Does it really matter to you? BFs, Managers, Bookers or Pimps?

My post was off topic. Sorry. Yeah. I get why the guy was mad. That's not cool at all. If you are going to have an assistant, at least be honest about it. It's not cool to fuck with people's feelings & emotions for your own gain. This is supposed to be an honest profession. Nothing surprises me around here anymore either.
Still Looking's Avatar
I use to think so but even after pimps are exposed it seems like guys still see the girls but more quietly.
fun2come's Avatar
As long as SL is the pimp.... and doesn't hook me up with TS SL.

Seriously, bookers are ok for me (as long as they identify themselves as such).
BFs and pimps not so much, especially when they call me sweetie, honey, or gay stuff like that.
Tequila Rose's Avatar
I don't trust anyone to screen and set up appointments for me. I like things done a certain way and I like all the info. Having a middle man would be to damn much hassel not to mention I don't want to pay anyone to do things I am perfectly capable of doing myself.

It's tricky to get the right level of IOP. You need enough so clients feel a connection and have a great time. But not so much that it's confusing. Providers sometimes lay on IOP to thick to get extra cream from the cash cow. Just as clients sometimes lay on their own IOP to get the milk from the cow for free. Sometimes that games goes to far and feelings get hurt. I wish I knew the sweet spot that made everyone happy however it's different for everyone.