Illegal Alien Who Killed Officer Ronil Singh Arrested.....

  • oeb11
  • 12-31-2018, 07:41 AM
I partially agree - TM - the "Wall" should be metaphor/symbol for upgraded border security and immigration control, and reform of our unworkable immigration Federal Law.
Mexico ain't paying one dime for our border security
Both blues and reds are playing politics with this - Schumer and Pelosi are playing Stop Trump regardless of the cost to the nation. No compromise on either side.

Both sides bear responsibility for the govt. shutdown. Some people worst affected are the lower level govt. employees who need their salaries- esp. at Holiday season.

I am disgusted with both!
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  • Old-T
  • 12-31-2018, 07:45 AM
We are helping build that wall - over 17 million now. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
pretty amazing stuff.
Accounting for inflation you should collect the price for that "$5B wall" in only a thousand years or so.
Wow, that's such a negative attitude. We are positive people who want to help our country so that's what we are doing.

pretty amazing stuff.
Accounting for inflation you should collect the price for that "$5B wall" in only a thousand years or so.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Fred I agree. We already have a wall that needs upgraded and better border security

Here's a compromise I would offer. Trump ADMITs that we already have a wall that needs upgraded. Payments will be made by the American taxpayer, not Mexico

Trump is the one paying politics

Most Americans don't live on the border or border states. They have no clue Originally Posted by themystic
I can go along with that.

In fact, if RBG would resign, we could trade her resignation for just technology upgrades on the existing wall.

Compromise is the path forward for politics.
The Tenth Amendment, or Amendment X of the United States Constitution is the section of the Bill of Rights that basically says that any power that is not given to the federal government is given to the people or the states.

Powers held only by the states include the issuing of licenses (like drivers licenses or marriages licenses), the creation of local governments, the ability to ratify amendments to the constitution, and regulating intrastate commerce, or commerce within state lines.

Supremacy Clause. The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land. ... Even state constitutions are subordinate to federal law.

Texas govt. understands it's place in the union of States Not to say the Texas AG has not filed multiple lawsuits against the feds for various causes

The Socialist State of Kalifornia is doing it's best to assert it's supremacy against the Feds. And succeeding in some areas - notably immigration - which is reserved to the US Congress.

I am fine with Kalifornia leaving the Union, joining Mexico - let it become Mexifornia.
Good riddance to the land of Fruits and Nuts. Originally Posted by oeb11
I could live with Kalifornia leaving the union - they think they are superior anyway.
themystic's Avatar
Wow, that's such a negative attitude. We are positive people who want to help our country so that's what we are doing. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Ellen you do have a positive attitude. The problem isn't with Trump supporters such as yourself. The problem is with Trump himself and his chronic lies and hatefullness
Short of a red hot poker shoved up their ass, this is exactly what Chucky and Nancy need right now: a dose of reality. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
They are fully cognizant of the benefits of a wall. They've voted for a partial wall before.

And they are fully cognizant of "Future Democrats."
LexusLover's Avatar
And they are fully cognizant of "Future Democrats." Originally Posted by gnadfly
A problem is whether or not "they" will allow the illegal aliens to live in "their" neighborhoods in order to benefit from the illegal votes.
A problem is whether or not "they" will allow the illegal aliens to live in "their" neighborhoods in order to benefit from the illegal votes. Originally Posted by LexusLover
In their districts and within their voters bases, just not in "their" neighborhoods.
LexusLover's Avatar
In their districts and within their voters bases, just not in "their" neighborhoods. Originally Posted by eccielover
.... the term "ghetto" was not developed in this country in the Southern states. It flourished and was refined in the Union states.
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  • Old-T
  • 01-01-2019, 03:04 PM
Wow, that's such a negative attitude. We are positive people who want to help our country so that's what we are doing. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I am glad you are trying to help with something you believe in. That part I really do applaud.

My comment was on the amount raised vs Trump's stated estimate.
Ellen you do have a positive attitude. The problem isn't with Trump supporters such as yourself. The problem is with Trump himself and his chronic lies and hatefullness Originally Posted by themystic
I look upon President Trump as fighting fire with fire. The lying Press, who are nothing more than shills for the Liberal/ Progressive/Socialist Agenda, report half truths and lies about President Trump on a regular basis, Past Presidents cowarded down and took it. President Trump hands it back in a bigger portion.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I look upon President Trump as fighting fire with fire. The lying Press, who are nothing more than shills for the Liberal/ Progressive/Socialist Agenda, report half truths and lies about President Trump on a regular basis, Past Presidents cowarded down and took it. President Trump hands it back in a bigger portion. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And yet Trump's approval rating is still hovering in the low 40s. You may think Trump's giving it back in a bigger portion is a positive, but it doesn't seem to be working for him. 40 House seats lost, most by Republicans since 1974. 7 governorships lost. Several state legislatures lost with many others turning purple. I said it quite a while ago -- Trump's character/personality are costing him as many votes as his policies. But we all know he won't change.
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Trump does what fox news tells him to do.