New ‘Medicare for All’ Bill Would Kick 181 Million Off Private Insurance

Obamacare is NOT socialism. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
But Obama is on record that it was his best step to being the "transition" to full government run healthcare.

It was expected to fail and the obvious answer to the left would be have the government swoop in with a full takeover.

That it's the debacle that it is is simply the path planned all along.

Unfortunately for them they didn't get their 12 years to let it take it's full natural course. Republicans have shown its problems from the beginning and it didn't take root deep enough to oust the 181 million people on private insurance yet.
Obamacare is NOT socialism.

"ObamaCare isn’t “socialism“. Under ObamaCare we have a regulated private health care industry that uses a mix of public and private funding. This is best described as a “quasi-private” healthcare system, or more technically, “a quasi-private, regulated, free-market-based insurance and delivery system, that uses subsidization, regulation, and taxation (sort of a mash-up of capitalism, socialism, and corporatism)”."

"Is Obamacare borderline Communism/Socialism?

The ACA or Obamacare is a requirement that citizens who do not have employer-provided healthcare insurance either buy it, among the other possible places on a government regulated healthcare marketplace with subsidies for lower income people, or pay a fine. A requirement that people purchase a product provided by private companies on a private market or pay a fine for not doing so is not even close to socialism."

Yes, not one Republican in the House and Senate voted for Obamacare. That is why I consider it of utmost importance to not have one party control both the presidency and both the House and Senate.

The vote to repeal/replace the ACA never made it to the Senate floor because, even with a Republican majority in the Senate, several Republican Senators saw how terrible the AHCA was and would not support it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're sadly mistaken...three senators broke ranks and it isn't hard to figure out who they were. The VERY disingenuous McCain and the other two RINO' don't make shit up as you always do.

In regard to the Republicans coming up with something else to replace it...the Gumment doesn't belong in healthcare PERIOD!!
You continue to say that Obummercare isn't a socialist form of healthcare, then explain to me why there was a mandate to FORCE people to buy health insurance?? That was so they could prop-up those that were high risk or SUBSIDIES the ones that couldn't afford it. That one socialist aspect of this nonsense is gone and rightfully so. With this going through the courts now hopefully this will be a distant bad memory soon!!

P.S. I like the fact that you NEVER objected to Obummercare because it wasn't bipartisan(as you stated)...Humm!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Delaney's criticism of Fauxcahontas and Bernie the Marxist Bozo has merit.

Unions negotiated for healthcare plans, and the costs for those healthcare plans was deducted from the wages and salaries of Union employees as part of the compromise agreement between the Unions and the employers.

Fauxcahontas and Bernie the Marxist Bozo are telling those Union men/women that their lost income is for naught. It will be gone, forfeit, and they will not be financially compensated for it.

That's not going to set well with the Unionized blue collar workers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're sadly mistaken...three senators broke ranks and it isn't hard to figure out who they were. The VERY disingenuous McCain and the other two RINO' don't make shit up as you always do.

In regard to the Republicans coming up with something else to replace it...the Gumment doesn't belong in healthcare PERIOD!!
You continue to say that Obummercare isn't a socialist form of healthcare, then explain to me why there was a mandate to FORCE people to buy health insurance?? That was so they could prop-up those that were high risk or SUBSIDIES the ones that couldn't afford it. That one socialist aspect of this nonsense is gone and rightfully so. With this going through the courts now hopefully this will be a distant bad memory soon!!

P.S. I like the fact that you NEVER objected to Obummercare because it wasn't bipartisan(as you stated)...Humm!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I can tell you put some thought into this (googled). so I’ll simply ask you who you think is best qualified to manage the American health care system and why.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2019, 08:03 AM
a "Passive" YR

Why don't You, YR , inform this Forum about your ideas on managing the American health care system and WHY!!!!!
Enquiring minds would like to know - and laugh at the Bozo Bernie ideas.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A stalking oeb11.

