Is there really a line between Making Love and Having SEx?

Making love : soft, sensual, loving, tender, etc.
Fucking: you are so loud the guy next door who plays thrash metal music tells you to quiet down.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
I think the OP is asking where one leaves off and the other begins. Allow me to elucidate. Fucking is well fucking, no matter how you do it. Making love? Well that happens when your not bringing a donation anymore. Tread carefully when that happens.
pyramider's Avatar
Making love : soft, sensual, loving, tender, etc.
Fucking: you are so loud the guy next door who plays thrash metal music tells you to quiet down. Originally Posted by Spirit13

Where does gerbil sex or BBCR fit?
I think there is difference, I have only had sex so far. I never had made love. But I take it from mothers that making love to a provider is not a good idea unless the provider is doing the same thing. For most providers you are just a number. So watch out.
Don't call a provider when you feel lonely.
Call a provider when you are super horny.

I think there is difference, I have only had sex so far. I never had made love. But I take it from mothers that making love to a provider is not a good idea unless the provider is doing the same thing. For most providers you are just a number. So watch out.
Don't call a provider when you feel lonely.
Call a provider when you are super horny. Originally Posted by Adgjmptw1
Hmmmm... not always the case for me and some of my lovely gentleman friends. There are some well.. the passion and sparks fly.. and it feels more like making love than just sex.. but alas.. they are few and far between that really know how to make a lady feel this way, and vice versa.
The answer is no. There is no clear line.

If you love somebody you want to fuck them, and you MAY have the chance to fuck them (if they are of opposite sex, unless you like variety).

If you fuck somebody, if it the same person often enough, feelings of love MAY emerge.
It can be very easy for the fine line in this hobby to become "blurred" when you are with a lady who you feel some passion and sparks with.

Yes, there is a big difference between making love and just ... well... *uck*ing. The connection between you and the lady, and the chemistry is what can make the difference between the two. You don't have to love someone to make passionate love to them. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Isn't it funny when the client feels the sparks and you don't? I've been asked out by clients because they felt a "spark" between us. I'm baffled by that because to me there was no spark at all. I think sex is sex. It's more of an act. Making love is more emotion.
Still Looking's Avatar
Isn't it funny when the client feels the sparks and you don't? I've been asked out by clients because they felt a "spark" between us. I'm baffled by that because to me there was no spark at all. I think sex is sex. It's more of an act. Making love is more emotion. Originally Posted by incognito isis
My ex-wifes attorney was VERY emotional, but she didn't love me

Please forward directions to Philly!
you can fuck, have sex with and make love to...someone that you LOVE..variety

it will only ever be, fucking or having sex.. with someone you DO NOT love

its pretty self explanatory.. making love obviously

"feeling like we made love".. "it was like we were making love" NOT making love.. its what guys are paying for..and whether they pay or not.. it still is NOT making love if you don't love the person..its the "illusion of passion' and that applies to all aspects of life..

it really is crazy but it does go to show you how important that elusive illusion is to so many..

love should be reserved for outside the hobby and any feelings/actions that go along with that.. girls are in the wrong for purposely trying to blur that line to benefit their pocket books and guys are foolish for letting it happen..

that and its alot more healthy to have a "life" outside of this world.. i.e someone to make love to etc.. why attempt to "make love" to people in the hobby..