Trump hush money payment.......recorded !

All of our ex presidents were in court after court after court.......right ? Or does it just happen that Donald Trump is the only one because......he is Donald Trump. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I’d agree with the later wholeheartedly. They’ll probably kill him if they can’t manage to put him in jail.

Could it be because of Soviet style electoral politics.....or because he is the biggest carpet bagger in presidential history ?
Definitely the former, it’s glaringly obvious.
VitaMan's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
The above is what is obvious. Actually, in black and white.....even better.
It looks like a bank statement with some notes. Why is it nefarious? Is there some further explanation? Her receiving money isn’t something anyone is questioning, or is it?
VitaMan's Avatar
Then you don't understand the notes. They were explained when it was introduced as evidence.
Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Please explain HOW or WHY this is illegal.

And WHAT the actual crime is that Trump supposedly violated.

... Alvin Bragg has yet to explain it. So maybe YOU can.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
There are plenty of explanations from various court reporters and observers.

This is what actual evidence looks like. Not one of your conspiracy theories which have none. So not surprising you are unable to follow it.

Trump would not be in court if an indictment had not been decided by a grand jury. That is a good place to start understanding what the charges are.

And...a grand jury indictment is not Soviet style electoral politics.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I think this case is ridiculous and a waste of tax money. But it does tell me how fucking stupid and greedy Donald Trump is...

Why in the fuck would a billionaire not just use his own money to pay off that trashy skank? She seems to be so annoying and scatter brained that even the judge was trying to have her dial it back during her testimony... I understand using funds from your own company for some personal expenses; but why for side pussy hush money? That's pretty damn stupid.

Anyway, I still think this trial is too politically motivated and rather silly IMO. There are much easier ways to make Trump look bad. All you really have to do is just let him talk and vent on social media. That is much more fiscally responsible than a trial to embarrass Trump when he is dumb enough and more than willing to do so on his own.
Then you don't understand the notes. They were explained when it was introduced as evidence. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I do not, which is why I asked what the problem is. If you’re going to post this, claiming it’s groundbreaking evidence, maybe a short explanation is in order.
There are plenty of explanations from various court reporters and observers.

This is what actual evidence looks like. Not one of your conspiracy theories which have none. So not surprising you are unable to follow it.

Trump would not be in court if an indictment had not been decided by a grand jury. That is a good place to start understanding what the charges are.

And...a grand jury indictment is not Soviet style electoral politics. Originally Posted by VitaMan

... And yet, for some reason YOU can't even explain WHAT
the so-called "charges" are. ... As we do understand that
a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich for a cut-lunch
if they care to.
Just merely askin' WHAT the crime is here.
... What laws were broken??

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
Why are you asking "ME" to explain the charges ?

You are not able to read the charges from the grand jury indictment ?
You are not able to read the reports from the court room ?
You are not able to see the evidence introduced ?

And it is all there to read and view.

Not like your conspiracy theories, which never have evidence, and your plan and advise is "Just wait."
Well since the orange clown is a ham 🍔 dark Brandon is eating him up. Bad ass Brandon is probably considering other charges to bring right now while he is watching faux news
Why are you asking "ME" to explain the charges ?

You are not able to read the charges from the grand jury indictment ?
You are not able to read the reports from the court room ?
You are not able to see the evidence introduced ?

And it is all there to read and view.

Not like your conspiracy theories, which never have evidence, and your plan and advise is "Just wait." Originally Posted by VitaMan
Translation: I don’t have a clue, it was copy/pasted from Dailykos and they said it’s bad so it must be bad.
texassapper's Avatar
Is daily kos still a thing?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Let's be crystal clear about how the charges even came to be. Clearly there was nothing they could charge him with. Maybe a misdemeanor, but even that was past the statute of limitations. So what to do? They created a "tempprary" law to extend it. It has since expired. In a case of galactic irony - not before a local NY Demonicrat politico fell victim to the extended time frame.