This might be a hard concept to understand...

Lana Warren's Avatar
I need a hot and sexy man to keep me warm and my brain thawed. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
When you find him, ask him if he has a single brother!
When you find him, ask him if he has a single brother! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Well, no, but I think Lillybet would be willing to share -- and I'm certainly willing to be shared.

See ya Tuesday, EW
Lana Warren's Avatar
Well, no, but I think Lillybet would be willing to share -- and I'm certainly willing to be shared.

See ya Tuesday, EW Originally Posted by OldTimeBuddie
Just great......I'm always a bridesmaid, never a a bride! LOL!
Just great......I'm always a bridesmaid, never a a bride! LOL! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Sorry, a ring is *not* on the table.

Well, not one for your left hand, anyway...

I'll consider other sorts of rings, tho
...I do have to say, I've had the warm wash cloth after and its quite wonderful, but I've never had a lady take off and dispose of the wrapper for me, ever. Ahh to just lay there after, be cleaned up and then crawl back up next to me, pull the covers over us and say, to hell with the clock lets sleep. ok sorry was dreaming there. Originally Posted by st929
I have this happen on a regular basis. And it is heaven
I have this happen on a regular basis. And it is heaven Originally Posted by Bubba3452

But I did, too -- T loved "sleep snuggles"

Damn, I miss that girl
Nope... dont have provider status b/c obviously i dont post here... Plus it would be a waste of time... i suck up 2 no one... sorry you have to advertise here ... but fortunatley for me i dont have to! And its not that its bad just some of the things the men on here say are rude! Just b/c she asked about flushing a condom! WOW! I get on here to read alerts reviews and things of that nature! Just to keep myself informed!! THATS ALL! Makes for good Gossip!! LMAO!!
Nope... dont have provider status b/c obviously i dont post here... Plus it would be a waste of time... i suck up 2 no one... sorry you have to advertise here ... but fortunatley for me i dont have to! And its not that its bad just some of the things the men on here say are rude! Just b/c she asked about flushing a condom! WOW! I get on here to read alerts reviews and things of that nature! Just to keep myself informed!! THATS ALL! Makes for good Gossip!! LMAO!! Originally Posted by CuTe BLoNDe
Curious -- the only rude responses I've seen here have been *yours* including your responses to well meaning PMs.

No one is suggesting you "suck up" to anyone, just remain civil. Oh, and BTW: you *do* post here (for no apparent reason other than to vent your spleen) or there wouldn't be anything to which I could have responded.

If all you want is to read reviews (which you are apparently unwilling to learn from) and alerts, I suggest you stop posting -- you are doing yourself no good by crapping all over everyone here, and in fact are demonstrably hurting your potential business.

< /rant >

B*tchy response in 3, 2, 1...
Back to the original post, from a guys perspective,

Close the door when you go to the bathroom

Leave it the way you found it, if the seat is down put it back down.

And if you shower don't drip water all over the toilet seat because if you do now she will think you pissed all over the toilet seat.

If I want a girlfriend experience then I try to treat her place the way I would at my girlfriend's house

How would you feel is you went into the bathroom at the beginning of a session and found a condom floating in the toilet bowl

and by the way if she doesn't clean me up and leaves me to do it myself, that is ok, because I will not be back, but in the mean time will not leave a mess behind, at GFE rates don't want to have to clean myself up.
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 12-19-2010, 02:14 PM
Scratch that one off the list.

You mean if I am to treat the providers incall like a gf's place does that mean I can put my old boots up on the table? LOL.
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
Well , I'd like to point out I took the advice and put it into action, so thanks, i always appreciate the tips (:
GabrielaSweetheart's Avatar
but still.....


I cant control how you use the bathroom and what you do in there, and in no way do i care to assist you with that. Just a little friendly tip (;

But it doesnt bug me THAT bad. I get over it as soon as its gone when i clean up after you leave.
hwygnome's Avatar

It seems like more and more guys don't quite grasp this.
Originally Posted by GabrielaSweetheart


What the hell! Can you splain(think lucy) it to my momma. The flush part not the rest. (sesh)
Caitie Mae's Avatar
Please lift the seat when you lift the lid.

Please lower the lid when you lower the seat.

Please flush.

Gentlemen who cannot make the target (target = in the bowl) with every drop are kindly requested to lift the lid only and make use of the seat.