do like your provider to wear makeup?

Sweet N Little's Avatar
I agree with Isis and Val. , theres someone to suit all tastes. I like getting "foofed up" & spend quite a bit of time getting ready so it makes me feel a lot sexxier which in turn makes for more of a hot time when I feel good about myself I think.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Charles, Screening out the glamour girl is interesting. I think all too often, the "glamour look" gets a bad rap because a lot of "cheap" gals often use that look or try to use it without good success. There is nothing hotter than a very bright upscale provider like Val who knows how to achieve that "glamour look" with perfection and knows how to get maximum effect from it as well in her sessions.
Well I Like Wearing makeup, I think its fun to do! I Like to be creative and see what all i can do with my make-up. I dont cake it on and have tons of it but i do just play around with it and see what will bring out some of my features. I really like to do it on my mood or what im wearing for the day, i have natural beauty so i really dont need it, but i like wearing it.. Its just the fact of Doll'n Up and getting My Marilyn Monroe Look on.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Ms. Fancy, you are gorgeousss. Love your "eyes".
  • Paven
  • 04-19-2011, 02:31 PM
I love makeup Sephora is my happiest place on earth or one of them lol.
(That's a makeup store fellas lol).

Like the others said being creative with colors and getting dolled up for a session
is always fun. I read reviews and the guy is like she didn't wear anything
not even mascara, like they were too lazy to make an effort. Makeup is all about
enhancing the features that you have and if it makes you feel good wear it!
whitechocolate's Avatar
I do have a question for the gals regarding use of makeup. In my experience with women (mostly non-providers), I have found that many prefer no makeup because they really dont know how to use makeup effectively. They then claim in a defensive way that the "natural" look is best for them when in fact, that is rarely the case. As I said, every woman can look "better" or "more interesting" or "whatever effect she desires" with some expertly applied makeup. Gals, do you feel that the "natural" look, while it has its place" is often used by women because they are not adept at the use of makeup? I see some of the gals here admit their expertise and training in using makeup and therefore enjoy using it.
  • Paven
  • 04-19-2011, 02:44 PM
I can't speak for them but that's probably one reason, or they just don't have time or they just don't care.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I agree with Paven Its obviously not a priority for them
... but if you ask me if I'd rather be plain or glamorous, I choose glamour...That's just me. Originally Posted by Valerie
Generally, I'm not big on the hair and make-up thing....but when it comes to glamour, that is what I expected from Valerie and she did not disappoint!! It seemed so natural for her that it completed my visual experience. I also have the same picture (memories) of her without make-up and tustled hair and believe me, it doesn't get much better than that!!

Val, when can I remove your make-up and mess your hair again?!?
I do indeed have pictures of Valerie with no makeup and bed head. Trust me guys...RUN!

I'm just kidding love, you know I think you're beautiful whatever you choose to do. In all honesty, whatever I think about any girl's choice in makeup is irrelevant, it's whatever makes her feel more comfortable or more beautiful, that's what matters. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Val, I agree with you totally. You always look incredibly hotttt. Makeup can allow you to alter your provider and non-provider persona in many ways. I have known actresses and models who love to "play" at it and had many "looks". I love the glamour look. There are few models or actresses that dont use makeup in one way or another because they do need to create certain special looks for professional purposes. I personally think some makeup will make every provider look "hotter" even if she looks hot without any. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Thanks guys ....two very good points.

Charles, Screening out the glamour girl is interesting. I think all too often, the "glamour look" gets a bad rap because a lot of "cheap" gals often use that look or try to use it without good success. There is nothing hotter than a very bright upscale provider like Val who knows how to achieve that "glamour look" with perfection and knows how to get maximum effect from it as well in her sessions. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
The glamour look only seems to get a bad rap here in the states for some reason, in London if you go to an agency with camera phone pics and no hair/makeup done, their going to tell you to fuck off..

Generally, I'm not big on the hair and make-up thing....but when it comes to glamour, that is what I expected from Valerie and she did not disappoint!! It seemed so natural for her that it completed my visual experience. I also have the same picture (memories) of her without make-up and tustled hair and believe me, it doesn't get much better than that!!

Val, when can I remove your make-up and mess your hair again?!? Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
...I'll be back in Manhattan on the 9th love..
whitechocolate's Avatar
When the use of makeup is "not a priority", that probably means she really doesnt know how to use it. After all, effective use of make up takes training and practice to achieve that expertise. It is an "art" in many ways. I really cant imagine "looks" not being a priority for a provider, a model, an actress or any woman wanting to put her best "face" forward.
I will agree with one point made here:

If makeup, or hair, or clothes make you feel more special, more sexy, then sure, go ahead and do it. Realize you are doing it for you, not so much for me. Of course, if you feel better about yourself, then likely we will have a better time.

Since for me, it is as much about clicking as it is the activities, I am not focused as much on the makeup. A clean body, nice smelling hair, and treating me like you are glad I am visiting with you are the important points.

Perhaps with my AARP card came a realization that there is more to life than just banging a super hot chick.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Well said Wise Tigercat
I do have a question for the gals regarding use of makeup. In my experience with women (mostly non-providers), I have found that many prefer no makeup because they really dont know how to use makeup effectively. They then claim in a defensive way that the "natural" look is best for them when in fact, that is rarely the case. As I said, every woman can look "better" or "more interesting" or "whatever effect she desires" with some expertly applied makeup. Gals, do you feel that the "natural" look, while it has its place" is often used by women because they are not adept at the use of makeup? I see some of the gals here admit their expertise and training in using makeup and therefore enjoy using it. Originally Posted by whitechocolate

This is a great question. I wear minimal make up now (eyeshadow, eye liner, blush, some stuff under my eyes) but only because when I started providing my agency took me to go get make up lol. I only ever wore black eyeliner and red lipstick even when I stripping.

Part of that is because I was raised by a hyper-feminist and was always taught that make up was bad. And to be honest, was made to feel a little bad when I expressed a desire for the trappings of traditional femininity.

It is DEFINITELY a skill. Even now, I do my eyes exactly like the girl at the MAC store did them because I have no idea how to change it up without looking silly. When I left the store after my makeover I was even a little embarrassed because I was terrified that I looked like a fraud.

It sounds silly, but make up is serious business lol. And the make up that you wear or don't wear will create a huge impression on people. For years, people assumed I was a hippie because I didn't wear any lol.
Okay so I didn't really answer the question..........but yes I would agree with your premise!