I might have an STD

The_Leopard's Avatar
He preformed bareback to you???!!!

Oh dear mother of God!!!!

Humpty, go shoot your cock and bury yourself.... Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
No man, he didn't. I had a spelling error.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Taylor- I thought we went over this. The mods did an IP check. Humpty is from another state. I am from Austin.
Originally Posted by Leslie Cochran
Although you and I have NEVER had a conversation, via pm nor on the board, I have indeed had a private pm string with Humpty where I accused him of being a good guy who is so disgusted with bb that you have decided to use shock and humiliation to the bb providers by creating a video of their actual pictures.

Maybe you are a dad who just found out his little girl is a bb streetwalker, maybe you are a shop keeper on 12th that wants to save these girls by ruining their business with stories of them having HIV.

But, Leslie, I have never had a conversation with the Leslie handle.
Whispers's Avatar
Although you and I have NEVER had a conversation, via pm nor on the board, I have indeed had a private pm string with Humpty where I accused him of being a good guy who is so disgusted with bb that you have decided to use shock and humiliation to the bb providers by creating a video of their actual pictures.

Maybe you are a dad who just found out his little girl is a bb streetwalker, maybe you are a shop keeper on 12th that wants to save these girls by ruining their business with stories of them having HIV.

But, Leslie, I have never had a conversation with the Leslie handle. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29

Looks like Humpty/Leslie just slipped up a bit and outed himself.....

Go get him Taylor..... Rip him a new asshole!
......... Oops he screwed up, just admit it now your odb humpty
boo69's Avatar
  • boo69
  • 11-30-2010, 02:17 PM
Britney...maybe you will get to see the inside of his house that he pulls behind him everywhere he goes lol
Who cares who’s who?
I’m wondering why anybody would even want to tell the world he has the clap.

Actually I’m going to use that story next time I’m at the Frost Building and stop at McCormick and Schmick’s for oysters. I’ll just tell it to the person next to me and see what happens…..
Plz don't do that I eat there and will prob puke lol
Leslie Cochran's Avatar
Update- I had to go to the hospital to get my results. They would not tell me over the phone because of HIPPA laws. Its negative. I only took one doxycycline pill. The discharge is gone. So it was something else. The staff did not give me any new info as to what the real cause was.
nuglet's Avatar
and we are supposed to care, for what reason?
Nevermind. I just ran out of troll food.
Nevermind. I just ran out of troll food. Originally Posted by Natalie Reign
Now that was funny!
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Update- I had to go to the hospital to get my results. They would not tell me over the phone because of HIPPA laws. Its negative. I only took one doxycycline pill. The discharge is gone. So it was something else. The staff did not give me any new info as to what the real cause was. Originally Posted by Leslie Cochran

Oh thank goodness. I was REALLY worried about you. I mean, I was losing sleep and wondering how you would get by. I almost called hospice to see if I could volunteer if you needed extra care.

I was soooo worried about your health and well being that I cried myself to sleep last night in fear that we might have to live without you on the boards.

I'm soooo relieved you are okay. Really. I am. Really. no ,really, I mean it.
Leslie Cochran's Avatar
This is to put people at ease that I am clean and not spreading diseases and if certain providers were worried they can calm down now. False Alarm.
Whispers's Avatar
This is to put people at ease that I am clean and not spreading diseases and if certain providers were worried they can calm down now. False Alarm. Originally Posted by Leslie Cochran
Like..... which local providers... that read the boards.... would actually have cause to be alarmed?
He screwed himself by posting this thread no one will want to see him now they will be afraid he might actually have an STD and it's just not showing since he says he does bb