Male frustrations with the hobby. Things they'd rather not say in public.

CryptKicker's Avatar
Isn't this exactly what you are trying to do to Sue? Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Why start drama by singling someone out? The harassment of individuals is not allowed here.
sue_nami's Avatar
why? because winn was being a huge hypocrite in this post and trees is correct that winn does the exact same thing to me he was talking about. trees was only pointing out winn's hypocritical 2 faced post. trees is not harassing me, winn does that. are u actually saying trees is harassing the harrasser or what? it is a valid point based in undeniable truth, not harassment. harassment is when u spread baseless lies and follow around a person on here and post lies and rude things about them all the time. do not confuse the truth with baseless lies.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Folks if you don't stop bringing individual agendas into this topic it will be closed. Period
Folks if you don't stop bringing individual agendas into this topic it will be closed. Period Originally Posted by CryptKicker

It's a little bewildering how quickly this got derailed though I think it's kind of expected.
Whispers's Avatar
This SHMB is not all that public and men should be comfortable stating whatever they want here. Unless you heavily mix your personal and this hobby life in your everyday affairs nothing here should concern you.

thank u treetop, I was going to say the exact same thing but had decided was not going to enter the fray here. absolutely NO ONE says these things about me but winn, whispers and their minions. everyone knows it is a flat out lie and yet they do that exact thing he is saying here. funny thing about hypocrites, they never see themselves as culpable in the lies they spin and baloney they spout. They think everyone else is at fault. Their long running harassment campaign of spreading outright lies and misinformation about me is well documented and based on groundless accusations. the pot is calling the kettle black in winn's case in this thread. Originally Posted by sue_nami
I'll never understand why someone that claims so frequently that "everything some people say about them are flat out lies" struggles constantly with refuting what is said.

There are more lies and inaccuracies stated about me here than most people. Why should I care what is said on a SHMB? I know the truth about myself and my actions as does pretty much everyone that actually knows me and what THEY know is the only reality I care about.

I have not had any statements I have made proven to be lies. Information I have passed on has always been credible and recommendations I have made have always proven to be good ones for those that took advantage of them.

On the other hand, many, MANY, things I have stated, at times about MODs/Staff members and prominent members that no one wanted to initially believe proved overtime to be true leading to the loss of power, privilege, their reputation and for some, participation here.

You struggle both for relevance as well as business here Sue. You do not know what is said about you by many people behind the scenes or at gatherings of like minded people.

Lastly, I haven't had a "minion" in a lot of years as I recall.
Whispers's Avatar
What happened to if you have a problem with a provider or hobbyist you contact that person and work that shit out. If both parties can't be adults and get their shit together go your separate ways and move on, no need to bad mouth the other and constantly bring up old shit. You can't fix what you dont know is wrong unless someone tells you. You dragging on and beating the dead horse makes you the problem.

Idealistic thoughts but reality is not in line with them. On a "Review Board" everything about a session is fodder for discussion and often times will lead to long running resentment given a never ending voice. Money spent or shorted and the level of personal hurt a person experiences fuels it.

Both sides of the transaction here typically have too much emotion and ego tied up in it.

The whole white knight shit is bullshit it goes both ways...ladies run to guys and run their mouths just as guys run to ladies and run their mouth. Same shit happens in the real world you tell a friend something and they tell 5 different people and by the time it gets back to you a whole bunch of bullshit has been added and wasn't what you said in the first place. What good are you doing by hiding in private areas discussing these problems?

Although every issue probably should find it's way to a publicly viewed forum so that others can be aware of the issue/contention, those that have more at risk as a result of possibly letting someone know too much about them or a provider who has a business rep to maintain need a private area to be able to state what they need. One side of a story, often supported by another with a similar experience is enough for a lot of people to make a decision one.

Clearly by you posting this you are speaking up for a "bunch" of guys who are to afraid to speak up themselves. The person can't fix the shit and others don't know who/what to avoid. I have never posted anything that I wouldn't say on the open board or back it up. It does nothing for either side. Don't be the guy who says oh ya jimbob must be right because so and so said it. Like really you are commenting on shit you know nothing about nor do you have anything to back it up. Stop with that shit. I hear a bunch of shit but I take it with a grain of salt. If I listened to all of the bullshit said I wouldn't have met some of the people I have.

I beg to differ that some aren't on here just to "bash" someone. I'm sorry that's straight up bullshit. Some people live for it and take any chance they can to talk some shit and throw someones name out there. Jumping on like a lynch mob. Some definitely do try to ruin others reputations and will openly tell you so.

