Monday, January 17th, is MLK Day

bambino's Avatar
so Goldwater is a racist for opposing the Civil Right Act?

you sure about that?

you defending the Deomcratic party for Civil Rights is laughable. the Democrats formed the KKK and Jim Crow. they are why segregation existed for 100 years in the US.

the Democratic party is more racist than Hitler and the NAZI party. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
A far greater percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights act than Democrats.

Our resident stock guru should stick to options trading. He doesn’t know shit about history.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
A far greater percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights act than Democrats.

Our resident stock guru should stick to options trading. He doesn’t know shit about history. Originally Posted by bambino

yes. and if the Wizard knew what he was talking about he'd know why Goldwater reluctantly did not vote for it.

Stance on civil rights

In his first year in the Senate, Goldwater was responsible for the desegregation of the Senate cafeteria after he insisted that his black legislative assistant, Katherine Maxwell, be served along with every other Senate employee.[36]

Goldwater and the Eisenhower administration supported the integration of schools in the south, but Goldwater felt the states should choose how they wanted to integrate and should not be forced by the federal government. "Goldwater criticized the use of federal troops. He accused the Eisenhower administration of violating the Constitution by assuming powers reserved by the states. While he agreed that under the law, every state should have integrated its schools, each state should integrate in its own way."[41] There were high-ranking government officials following Goldwater's critical stance on the Eisenhower administration, even an Army General. "Fulbright's startling revelation that military personnel were being indoctrinated with the idea that the policies of the Commander in Chief were treasonous dovetailed with the return to the news of the strange case of General Edwin Walker."[42]

Goldwater repeatedly introduced amendments to labor bills that would outlaw racial discrimination in labor unions, however, labor unions successfully used their political influence to defeat Goldwater's proposals. Goldwater voted in favor of both Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution but did not vote on the Civil Rights Act of 1960.[43][44][45] While he did vote in favor of it while in committee, Goldwater reluctantly voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when it came to the floor.[46] Later, Goldwater would state that he was mostly in support of the bill, but he disagreed with Title II and VII, which both dealt with employment, making him infer that the law would end in the government dictating hiring and firing policy for millions of Americans.[47]

Congressional Republicans overwhelmingly supported the bill, with Goldwater being joined by only 5 other Republican senators in voting against it.[48][49] It is likely that Goldwater significantly underestimated the effect this would have, as his vote against the bill hurt him with voters across the country, including from his own party. In the 1990s, Goldwater would call his vote on the Civil Rights Act, “one of his greatest regrets."[35]
VitaMan's Avatar
so Goldwater is a racist for opposing the Civil Right Act?

the Democratic party is more racist than Hitler and the NAZI party. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

It appears you said that about Goldwater. I didn't.

Good luck with Hitler and the NAZI party.
VitaMan's Avatar
A far greater percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights act than Democrats. Originally Posted by bambino

History shows the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law by a Democratic administration.

History shows the Republican nominee for President in 1964 opposed the Civil Rights Act.

Are you trying to spin history now, or what is the point of your post ? Would you like to request an audit of history ?

Just stick to your search for MASSIVE election fraud. You have what is it now, over 1000 posts on that topic alone ? No time to stop now.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It appears you said that about Goldwater. I didn't.

Good luck with Hitler and the NAZI party. Originally Posted by VitaMan

it's the truth mr wizard

Goldwater would state that he was mostly in support of the bill, but he disagreed with Title II and VII, which both dealt with employment, making him infer that the law would end in the government dictating hiring and firing policy for millions of Americans.[47]

... Was THAT the same Democrat President who sent
the US soldiers to Viet-Nam??

#### Salty
LexusLover's Avatar
Good luck with Hitler and the NAZI party. Originally Posted by VitaMan
That's about all you all have left. "Good luck" ...

With your Nazi leader at around officially 33% these days there will be a peaceful removal of your Nazi party and the fraudulently indicted peaceful protestors will be released at most on time served.

Your CommunistSocialistLiberalNaziN onDemocratic "fun" will be over.

I can see you are celebrating the death of MLK.
LexusLover's Avatar
A far greater percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights act than Democrats. Originally Posted by bambino
Actually, it was "Old White Men" who installed the Civil Rights Act.
LexusLover's Avatar
History shows the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed into law by a Democratic administration. Originally Posted by VitaMan
History SHOWED that Kennedy was opposed to it, BECAUSE ...

...he was afraid he would lose the South in a midterm election.

But one would have to be knowledgeable about history through living it and/or studying it in time ... as opposed to tweaking and internet searching for the REWRITTEN and SANITIZED history of the current CommunistSocialistLiberalNazis Party "led" be a demented fool and an incredibly dumb VP who facilitate the Search engine private companies to redirect and control searches.

Johnson was able to get it through on Kennedy's death, trading funding for a Tennessee watering project, and tweaking the statute to allow enforcement litigation to be conducted in state courts as well as Federal courts, which was a teaser for the South. I suppose he was trying to "make good" for his wife, whose family were slave owners.
I suppose he was trying to "make good" for his wife, whose family were slave owners. Originally Posted by LexusLover
after slavery ended things in certain areas were still quite fuedal

the blacks in karnac texas, 15 miles from the lousiana border called Mr. Taylor (Lady Bird's father), "Mr. Boss"

“My father was a very strong character, to put it mildly,” Lady Bird said. “He lived by his own rules. It was a whole feudal way of life, really.”
LexusLover's Avatar
after slavery ended things in certain areas were still quite fuedal... Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Some public buildings in upper East Texas still have THE designated "Colored" restroom, although the sign is not there anymore, and the designated old oak tree in the square where the building is standing with the strong horizontal limp still intact.

I'm surprised the little chicken shits in Washington and Oregan didn't come down to East Texas and attempt to burn down those government buildings and trees outside ...

... perhaps confirmation they are little chicken shits.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your seem like deep east texas, LL.

More like Vidor.

Why don’t you get your “buddies” to guard those sacred trees and protect our cultured heritage?

You’re a character out of O Brother Where Art Thou!

John Goodman’s character in fact.

Thanks for making sure this post went exactly where you boys were bound to take it…

Class Act LLman.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yet in cancel culture austin we renamed TOWN LAKE to lady bird lake. Oh well. They let those rabies infested mexican free tailed bats crap tons of guano directly into the lake. But upstream on Bull Creek a dog cant shit near it.

Crapin yiminey
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dogs have been getting sick in town lake and lake Austin.
This Thread has gone in the direction you refer too because the Liberal/Socialist/Progressive/Democrats have taken the message of the Great Dr King, and even the esteemed Congress Woman Barbara Jordan, and turned them upside down and inside out to fit the current narrative of the modern “poverty pimps”.

The biggest insult to Barbara Jordan is manifested in the people who have held her Congressional Seat after her death. The worst being Sheila Jackson Lee.