Ditched by *Sensual*Cindy

not at any point did i threaten her with this to get anything. All i told her was "i don't like writing negative reviews, i just want to know why you just decided at the end to shut your phone off and ditch me"

a threat would be " I'm going to write a bad review of you if you don't blah blah blah" Don't twist my words to make it sound like I was trying to be sneaky. Ill be glad to speak with anyone on the phone regarding the events that took place. Maybe I'm not the best writer on this shit, but please don't twist my intentions around. Thats BS
macbeth1000's Avatar
Dude, I called her to find out why she screwed me over and also told her in a very poi lite way this post was coming. I certainly don't want someone to think I'm a stalker or something. I think 2 follow up pms are enough Originally Posted by cage196
Ok scratch out threaten from my comment you didn't threaten her, you as quoted above, you in a polite way told her this post was coming.
yeah.. well i made my point. I'm not going to keep posting on this. she has not contacted me, you guys will probably have better luck. Just a shitty experience. enjoy
OldGrump's Avatar
I'll jump in and say try again as long as you can do so conveniently and without the same work shuffling you had to do the first time around. She does have good reviews so something else factored into this mess.

The story, as presented, sounds like she is playing "hard to get". But that seems a bit odd considering the purpose of this board.
Hercules's Avatar
Dude you starting to come off as obsessive. You already threaten the girl that you would post this and now you have because you couldn't get answers as to why she ditched you but yet after posting you still trying to get answers, that's obsessive and borderline stalking.
You have said your peace now move on to another. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
And these kind of baseless accusations are why more guys don't speak up about shit like this. Post something positive and everyone high-5's ya. Post anything negative and try to be open about it and get called a stalker. I for one appreciate ALL the intel.
OldGrump's Avatar
Actually, I tend to agree with macbeth on that part. "The [guy] doth protest too much".

There is nothing wrong with posting a NCNS or a variation thereof but he does seem to be beating it to death. That is why I suggested he try her again under circumstances more convenient and see where it goes. Or move on after stating his experience.

When we post a positive review, that is usually the end of it except for follow up comments. Why not the same effort for a negative experience?

macbeth1000's Avatar
And these kind of baseless accusations are why more guys don't speak up about shit like this. Post something positive and everyone high-5's ya. Post anything negative and try to be open about it and get called a stalker. I for one appreciate ALL the intel. Originally Posted by Hercules
I said borderline stalker...please note the difference and I didnt say stalker. The main question is what is the OP main point, to let others know, to warn others of this fearsome female that probably ditched him for some reason we dont know about or some other reason?

If you must post on a No show that's fine anyone of us could do that however you keep trying to get the same female to admit she is wrong and contact you back...something doesnt add up for me just reading those subsequent remarks. Whatever the issue, read her reviews, I think those should be a better indication of how providers.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Dang....a guy writes a nc/ns review and now he is being called a "borderline stalker"?

No wonder some guys say screw it and rather say nothing about bad behavior rather then deal with the drama.

If she did what he said she did, she had is coming. No one likes to be strung a long like that than ignored. If she didn't want to see him, she should have just canceled and been done with it.
macbeth1000's Avatar
There are alot of providers that behave as such, just because you dont behave like that doesnt mean others would be the same.

I got strung along by an out of town provider twice, but what is the purpose of calling her out? Simply move on to the next
Texasquest's Avatar
Hmmmm only see one side of story but sure seems like the WK's are out in force...MB calling thge OP a Stalker WTH??? Do you not see that 30 mins after the appt time the gal still doesnt have a room??? Why did she agree on a time if she wasnt prepared to make it...We only have one side of story but from what we do have it sure seems like crappy TCB skills on providers side...She is the one that needs to be called out Not the OP...Now if she chimes in and we hear something different from her we can all change our opinions...But as of now She should be on the FLAKEY Provider List...
yeah.. well i made my point. I'm not going to keep posting on this. she has not contacted me, you guys will probably have better luck. Just a shitty experience. enjoy Originally Posted by cage196
Well said cage, leave it at that! The lady in question has yet to say anything in regards of this matter nor personally try to make it right with you, and i'm sure even a simple apology would probably do..fuck it!! Next
macbeth1000's Avatar
WK haha I havent met this lady, and I never said stalker... I said borderline stalker i.e his behavior of calling her even after saying he would post her no show was obsessive and borderline stalking behavior as he should never have called her again once he posted this. If you dont agree, well then we just have to agree to disagree
Hercules's Avatar
WK haha I havent met this lady, and I never said stalker... I said borderline stalker i.e his behavior of calling her even after saying he would post her no show was obsessive and borderline stalking behavior as he should never have called her again once he posted this. If you dont agree, well then we just have to agree to disagree Originally Posted by macbeth1000
With this post you've just posted more then the OP on this. Does that make you an obsessive, borderline stalker? No. Just sharing your opinion.

IMO he's trying to convey that he's given her every freakin opportunity to make right and she's just blowing him off as she did in the first attempt to meet. Valuable info for anyone thinking of seeing her.
macbeth1000's Avatar
Totally different, I am not posting back at him after the fact after he has already let this go and has moved on, I am actually responding to you. Since you are engaging in a conversation, I doubt I could be a borderline stalker as you are the one initiating conversation.
However just because someone no shows one person doesn't mean it will happen to others and calling her after you already done your worst is borderline intimidation or borderline stalking in my book