Hope everything is AMAZING!!

Randy4Candy's Avatar
amazed may be more like it, just speaking for myselph, naturally...........
why are you guys always soo harsh??? isnt the hobby a hobby, which is time for relaxation an orgasms??? Give everybody a break and be nice..... a smile is contagious!! and you never know how you can change a person's day by being nice or simply not being a smart ass to them all the time!! I posted this so people knew iwas back, and i missed their posts! sorry if your not happy, but please dont post negative or smart A$$ remarks if you could care less Im back or not. Thank you~~~

Bluedrummer's Avatar
Brook, welcome back!!! Don't be nice, be naughty!!! That's why we are all here, right!! Have some fun on us... Or with us... ;-)
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 08-20-2010, 05:20 PM
welcome back Brooke...try not to piss off the hobby gods anymore...we have missed the "everyone look at me posts" from you...


Missed you

*heart you*
grrrrrr. no more posts from brookie ... lol

p.s happy bday baby!!!! my bday is sept 8th!!! ill be 43 ... i mean 23 haha
i dont get it luckjack? and looie i missed you!! Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
Don't give yourself a headache, I was just pulling you chain. Since you were in the fictitious "ECCIE" jail you should now celebrate and how do we celebrate around here, well I think you know
Guest123020's Avatar
Welcome back, Brooke (although I don't know you and didn't know you were gone). You are sooo hot!! I think you need to pay a visit N of the Red River.
Welcome back!
thanks ive had an awesome time bein back with all my fellow perverts i have faithfully been checking in weekly with my p.o.

horny as always.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 08-24-2010, 03:00 PM
p.s happy bday baby!!!! my bday is sept 8th!!! ill be 43 ... i mean 23 haha Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot
You're really 43yo who looks like a 23yo?!
Mick2010's Avatar
WELCOME BACK Brooke!!!!! I have you on my list so I am very happy you are back again babe.
thanks ive had an awesome time bein back with all my fellow perverts i have faithfully been checking in weekly with my p.o.

horny as always.
brookie Originally Posted by Brooke Cumsalot

I believe your P.O. has chosen me to monitor your house arrest, at least he gave me the handcuffs and ankles bracelets, now if I can only find that flogger,where is PPE when you need him?