True. But in all honesty some deserve to have their reputations impugned. Some issues need to be revisited over and over because the harm done by a person needs to be known to others. There are many on both sides of the transaction that are thankful that other's actions are not "forgotten"

Of course the ladies know by doing what we do we are open to criticism. You as a hobbyist need to know you are deserving of the same if you are rude, disrespectful, cross boundaries, rip ladies off, hurt them, stalk them and so on you have nothing to worry about.

Rudeness and disrespect are too often judged by someone else to their ideals and here on ECCIE the board has drifted too far to a side of this issue in my opinion to facilitate frank and open discussions.

Men may be willing to pay a prostitute for use of her body and have zero respect for them for allowing it. Women might use a man simply for the cash having zero respect for him. Both might be perfectly OK with the other in most any setting and others end up stirring the shit too much because how they behave is not to their standards.

I would imagine you know of men that want a session with a prostitute that is more than the physical act and want to exert some level of physical or verbal abuse on the woman they are paying as part of the session.

These interactions find their way outside of the locked doors at both extremes. There are some guys here that are lonely seeking attention from the women not just BCD but here in the forums. Both in the form of flirtatious trying to win some sort of approval/affirmation. We both know they find what they seek easily.

This flirtatious behaviour often times leads to more of the stalking women experience here than the behavior deemed negative. But that behavior is deemed acceptable?

However simply bashing someone because they do not meet the requirements that you prefer is total bullshit. The only person that has a right to speak up to someone's appearance, skills, tcb, and service level etc is a person who has actually met that person first hand and experienced such. The bashing simply because they aren't your cup of tea is childish. We get it some don't like people who are fat, over a certain age, have a certain look, certain sexuality, open to certain fetishes, a certain race and so on. Thats cool you aren't obligated or forced what so ever to see one of those people. There is an ignore button that makes them dissapear. You should be respectful though. However a person bashing them for being different for no damn reason is the problem. Hiding behind private tags and in the LR doing this well it makes you a P××××! If you comment on a review just to say crude remarks like eww, not my type, pass, overpayed, and so on that is literally the dumbest shit. You are not contributing a damn thing besides acting like an ass. Now if you have something that is crucial to the hobby that you know personally like its not her pics, old pics, she uncharged, she ncnsd, hygiene issue, wasnt who showed up and so on you have every right to do so in a review.

The ability to comment on reviews is often a source of agitation for both sides. I agree with a lot of what you have stated in general but on this site, a review oriented site, those comments are wanted because it drives traffic to the money making aspect of the board. Differing opinions result in traffic. Far less credibility is given to the comments that follow a review than to the review it self and others that support it.

I understand how hard many of you guys work to afford the luxury of being able to hobby. I myself very much appreciate my guys who save and do what they have to do to spend time with me.

Far too few women here do.

Based on your example above. I don't know about you but if I'm going to a restaurant and order something off the menu and it wasn't what it said it was or It didn't come out right I have no problem bringing that to my waiters attention so he can tell the restaurant and they can fix it. I have never had a problem returning food anywhere that wasn't up to par anytime there was a problem. I'm a nice person and when you are polite they have always been more than willing to make my dish over again, offered me something different or take the item off my check. Why because I was nice, communicated the problem with someone who was a professional and they wanted to make sure the customer was satisfied... after all they want your business. When you are a professional who cares about your business you try to fix the problems when they are brought to your attention. If you as the professional don't try, then you risk the unfortunate consequences that sometimes are out of your hands. It's hard to believe but there are sometimes people that no matter what happens they are always unhappy and are truly miserable people. The try to make everything a big deal. Now if you dont speak up then that's your problem. Same thing in the hobby.

The problem here lies in the nature of a product. Although I have met a few Chefs that are personally affronted and react emotionally when told something they prepared was too bland most can accept an opinion and decide for themself to give it weight or not.

Prostitutes deliver a product that is encompassed in their appearance and delivered with an emotional aspect. Most are personally invested in both and respond emotionally

Personally I don't judge a person, experience, a restaurant, product etc simply by what one person has to say. I judge things based on my own experience. I'm going to meet them, try the restaurant, the product and what not myself before I let a stranger influence me and my decisions. I'm the one taking the risk.. what someone else says simply has no influence on me whatsoever. It's my money and time. I will make my decision solely off my experiences. I would have missed out on a lot in life if I always listened to others.

