It's working....

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  • FU_CC
  • 12-27-2013, 08:25 AM
HNY ...

bbtw off with tthat hhhhheeeeart sssshhhit .... more violating mi human right

bbbbbtttttw mmmmi wwwwwaaaas aaaat wwwwaaaalm art

FFFFFUCK Uuuuu kkkkkknnnnow yyyyoooou ddddddiiiiddddd wwwwwrrrrrooooong annnnnd tttttttrrrrrying to ccccccover iiiiiiit uuuuuuuup .... a ahh aaahhh aa ahhh hahahhhhaahhhaahhhha
Yssup Rider's Avatar
IFFYS dumber brother has been starked at Walmart....
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The Austin Reacharound Crew has found a new member.

This has been discussed for years. Its Obama's policies and lies, not his skin color. As its been point out many, many times he's half white. Yes, there are black people in the TEA party. Just keep fooling yourselves as the 2014 elections will turn out just like 2010.

Originally Posted by gnadfly
it's bullshit. You supported worse policies and lies from Bush. You fought for them online. you called everybody who didn't a Libtard or whatever stupid fucking schoolyard name you were using at the time.
FU_CC's Avatar
  • FU_CC
  • 12-27-2013, 08:47 AM
to you
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  • FU_CC
  • 12-27-2013, 09:52 AM
if undelete you see this