"It's all in how you word it."

I'm a Horndog, that's what I do to sniff out the black girls I choose for a session. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I've been operating under the assumption that once you're in sniffing distance it's too late to choose. will reevaluate based on this new info.
2short@desky's Avatar
I'm a Horndog, that's what I do to sniff out the black girls I choose for a session. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yeppers, that would definitely classify you as Horndog....still laughing
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Morgan you didn't know i was part Korean???? LOL Originally Posted by Brandee69
Bitch you so crazy! I am rotfl!
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
To me race and sometimes heritage is very important. I must admit, I glide right over the AA chicks, feel virtually no arousal whatsoever, and am generally turned off completely by AA street slang. That said, I would look very closely at a black chick from Portuguese or Italian colonies. They do have an erotic look to me, the faces are more refined, and generally look similar in face structure to Europeans with smaller asses than the typical AA....but they are dark cinnamon. Toss in their foreign accent and geez, that's hot!

So when I see "mixed", the first thing I look at is the nose and the ass....just being honest here, and rule out mostly on that basis. Originally Posted by 2short@desky

That is a funny way of saying you want to schedule with me.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Yeah bottom line, a chick saying she is something she isn't takes away much more appeal than it adds. I love my flat nose and fat ass and I would never deny who I am or where I came from. I browse the showcases and see girls of every race that really need to focus more of their efforts on making themselves more attractive and less trying to come up with lies that might make clients call.
Hermosa's Avatar
I once asked my Dad (back in the early 60's) what different races I had in me. He looked at me as went down the list (black, white, indian, and so on). I was pretty sure he was spoofing, but I really did take it to heart. I am what is comonly called a mutt! I don't believe in pure anything when it comes to race.
So, that being said, what do I look for in a woman that catches my attention! Pretty face, great smile, tend to like women more on the slender side, and? Actually, I'm kind of like a puppy. You give me some attention and I can't help myself! But, only within the budget!😏
lda523287's Avatar
When I look at ads it's the pic that gets my attention first, if there's no pic with the ad it doesn't matter what the text say, I move on. If the pic get my attention, I read everything in the ad. It doesn't matter about the race, and 'mix' in the text have no impact. We all have some mixture in us.
I'm pretty sure I have a bunch of different things in me. I'm way to light to be full black but at the end of the day...I'm black. Both my parent, grandparents etc are all black, I'm not going to be the one to say "hey I'm 5% this, 10% that, 60% this so I'm mixed"

As far as ladies go, I don't care. I look at your picture and if you are hot, you're hot..PERIOD! The only time I make race a priority is if I'm looking for something specific. Like right now I have been wanting to see an asian lady. I needed some chocolate the other day and Miss Morgan didn't right me back! IJS :-)
2short@desky's Avatar
That is a funny way of saying you want to schedule with me. Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan
You're pushing some buttons alright !!

You are hot! I am color blind.....except to pink....maybe.
Thwinky's Avatar
Hey guys and dolls,

A friend of mine and I are having a debate about ads and race description. I am sure this topic has been covered before, but humor me because I come to the co-ed once in a blue moon.

Now, when I look at a girl's photo, I can see automatically (92% of the time) what race the girl is. In my years I have observed the different physical characteristics of most races. I can't tell a Korean from a Japanese person or an Egyptian from a Saudi, but you get the idea.

We all know that girls often lie on their ads and say they are some ridiculous rainbow of races when really they are just __-(fill in the blank).

I want to know how much this really matters to you clients when deciding whether or not to see a girl. If you see a picture of a dark skinned (non-white) girl and think she is hot, does the fact that she put, "I am Dominican, Russian, Vietnamese, Bolivian, and French" make her more appealing than if she was just honest and put "I am black"? Are you left with questions if she does not put her racial background in her ad text, assuming that the picture will tell you all you need to know?

I am very aware of the racial dynamic in the US and I know that it incorporates itself into all of our social interactions, but when we are talking about a secret meeting between one man and one woman, does race, or presumed race, supersede beauty and reputation in your decision making?

There are no right or wrong answers. I probably won't even come back to this thread for a few days. Feel free to voice your opinion. Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan
I really like your question. The challenge as I have seen it is that sometimes in an ad the provider will doctor the pics and it feels deceptive. For me, I have always wanted to meet with an ebony provider. However, when I have met with a "mixed" provider, she was ebony but I was not as attracted to her as I would be some ebony's I have considered. Her whole approach was to attract with the "mixed" thing and I show up and she was slobbed out, not really ready etc.

So now, I have still not partnered with an ebony Make sense?
texassapper's Avatar
Well that's because choosing a provider by skin color is silly... it's making an assumption about somebody based on one characteristic. Having just said that, I'm basically seeing nothing but AA providers because anecdotally, they are better kissers, better cock suckers, more passionate, and flat out better in bed. Sure there have been exceptions, but it's been true in 8/10 cases for me so as they say, I'm not going back. I spent a night a bit ago with an AA girl that blew my fucking mind. She was the best lover I've ever had. period. She enjoyed it, I enjoyed it, we just connected at a cosmic fuck level. Some people have soul mates.. I think she was my fuck mate.

Hobby on...
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have always wanted to meet with an ebony provider. However, when I have met with a "mixed" provider, she was ebony but I was not as attracted to her as I would be some ebony's I have considered. Her whole approach was to attract with the "mixed" thing and I show up and she was slobbed out, not really ready etc.

So now, I have still not partnered with an ebony Make sense? Originally Posted by Thwinky
no, it makes zero sense.. to me, at least.. it sounds like you saw one mixed Ebony, and were disappointed.. you wanted the real thing.. so...

why haven't you got the real thing? you have been on ECCIE over 2 years, and ALWAYS wanted to meet with an Ebony provider.. what's the hold up?
At times, I'll state that I am "Ebony" and at other times I'll state that I am "exotic." Something I see missing from this thread is the fact that both those terms don't negate each other. Exotic could relate to race as much as it does to ethnicity or nationality. (The fact that some refuse to acknowledge that race, ethnicity, and nationality aren't conflated stews my peas!) I am foreign born and that reality shapes how I move through the world. When I claim exoticness, it has nothing to do with me rejecting my Blackness. (I've actually been accused of being too "pro-Black" pertaining to the hobby. ) My profile always states "African / Black." But in ad titles, I'll switch between using Ebony, exotic, Black, and Caribbean for variety's sake.

Also, how come it's always Black women who are shaded and (falsely) accused of being embarrassed/ lying about their race?
FunInDFW's Avatar
Providers: is the race section of your profile a list of options you have to choose from or can you write something in there?