I can tell you put some thought into this (googled). so I’ll simply ask you who you think is best qualified to manage the American health care system and why. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I put thought into every aspect of my life, that is why I'm a conservative...the less the Gumment is involved in our lives the better.

The people are what makes this country the greatest...NOT THE GUMMENT!!
The less regulation in our lives the better things are for the the people of this country. Like President Reagan said "the Gumment the problem not the solution"...this from the TOP man in the Gumment!!

I said before than I have volunteered my time and money to the less fortunate in society and the Gumment was not involved with ANY of my dealing with the people who need help...I'm fortunate that I can help the less fortunate.

The cost of healthcare has soared more in the years since Obummercare than ever in my life...why don't you tell me why??
I know the answer...why don't you tell me yours.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2019, 08:16 AM
A stalking oeb11.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

The RTM button is your Friend!!!
"Stalking" - look in a mirror!

Take a lesson from SR and Agrarian - try posting a supported opinion, rather than Deflecting and refusing to stand up and post YR's own opinions, for a change.

all SomeOne has is Denial, Deflection, and name-calling.

nothing cogent or Constructive.

Please - report me with the RTM button!

Typical DPST behavior.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typical — you can’t stand GUMMENT but can’t offer workable solutions or even a pathway to create solutions.

I believe in the public option for insurance, moving toward single payer insurance. I also favor price controls on pharmaceutical companies.

Of course, health care isn’t going to improve without improving health and wellness. And massive corporations have no interest in improving anything but their bottom line. Health care providers should be rewarded for doing a good job, not penalized by corporate tyrants.

The health care system you envision (still haven’t heard what that is) hasn’t worked and has plunged our nation into deep debt while creating a deadly pharmaceutical drug crisis that we can’t discuss here.

Drop the FOX talking points and explain your vision.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The RTM button is your Friend!!!
"Stalking" - look in a mirror!

Take a lesson from SR and Agrarian - try posting a supported opinion, rather than Deflecting and refusing to stand up and post YR's own opinions, for a change.

all SomeOne has is Denial, Deflection, and name-calling.

nothing cogent or Constructive.

Please - report me with the RTM button!

Typical DPST behavior. Originally Posted by oeb11
When did I call you names, oeb11?

And who TF appointed you judge of all things cogent or Constructive?

You insult members of this board with every post you make. Not just me. Most other Democrats won’t engage your condescending prattle. Maybe that’s why.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2019, 08:34 AM
Oh, from the self-appointed Mod of the Forum.
It is clear my opinions are insulting to SomeOne, and upset SomeOne.

Please use the RTM button - and the best way to not engage is to not post anything!
Unless it is On Topic!
Typical — you can’t stand GUMMENT but can’t offer workable solutions or even a pathway to create solutions.

I believe in the public option for insurance, moving toward single payer insurance. I also favor price controls on pharmaceutical companies.

Of course, health care isn’t going to improve without improving health and wellness. And massive corporations have no interest in improving anything but their bottom line. Health care providers should be rewarded for doing a good job, not penalized by corporate tyrants.

The health care system you envision (still haven’t heard what that is) hasn’t worked and has plunged our nation into deep debt while creating a deadly pharmaceutical drug crisis that we can’t discuss here.

Drop the FOX talking points and explain your vision. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You and your socialist bullshit.
I think we need to give everything to everyone that wants it and keep printing money so that we never have anyone needing for anything.We just didn't spend enough on LBJ's "great society"...hopefully a few trillion more will make you "feel" better.
What has caused healthcare prices to skyrocket since're not going to answer that!! Hint...GUMMENT.

The debt you're taking about is ALL the Gumment out of control WASTEFUL spending...and your trying to blame that on healthcare...WTF is that complete nonsense. I told you need to put your brain in gear before you but your mouth in gear. Easier said then done though.

We need to do away with the military because we are going to bend over and take it up the ass for whom ever chooses to fuck us. You are as far left as Bernie if not further.

You should put just a LITTLE though in what you post.Thanks for your complete nonsense...VALUED POSTER!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
But Obama is on record that it was his best step to being the "transition" to full government run healthcare.

