For when the ill informed leftists say there is no voter fraud

Jacuzzme's Avatar
In the immigrant hating exploding blood vessel thread where you and berry talked about it. Are you walking that back now? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Wrong, no need to walk it back.

On topic, no money to solidify elections in the new spending clusterfuck, which was not unexpected.
HDGristle's Avatar
At least the bills are getting paid
berryberry's Avatar
On October 14th, 17th & 18th, Maricopa County performed secret testing on the tabulators

This was AFTER the legally required Logic & Accuracy test

260 of 446 tabulators failed

They were used on election day anyway. Where 59% failed

This is the story of a sabotage.

berryberry's Avatar
Welcome to the Banana Republic of Arizona: Maricopa County report reveals thousands of ballots in 2020 didn’t have proof of citizenship

A new report from Maricopa County in response to a request from Maricopa County Republican Committee committeeman Tristan Manos has revealed that 4,484 ballots in the 2020 election were cast without definitive proof of U.S. citizenship.

The report was shared initially by Just the News from the county office, with County Recorder Stephen Richer’s letterhead.

One of the primary questions from the report asked the following:

Exactly how many people who failed at any point in time to, proactively or retroactively, provide proof of U.S. Citizenship beyond personal attestation for the purpose of voting in the November 3rd, 2020 Election (early or on Election Day) actually voted ‘federal only’ ballots that Maricopa County positively identified, counted, and represented in the official Maricopa County Canvass of the 2020 Election as being legal and lawful ballots?”

Maricopa County’s official answer was 4,484.
... Voter Fraud is EASY - when the Judges surely allow you to do it.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah, Arizona's Maricopa County is as corrupt as they come
bambino's Avatar
The judge said they “made an attempt to verify signatures”!!!! Yeah, in less than 3 seconds!!!! They weren’t trying to hard.
berryberry's Avatar
Yep, just some of Maricopa County's election fraud:

1. No real signature verification
2. Letting people vote in federal elections with no proof they are US citizens (so in essence letting illegal scumbags vote)
3. Tampering with machines for the election day vote so machines malfunction, lines extend for hours suppressing the vote, not properly counting the votes made in the malfunctioning machines

And that is just for starters
berryberry's Avatar
Democratic Florida Mayor Charged With Voter Fraud

North Miami Beach Mayor Anthony DeFillipo (D) has been charged with 3 third-degrees felonies for illegally voting in 3 elections.
berryberry's Avatar
Even You Tube has come around to the truth

In a reversal of its election integrity policy, YouTube will leave up content that says fraud, errors or glitches occurred in the 2020 presidential election and other U.S. elections, the company confirmed to Axios Friday.
berryberry's Avatar
YouTube reverses 2020 election misinformation censorship policy

"Two years, tens of thousands of video removals, and one election cycle later, we recognized it was time to reevaluate the effects of this policy in today's changed landscape," YouTube said.
I’d say most people here, yourself excluded of course, come across as having a calm demeanor. Berry is certainly passionate about his beliefs, but his writing doesn’t conjure up images of a forehead with blood vessels exploding. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Lmao! Sheer volume alone tells you his forehead is about to pop at any moment. Every single ruffle of his feathers gets its own thread here (most deal with similar topics too, so he's also obsessive about it).
Lmao! Sheer volume alone tells you his forehead is about to pop at any moment. Every single ruffle of his feathers gets its own thread here (most deal with similar topics too, so he's also obsessive about it). Originally Posted by tommy156
... You're NOT commenting on the HEALTH
of another member, are you?

#### Salty
No, I'm not. But thanks for checking in with me about that.
... You're welcome... Just checking.
Good of you to surely clear that up.

I don't like seeing people get points... Even you!

#### Salty