A healthy approach but day in and out there are people that want to influence your decision on almost every product you consider throughout life. I highly doubt that you experience EVERYthing for yourself without considering what others you know have to say. There are probably those that you trust more than others. Same here

Do you see someone, try a restaurant or something just because so and so said you should? Do you judge them or not try them because Sally didnt like it? No!

In many cases people do just that. Social Media Influencers would not be making the bucks they are raking in if it was as you say. There is far more demand by people these days that want others to tell them what to do.

Maybe Sally doesn't like seafood but she went to a seafood restaurant. It's already doomed for failure. Reviews can be fake, from competition, a disgruntled employee, someone jealous of your success, (ex) friend, spouse, partner who wants you to many reasons so I prefer to judge based on my own research. 2 people may not like it but to 5 other people its was their cup of tea! Just like pussy there will always be someone who likes what you don't. Your tastes are not the same as others so dont expect business to dry up just because of a few people who have negative things to say. Sometimes it has the opposite effect and people flock to try the thing that so many people dont just to see what all the hype is about. In the end they are still getting money.

At the end of the day if I have exhausted all options to make things right and that person happy that's the best I can do and I will live with it. I know personally if I had a problem in a session or wasn't up to par I would do what I could to fix things if it was something caused by myself I would hope as adults that that person would express something to me first so I could offer to fix it before just running to flame me.

Many men with weak egos lacking social skills form the base of clients that have these issues. They are typically too afraid of being hurt or taken further advantage of to want to try to resolve it. They simply want to vent and get some satisfaction from others that echo their sentiment. Hurting the one that hurt them is gratifying to them

I've never understood this. To many guys post about being upset because they felt they threw money away because a girl wasn't what he expected, was not like advertised, she didn't look like the pics and so on. Tell me why the hell did you not leave when she opened the door?

Most of those men simply have no other choices. They have built up a desire from a need that has to be fed somehow and they enter a session hoping for some sense of relief, some aspect that will reinforce in them a feeling of having NOT made a mistake. They seldom find that.

You see something you are not expecting you can leave. You haven't paid for anything yet. You as a client have every right to terminate the session upon arrival.

There are many here that will berate a guy for doing as you say. I personally agree with you and have walked away from a few girls based on appearance that differed from pictures or an attitude I felt would affect the quality of a session. But that segment of WKs here are going to gang up on a guy that does as you suggest every single time. Less of that happens in locker rooms. The reason is they do it for the approval of the woman involved or other women in general and need to be seen performing.

Yet many of you chose to go in, go through the session knowing damn well you are already pissed off and dissatisfied based on looks alone and then you come on here pissed off at the world. You going on with the session knowing it is not what you signed up for is no ones fault but yourself. If you don't let the community know that again is on you. Ya the girl might think your an ass but shes still going to feel the same way if you see her and then bash her in the a review because she wasnt what you wanted.

I'm sharing my own opinions here. I'm not posting to bash anyone, I'm just sharing my insight and a different perspective. So if you are a hater of mine put me on ignore if you feel the need to try to come in balls swinging to insult me.
Originally Posted by Britttany_love

For as long as men and women are allowed to post and interact here in forums these problems will exist.

I wonder how many honestly look back over the years and come to the decision and opinion I have.

The root of the problem lies in the female participation in the board outside of ads. If the women had no voice their emotions and feeling would not make it to the board. Information would still flow, Decisions would still get made. Business would still occur.

Tens of thousands of members interact here and use the information found here every day in numbers far greater then those that choose to post and interact with the other side of the transaction.

I have found hundreds of hours in the entertainment aspect of those interactions as well as the manipulation of many of those people over the years.

Only a tiny fraction of the hundreds of sessions I have had evolved from anything other than a review, ad or personal interaction in person at a social gathering. I say a tiny fraction but as I sit here trying to think about it I cannot come up with an example of even one.

Tens of thousands of prostitutes make money daily off of clients never once considering and often not even knowing what occurs here.

Most of what women think is a problem here would simply not exist in their absence.

My opinions are my own and nothing I have stated is with the intent to sway others to think the same things I do or to seek a change. Nothing I stated was meant to offend although I have no doubt there are some that will take offense. In the words of one of those women here I have had the privilege of knowing over the years.....

winn dixie's Avatar
Here Here Sir Whispers!!!!!!!!

dilly dilly
CryptKicker's Avatar
As previously warned if folks could not keep personal agendas out of this discussion then it would be closed. It's done.