Does extreme partisanship in political discussion help or hurt the country?

berryberry's Avatar
and that’s ALL there was, not an iota of evidence of ‘muh cullushin’. The meddling boiled down to what, some Facebook adds, half of them for Hillary? If that’s how Russians meddle in elections they are pikers compared to us. The US is the heavyweight champ of fucking with foreign elections. Obonga openly sent his political death squadron into Israel to get Bibi out, just to name one. Trump wasn’t charged because there was nothing to change him with, if you believe it’s anything else I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Probably a real bad idea to bring up Ukraine. They were all in for Hillary, and were shitin bricks when she lost. The only collusion with foreign countries wasn’t on Trump’s side, he didn’t even have the connections to do it if he wanted to and they all figured he was going to lose anyways so why bother. Do you know who did have those kind of connections and certainly the will to use them? A former Secretary of State. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You are wasting your breath. Eye has been schooled on this numerous times by numerous different people. He still clings to this delusional fantasy fed to him by the libtards at CNN, MSNBC and others even though he has been proved wrong. Its a sorry state of affairs that he has lost the ability to recognize fact from fiction.
eyecu2's Avatar
Yeah ok bud. The facts are the facts. You're denial doesn't change them.

Where's all this Durham stuff these days BTW? Hahhahaaaha
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Yeah ok bud. The facts are the facts. You're denial doesn't change them.

Where's all this Durham stuff these days BTW? Hahhahaaaha Originally Posted by eyecu2
The facts are that the entire collusion narrative was made up out of whole cloth and try as they might for years, with armies of lawyers and journalists, they found nothing, which isn’t surprising.
eyecu2's Avatar
Cept for this: Over the course of his nearly two-year-long probe, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors have now indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes.

Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and five people sentenced to prison.

But other than that... bupkis. Plus every one of the trumps decided not to participate or give testimony, or could not recall. Convenient amnesia. Apparently you caught it too
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Indictments for what? Anything at all to do with Trump in cahoots with the Russian government, which is supposedly what the investigation was all about? Yeah, didn’t think so. A bunch of Russians who everyone knew damn well would never see the inside of a courtroom, which is why they were the ones indicted.

Keep trying though.

Edit: Here’s the complete list. Where’s the ‘collusion’ or anything remotely resembling it? You’ve got some tax issues, a few process crimes, and some Russians who they knew would never testify thrown in for window dressing so the investigators didn’t look totally useless.

From the article:
But Mueller did not charge or suggest charges for anyone on one of the biggest questions he faced: whether the Trump campaign worked with the Russians to influence the election.
berryberry's Avatar
Indictments for what? Anything at all to do with Trump in cahoots with the Russian government, which is supposedly what the investigation was all about? Yeah, didn’t think so.

From the article:
But Mueller did not charge or suggest charges for anyone on one of the biggest questions he faced: whether the Trump campaign worked with the Russians to influence the election. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

He knows this, it's been pointed out to him several times before. He just continues to be in denial over it
bambino's Avatar