Why Does Texas Breed So Many Deplorables ?

dpst is a mouthful. wouldn't it be just easier to call them DPF (Democratic Progressive Fascist ) Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I agree. The "Democratic" part fits perfect, just like "the Democratic Republic of Germany", "the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea", or any of the myriad of Thugocracys that expound the same ideas as our own Democrat Party.
themystic's Avatar
I agree. The "Democratic" part fits perfect, just like "the Democratic Republic of Germany", "the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea", or any of the myriad of Thugocracys that expound the same ideas as our own Democrat Party. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Should we start calling you CNA-( Conservative Nazi Authoritarians)? You know like Russia or Saudi Arabia? Since we want to be good friends and everything.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I wish Texans were thinking America First before they killed Kennedy. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I wish Robert Bowers was thinking America first, before he picked off 11 Jews in Pittsburgh, some 55 years after Kennedy was killed in Dallas.

I voted for Trump.. and Beto. that hardly makes me a Right-Winger. I am a proud Deplorable, however. the moment I heard that term from your Bitch's mouth, there wasn't a chance in Hell I was voting Hillary.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Serious question and not meant as a insult so please don’t take it that way! Every time someone post something in response to something I may say, I look at where they are from and it’s slmost always Texas. They always seem to have very conservative deplorable views. I know Texas has good people as it’s turning bluer each year and soon will be a liberal state. However, so many posters on this board seem to originate in Texas and have such old antiquated views that it makes me wonder why? Is every conservative deplorable in Texas a eccie member, sure seems like it! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Its a big state. We like to pack them in.
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  • 12-14-2018, 09:40 AM

I voted for Trump.. and Beto. that hardly makes me a Right-Winger. I am a proud Deplorable, however. the moment I heard that term from your Bitch's mouth, there wasn't a chance in Hell I was voting Hillary. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If that is your reason, you were never voting for her.

They're both crooked as fuck.

I'd vote for Putin before either of those two.
Ronin3's Avatar
Interesting thoughts here. I’m a Yankee by birth and Texan by choice. Room for improvement no matter where you look so I won’t offer any thoughts there. Having lived and worked in PA for some years I can tell you it’s pretty much Philly at one end, Pittsburgh on the other, and Alabama in the middle. So nothing derogatory is warranted towards Texas. And Oswald was born in New Orleans. And as was pointed out, lived in Minsk longer than Dallas. Hardly makes him russsian but he certainly wasn’t a Texan.
pleasurem's Avatar
So, you are saying: Anyone with any sense ( who refused to vote for HC ) is a deplorable?

In 2008 I didn’t vote, in 2012 I voted to get that idiot out of office... I had no opinion on him until the first time he addressed the nation after the election, he wasn’t ready to be president, he never was, never will be... now you guys love Beto, another moronic fuck!!!