So the Question remains.....

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Well, here is something that’s not Fake News.

For the past 4 to 5 months, I have had a nagging upper respiratory problem. Dry cough, kind of a tightness .

I went through a complete battery of test, my heart is fine, no lung tissue issues.

The Doctor I went to after the cardiologist, a pumanologist, was one who specializes in things like COPD, Asthma, and the like.

Everything checked out. He asked me if I took the Covid shot. I told him yes, and one booster.

He said he has seen several seniors like me who are having a very similar problem. All took the shot.

He is thinking it is a lingering immune response, since I took the shot after I had Covid.

In layman’s terms, it fucked my immune system up to where I am producing antibodies to fight an infection that is not there.

I have volunteered for a study to see exactly how this artificial immune kick starter is messing with me.

By the way, I feel fine. The lingering dry cough is just annoying.

I will be contacted at a future date to see when the study begins. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Just a reminder about how politics hardly matters when it comes to your personal wellbeing and quality of life when life throws you a curveball.

Wishing you the best, Jackie for you and yours. You seem like a pretty stubborn old timer who doesn't give up easily, so I'm betting on you. And I don't even need to know the odds.
eyecu2's Avatar
Good luck Jackie.