It was expected to fail and the obvious answer to the left would be have the government swoop in with a full takeover.

That it's the debacle that it is is simply the path planned all along.

Unfortunately for them they didn't get their 12 years to let it take it's full natural course. Republicans have shown its problems from the beginning and it didn't take root deep enough to oust the 181 million people on private insurance yet. Originally Posted by eccielover
To repeat, I am not hung up on Obamacare. It has had no impact on my life either positive or negative. If Congress can agree on a more suitable health care plan that is superior to Obamacare, I would support repeal and replace. As of yet there is nothing proposed that is close to being better so we live with what we have, which I believe is better than repealing Obamacare without replacement.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You and your socialist bullshit.
I think we need to give everything to everyone that wants it and keep printing money so that we never have anyone needing for anything.We just didn't spend enough on LBJ's "great society"...hopefully a few trillion more will make you "feel" better.

(I never said that. But you did. So you’re now on record.)

What has caused healthcare prices to skyrocket since're not going to answer that!! Hint...GUMMENT.

(Pssst — healthcare costs were out of control before Obama was elected. And for a change, you continue to confuse “healthcare prices” and healthcare costs. This is insurance we’re talking about. And big Pharma. So no, it isn’t GUMMENT.)

The debt you're taking about is ALL the Gumment out of control WASTEFUL spending...and your trying to blame that on healthcare...WTF is that complete nonsense. I told you need to put your brain in gear before you but your mouth in gear. Easier said then done though.

(Which GUMMENT are you talking about? Which wasteful spending? Golf outings? Border walls? Prosecuting wars? Photo ops with dictatorship? Trade wars that only produce losers? Or maybe the local or state GUMMENTS. Seems like you ought to be living in a cabin in Wyoming...that way the GUMMENTS will never find you. Why not just call em Revenooers?

We need to do away with the military because we are going to bend over and take it up the ass for whom ever chooses to fuck us. You are as far left as Bernie if not further.

(You said that, not me.)

You should put just a LITTLE though in what you post.Thanks for your complete nonsense...VALUED POSTER!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Great post, bud. Five stars!!!!!

Pack your bags.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You're sadly mistaken...three senators broke ranks and it isn't hard to figure out who they were. The VERY disingenuous McCain and the other two RINO' don't make shit up as you always do.

In regard to the Republicans coming up with something else to replace it...the Gumment doesn't belong in healthcare PERIOD!!
You continue to say that Obummercare isn't a socialist form of healthcare, then explain to me why there was a mandate to FORCE people to buy health insurance?? That was so they could prop-up those that were high risk or SUBSIDIES the ones that couldn't afford it. That one socialist aspect of this nonsense is gone and rightfully so. With this going through the courts now hopefully this will be a distant bad memory soon!!

P.S. I like the fact that you NEVER objected to Obummercare because it wasn't bipartisan(as you stated)...Humm!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Make shit up???? I said the AHCA did not make it to the Senate floor for a vote. FACT. Yes, 3 senators broke ranks and would have voted against the AHCA. FACT. Three is several -- definition of "several" is "more than two but not many". FACT. And we all know who the 3 senators were who planned to vote against the AHCA. That was never in doubt.

Yes, we all know you don't think the government should be involved in health care. That is an OPINION that is not supported by the majority of the people in this country.

"Most continue to say ensuring health care coverage is government’s responsibility

Six-in-ten Americans say it is the federal government’s responsibility to make sure all Americans have health care coverage, including 31% who support a “single payer” approach to health insurance, according to a new national survey by Pew Research Center."

I provided 2 links from 3rd parties stating Obamacare was NOT socialism. You can choose to believe them or not.

I never objected to Obamacare because it didn't impact me negatively in any way, either before I retired or after I retired.

And, for whatever reason, you have not responded to my question posed in a different thread:

So you are completely against giving people any form of government assistance such as medicaid, TANF, CHIPS, SNAP, EITC, Supplemental Security Income, and housing assistance, which are welfare programs in the U.S.?