoption of their OS. (in minor numbers).

Once Apple gains another 5 points in market share someone will monoplize that Malware market and then I suspect the Apple increase will stagnate. When you give me overpriced hardware (Intel CPU, Samsung RAM, WD Hard Drive, Matsushits DVDRW, etc) and a replicated OS (rewrite of NEXT, UNIX), paint it white and call it a technological marvel...its only a matter of time before people get the light shined in their eyes.