Welcome new members!

Indiana Bone's Avatar
Glad to see all the usual suspects are showing up. SP Hunter, Introuble, Tex Tush Hog and others i agree this is going to be a great site. Oh look i'm under Reagan again now i have to shall we say have to have the real deal. I'll be looking for you in May when i come to town. LOL, IB
Fast Eddie's Avatar
Well just like everyone has noted this has the potential to be a great site. Thanks to Becky for tipping me off. it's great that everyone is beginnng to show up. Fast Eddie
Imagine That's Avatar
This is going to be a great site. All we need now is a CHAT room.

Fastloop's Avatar
I guess this is the place to be now. It doesn't have that old familiar smell yet but looks like it will get there.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Welcome Everyone!! Sit down, kick back, and join in on the fun.
Beatnik's Avatar
Becky, thanks for the invitation to come over.

Well look who is here, too!
Glad to be here, seeing the same familiar faces, and also some new ones!

Well I have no idea how anyone got my contact info but I am damn sure glad they did. It is nice to be included when you are a low profile guy.

Thanks for the invite and the site looks great. This could be a real gem.

Hi all ......looks like everyone is getting here slowly....
Thanks for the invite to the board Fawn!!

I had an email from Becky, but it went to my spam folder and I hadn't seen it!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 03-30-2009, 05:26 AM
i am just glad to see you made it here......fawn
cheatercheater's Avatar
I have to chime in and thank Becky for the invite here as well. A site where the most gorgeous women in Dallas and Fort Worth meet to greet the horniest men in the area!
Deuce Bigalow's Avatar
Caught up with the Pack.
fun.time.hobbyist's Avatar
Glad to find a new home. Thanks for the email tbone.
  • PL
  • 03-30-2009, 04:49 PM
Good to be on a site with simple clear navigation. Ready to tear some new ones as I figure the mods won't be so quick to point me!

Thanks for putting it together and letting the likes of me on.