Get well card for TexasStarr

Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 12-12-2010, 12:04 AM
Will the "real" Starr speaks up please!!!
Will the "real" Starr speaks up please!!! Originally Posted by Dad

Just don't ask me to stand up.. at least not for too long right now.

After recovery who wants to go run a marathon with me?
topcat19542001's Avatar
After recovery who wants to go run a marathon with me? Originally Posted by TexasStarr
I'll think about it.

IronMan9's Avatar
Everything will be fine. just have a drink.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Get well soon Starr and you really don't need to stand up for anything. Just keep that knee raised.
steverino50's Avatar
Starr, I hope your recovery is quick and painless.
And i get to see you soon .
badhusband's Avatar
Get better soon, sexy!


Just don't ask me to stand up.. at least not for too long right now.

After recovery who wants to go run a marathon with me? Originally Posted by TexasStarr
topcat19542001's Avatar
Just keep that knee raised. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Or both of them for that matter. Then call me.
Thanks alot guys... I could use the laugh. Being BACK in the hospital is not fun. Hopefully they will let me go home today.

I came into the ER on Monday due to so much pain in my leg (not my knee) that I couldn't stand it. They ended up admiting me because I've got blood clots. Now I will be on thinners for about 6 months and for the next week I've got to do injections twice a day. UGH!!

And you know I just can't seem to talk this nurse into hooking up a caffiene drip. I mean COME ON I've got a damn medecine dispenser already in that arm she can hook it too.

Fine I will just wear her out going to get me coffee 50 freaking times. That will learn her damnit. LOL
1of3500's Avatar
How are you doing now? Blood clots in the legs can be painful! Hope you are doing well!
I'm doing much better. I go back to the Coumiden Clinic tomorrow to check my levels. They doubled me up over the weekend. The majority of the blood clot pain has gone away. Mainly just discomfort now. The numbness from surgery has wore off and I can feel every little thing in my knee now.. Not a good feeling at all. Tuesday I go see the Orthopedist and get my staples out. He's not going to be too happy because the Hemotologist had me take off my brace and not wear it becasue it's causing restrictions in blood flow. All of this is going to delay my rehab therapy. I'm not very happy about that at all. But what can I do?

The lovenox injections are very painful and leave huge bruises on my sides. But I have to take them. And it's twice a day. Hopefuly tomorrow I won't have to take anymore of them. Crossing my fingers that my levels have come up enough for those to stop. My sides are extremely tender from those. Not sure how much more I can handle.

I go back the first week of January for more ultrasounds to see where the clot is at and/or if it's still there. The meds I'm on will not break down or get rid of the clot.. They just keep it from moving up to my heart or lungs. The clot has to demish on it's own.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
Hang in there Starr. That's a lot of stuff to have to go thru just to get your knee repaired.
Hope things improve quickly.
enigma878's Avatar
Keep doing better. You know I'll be seeing you in chat and checking on you.
macksback's Avatar
Get well, Have a speedy recovery.