Wish granted

Yeah, dodge the bullet. We both know who you're talking about.
I dodge bullets all day long.
Not much fun dodging your spitballs....
What were we talking about??
Oh yeah... red headed cunts.
How many do you know?
I can think of at least two off the top of my head... but I bet there's more....
Here's another spitball for you - Tell me all the ones you are thinking about that fit the context of this thread. Bet it's only one, and it's the one you dislike the most and consistently belittle. Fess up, you know exactly who I mean, ESPECIALLY with the white knight remark. It's a no brainer, even for you.
Does she eat krill?
ben dover's Avatar
The GOBC Rocks!
DDarkness's Avatar
We're done here it looks like! If we can't stay on topic