13 million watched GOP debate while Trump/Tucker interview has 245 million views. Bahahahahahahahahahaha

Who knows or cares where the talk went to. Maybe if you included a link we could help you look.

And what does 260 million views in an "enter as often as you like" contest mean? Nothing. It is like a website with a very limited amount of content (one document with 9 false statements in it). A lot of people who go there, see the document (including the bullshit the document contains), and leave the site after a minute or two. That would count as a view. Plus we know the vast majority of views were made by trumpys. Who else would want to spend 2 hours listening to two of the biggest liars in recent history tossing softballs to each other while spreading misinformation. And who but a trumpy would go back multiple times?

Since trump was soundly beat the last time he ran, I'm pretty sure the dems and media aren't frightened or FREIGHTENED he will win again.

The FBI and the DOJ are doing their jobs. They aren't trying to keep trump off the ballot.

If the dems try to keep trump off the ballot, they'll do it legally. They won't end up like trump and company who were named as co-conspirators in multiple indictments.

I know trump had a lot more rallies than Biden did, in spite of covid.

How did that election turn out?
That's exactly right, mate.

Whatever happened to all that "we HOPE Trump is the Repub
nominee 'cause Joe Biden will creme Him" talk?

NOW (with 260 Million views) Trump is leading Joe or they're
"virtually tied" in most of the polls - and the Dems and
liberal news media are surely FREIGHTENED that Trump
may surely Win again.

No wonder the FBI and DOJ are tryin' like Jack-the-Lad
to keep Trump off the ballot.

... Uh... what chance to see Joe Biden do a interview
and draw 2 Million - let-alone 260 Million?? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Hmmmm... How will the Dems "keep Trump off the ballot" legally??

Have 51 past or present members of US Intelligence outright LIE
and claim that Trump colluded with the Russians? ...

Maybe they can create another FAKE dossier...

#### Salty
... Hmmmm... How will the Dems "keep Trump off the ballot" legally??

Have 51 past or present members of US Intelligence outright LIE
and claim that Trump colluded with the Russians? ...

Maybe they can create another FAKE dossier.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I think they'll take it one step further.
Precious_b's Avatar
... Hmmmm... How will the Dems "keep Trump off the ballot" legally??

Have 51 past or present members of US Intelligence outright LIE
and claim that Trump colluded with the Russians? ...

Maybe they can create another FAKE dossier...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

You mean how might donny keep himself off the ballot? Who cares. As Malcolm X said, "Chickens coming home to roost." I swear his cheer squad loves him because they want to believe they can do anything and not be accountable.

And when the Intel community told the former potus the truth, he'd just ignore them. Hell. He couldn't even be bothered to attend the intelligence debriefs. Just like Mueller concluded, he was too stupid to collude. But not for the lack of trying.

And don't y'all forget, Dollar one for the Steele Dossier started around the end of 2015. I've invited all you boys to show me where the libbys put up money before than but you won't. So, keep accepting the fact that you all started the ball for it.
biomed1's Avatar
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