New Orlean's Women's March Called Off

So the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which is an arm of the Democratic Party and known terrorist group has withdrawn its support of the Women's March which is an arm of the Democratic Party and known terrorist group.

Why? Antisemitism by the leadership of the Women's march. But if you look at the leadership, they are the same people who organized all the violent protests after Trump's election. The same people who were also thrown out of the Senate Kavanaugh hearings.

Where's the mainstream media on this?
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So the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which is an arm of the Democratic Party and known terrorist group has withdrawn its support of the Women's March which is an arm of the Democratic Party and known terrorist group.

Why? Antisemitism by the leadership of the Women's march. But if you look at the leadership, they are the same people who organized all the violent protests after Trump's election. The same people who were also thrown out of the Senate Kavanaugh hearings.

Where's the mainstream media on this? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Im sorry for your pain gnad. I know that women have really been punking out the new GOP lately. Thank God this march was stopped. Look at what Nancy Pelosi is doing to Trump. Im not sure your people could be traumatized any further by a bunch of women. These women were thrown out of the rapist Kavanaughs hearing?
So the Women's March is led by Jew and Men hating beta females with the complicity of the DNC...until the DNC finds out about it. Which is strange because the DNC is led by Christian and white male hating beta females and beta black men.

So how did The Women's March have all this media power for two years? The Demomedia led by outrage for Hillary's non-coronation.
What's funny is Debbie Wasserman-Schulz is SHOCKED! Let the "local groups" take up the slack...which don't get funding by the DNC.

With the Dem take over of the House, the DNC doesn't have to keep throwing money at the charade...or so they think.
I actually support abortion, especially in the case where liberals might be having a baby, but these Farrakhan supporting assholes need to go.