What’s up with this board?

Back to the original posters tooic. I do feel this is a terrible hate filled site. I can do research and cut through all the crazy stuff and almost feel I’ve got enough information to decide on who I might have an enjoyable visit with. But most of the guys on here are just weird. Someone writes a review and if they don’t go into every exact detail of what they did or how they did it or when I finger went here or a tongue there, then weirdo dudes get all trippy. If you want that much detail then go get some 1970 playboy and read the encounter stories on there. This site should be so guys, and girls, can find someone they feel safe with and can get an idea if they are going to have a good time. The more you guys describe and complain and cause drama. The more people we don’t want involved are going to get involved. If some dude who thinks he’s Tom Clancy wants to write the most epic descriptive review then you guys don’t need to respond a hundred times with awesome dude. Your the man. You made me so hot. On my to do list. Also. Why the crazy puns when writing your subject line. Southbound with Sally. Drip Drained by Dora. Speaking Greek and Haitian with Heidi. Dude just put the girls name. It’s really not cool or funny. Anyway. Sorry. But if y’all knew how many girls bitch about y’all, and mostly the dudes that think they are head cheese on here, you would be embarrassed. The girls hate what this site has become. I’ve met a lot of very cool girls on here but dude it takes a while to get through the crazy.
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Back to the original posters tooic. I do feel this is a terrible hate filled site. I can do research and cut through all the crazy stuff and almost feel I’ve got enough information to decide on who I might have an enjoyable visit with. But most of the guys on here are just weird. Someone writes a review and if they don’t go into every exact detail of what they did or how they did it or when I finger went here or a tongue there, then weirdo dudes get all trippy. If you want that much detail then go get some 1970 playboy and read the encounter stories on there. This site should be so guys, and girls, can find someone they feel safe with and can get an idea if they are going to have a good time. The more you guys describe and complain and cause drama. The more people we don’t want involved are going to get involved. If some dude who thinks he’s Tom Clancy wants to write the most epic descriptive review then you guys don’t need to respond a hundred times with awesome dude. Your the man. You made me so hot. On my to do list. Also. Why the crazy puns when writing your subject line. Southbound with Sally. Drip Drained by Dora. Speaking Greek and Haitian with Heidi. Dude just put the girls name. It’s really not cool or funny. Anyway. Sorry. But if y’all knew how many girls bitch about y’all, and mostly the dudes that think they are head cheese on here, you would be embarrassed. The girls hate what this site has become. I’ve met a lot of very cool girls on here but dude it takes a while to get through the crazy. Originally Posted by Surftexas
You're 100% right and I want to apologize to you because I'm pretty much the reason people started writing dynamic, riveting, elevated reviews. What they failed to realize is that writing came easy for me..where it may take me 15 min to write it could take someone else 3-5 days to write a similar review.. When I wrote people wanted to top that... so in hindsight I started a feeding frenzy...now the piranha cant be removed from the lake. I truly apologize
Shine isn't the only one with the 8 by 10 glosses of himself
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Shine isn't the only one with the 8 by 10 glosses of himself Originally Posted by tbone2u

You alright t2u....
If this is the “new improved sanitized version”, what the hell was the previous version? Open warfare? So basically some people use this site for the simple joy of starting shit and messing with people. Hmmm, let me login and look for a cutie for pleasure. Nah, I’ll just login and start shit. No wonder providers have to screen extensively, they gotta avoid all the angry crazy mofos. Originally Posted by Fresh-Memes
Providers have always screened extensively and you don't understand what Russ38 said! Just read old threads it's not difficult