Detriot Files For Bankruptcy

Melissa Harris-Perry’s Delusional Assessment Of Detroit
This is great, michigan taxpayers have foot the bill. Not the rest of us.

David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog 5h
This has to be the stupidest human being to ever put on a black robe and a Tammi Wynette wig
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I haven't seen any Glee (call me Santana) from anyone. What I have seen is one of two things; the proof of the failure of liberalism and the other side chosing to ignore what happened and has been happening for half a century. What you call glee is just the reassurance that we have the proof. None of you will believe it though.

by the way, 98% of the vote in Detroit went for Obama
I haven't seen any Glee (call me Santana) from anyone. What I have seen is one of two things; the proof of the failure of liberalism and the other side chosing to ignore what happened and has been happening for half a century. What you call glee is just the reassurance that we have the proof. None of you will believe it though.

by the way, 98% of the vote in Detroit went for Obama Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No one in their right mind would express any "Glee" over a once booming metropolis like Detroit. Anyone who display or insinuate it is just plain flakey. The hard cold fact is Detroit is falling apart more and more every day. At one time Detroit sported a healthy population of over 1.2 Million people. According to the last census the population of Detroit has dwindled to just over 700,000 and is said to be dropping. Unemployment has stabilized at 16% and the average median house price is just over 52,000. Even more astonishing the average home sale price in Detroit is 7,500, you can almost name your price in Detroit for a house just as long as you can pay cash, cause getting a loan in Detroit is almost unheard of for most folks. Of course this should not be happening, but it is and it could happen to other cities.
pyramider's Avatar
Detroit was a booming metropolis ...40+ years ago. The city made a conscious decision not to be booming or vibrant 40 years ago. They have succeeded, congratulate the fuckers.
No one in their right mind would express any "Glee" over a once booming metropolis like Detroit. Anyone who display or insinuate it is just plain flakey. The hard cold fact is Detroit is falling apart more and more every day. At one time Detroit sported a healthy population of over 1.2 Million people. According to the last census the population of Detroit has dwindled to just over 700,000 and is said to be dropping. Unemployment has stabilized at 16% and the average median house price is just over 52,000. Even more astonishing the average home sale price in Detroit is 7,500, you can almost name your price in Detroit for a house just as long as you can pay cash, cause getting a loan in Detroit is almost unheard of for most folks. Of course this should not be happening, but it is and it could happen to other cities. Originally Posted by acp5762
Their population at it's peak was 1.8 million.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is supposed to surprise us? It's like you telling us the sun is coming up tomorrow morning. The only person you apparently have sympathy for is George Zimmerman. Originally Posted by timpage
BSwine is a compassionate conservative. NOT.
BigLouie's Avatar
Thanks, but I do not think the problem is liberalism except in your own mind and the GOP's philosophy.

Sometimes people fall on hard times and it requires some soul searching to find out what went wrong and to stir up the determination to rise again from the ashes and I think cities need to do that too.

. . . Detroit used to be a strong and vibrant city, but has gone into a slow decline for decades and now has hit rock bottom. What was the fundamental problem and what is the solution? I think a major contributor was how the unions became a parasite that bled the automakers to the point that they could not compete with Japan. A city needs a robust industry and strong production to keep growing, but Detroit seems to have become a broken down old man who has given up on life. Frankly, I find the situation quite sad and disturbing.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Wrong on all counts and so is Whirlaway. Detroit lost 1.1 million citizens since their high point in the 1950s. When you have homes and buildings to support that many people and they leave the tax base dries up and your left with where Detroit is now. Sure there are other US cities with similar size but none had ballooned up to 1.8 million before imploding.

The main reason that people left is that Detroit made crappy cars for a long time. There was a time when cars made in the US had to be replaced after 3-4 years because they started falling apart. When the Asian car companies came in and showed that quality built in was more profitable than selling crappy cars Detroit could not answer. The union wage had some to do with it but US buyers have shown that if you build a quality car they will buy it no matter the price. Let me ask you this, how come foreign car makers can build plants in the US and build profitable cars but US car makers seem to have a hard time doing it?

As for unions, if you saw the TV series about the men who built America you have learned that unions are the result of how the early robber barons treated the workers. If they had treated them fairly and paid a decent wage they would not have had to form unions for a decent wage and a safe place to work.

An interesting thought is, what is to become of Detroit. Will the city continue to lose population until it becomes the first large city ghost town? You would think that things would be so cheap that business would come back to take advantage but it might be past the point of no return.

You can call each other names which most of you seem to be very good at. You can blame just about everyone which most are really good at but few if any can talk about what they see in the future for Detroit and how or what would they do to bring it back.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Woulda , shoulda, coulda the robber barons were a century ago and Detroit, among other great American cities, has been failing for half of that time. The robber barons are gone but the unions are still around. Neo-progressives have some mightly peculiar ideas about how economics works. They understand good time but never acknowledge, much less recognize, the bad times. The private unions won big in the 1970s when they walked out on the Big 3 and got everything they wanted to come back. The union leadership realized that they had a big stick to get anything including bailouts from the government to save the car companies from poor decisions (the K car for one thing). Our car companies got fat and bloated after World War II because they were the only game on the planet for 30 years. Afterwards they were just bloated. The unions forced good deals but won't make any concessions when times were bad. Times are bad now and what do we hear? Lets save the union pension funds, lets save the unions, the unions are not going to give in on wages or benefits. They even have a judge running interference. She is overriding the democratically elected government in order to protect the unions. In this case public unions.
Which brings me to FDR. Even a liberal such as FDR thought it was a very bad idea for public workers to unionize. They would be negotiating with the very people who would need them to be successful. We see the results in Detroit, Chicgo, Washington DC, and to a lesser extent Kansas City. On the local scene we have an airport with three terminals. Nearly everyone likes this airport with open floor plan and ease to get around. The mayor and city council want to spend 1.2 billion to replace the airport. A recent city poll found that over 75% of the people wants this "old" airport but the city is using taxpayer dollars to convince the majority that contracts for construction companies and cronies is what they really want.

It was stated earlier that Detroit passed laws half a century ago that punished the WHITE middle class citizens. Today, a $50,000 house pays over $3,000 in property taxes. I hate to cite a movie but Robocop is pretty close to reality. There is a part of Detroit that is rich, modern buildings, security, and the good life. This is paid for by keeping a majority of the people living pretty close to the bone in a landscape that is closer to a war zone than a modern city. I could almost support a bailout if I though (and I don't) the money was going to really fix things. Any money will go to save unions and their pension funds but not the city.
A lot of cities had to manage their way though tough economic shocks; Houston weathered it's transition from an energy to a highly diversified economy reflecting the 21st century. They did this without isolating it's residents; as Detroit did in the 1970s.

Detroit's problem was poor governance, by liberal Democrats who were both corrupt and inept.

Sound familiar ?
Detroit was a booming metropolis ...40+ years ago. The city made a conscious decision not to be booming or vibrant 40 years ago. They have succeeded, congratulate the fuckers. Originally Posted by pyramider

See post # 29
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

People who laugh at photo shop are a sad bunch...
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I grew up in a suburb of Detroit and left there in 79. I refused to go to Detroit even way back then. The seeds were planted long ago. If it wasn't for the Red Wings, Tigers and Pistons I wouldn't let anybody know I was from there.