Ladies - are there men on here you refuse to see because of their forum personality?

fun2come's Avatar
I will black list any guy who openly admits to engaging in BBFS.
Originally Posted by SusiSquirts
Is Brown Nosing OK?
Or do you also have a brown list?
We know this already. However, I truly wish your dad never barebacked your mom. Originally Posted by gt27

I truly wish your mom was a nqns.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 06-06-2017, 08:56 PM
I truly wish your mom was a nqns. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Give her a call. I heard she likes John's whose avatars represent their physical appearance and you should be right up her line.
Give her a call. I heard she likes John's whose avatars represent their physical appearance and you should be right up her line. Originally Posted by gt27

So she's a hooker like you?
Raikage's Avatar
In fact​, I will not be repeating with a previous regular client just for a demeaning comment he just made on a review of mine. Some people think they can buy anything they want if you give them $. Fuck that noise. I'd rather be broke or work harder at my big girl job. Lol Originally Posted by The Infamous One
Was it a response to a review? Or was it something said in the ROS? Careful how you word things, a misunderstanding could cause some unwarranted accusations.


I know I've been blacklisted, by a couple of providers, it's not hard to get un-blacklisted if one establishes communication and respect, with the ones you want to see.
Raikage's Avatar
I will black list any guy who openly admits to engaging in BBFS.
Originally Posted by SusiSquirts
Even the guys who BBFS their wives? LOL
ivy_rose's Avatar
I completely agree with The Infamous One and SusiSquirts. I expect respect from clients and a lot of people's posts indicate the opposite whether it's a fake persona or not. I also love that this thread is all the girls saying they won't see guys who are idiots on the boards and thoughtfully explaining why and all the guys having a pissing contest or making lewd comments. Classic.
Little Monster's Avatar
I completely agree with The Infamous One and SusiSquirts. I expect respect from clients and a lot of people's posts indicate the opposite whether it's a fake persona or not. I also love that this thread is all the girls saying they won't see guys who are idiots on the boards and thoughtfully explaining why and all the guys having a pissing contest or making lewd comments. Classic. Originally Posted by ivy_rose
Well. I sure am glad that my board persona didn't scare you away from me. You're gorgeous, and a sweetheart.

Well. I sure am glad that my board persona didn't scare you away from me. You're gorgeous, and a sweetheart. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Yes! Respect and good communication - bingo!!! For both parties involved.


I know I've been blacklisted, by a couple of providers, it's not hard to get un-blacklisted if one establishes communication and respect, with the ones you want to see. Originally Posted by Raikage
ivy_rose's Avatar
Well. I sure am glad that my board persona didn't scare you away from me. You're gorgeous, and a sweetheart. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Let's count you as my "lesson learned"
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah always bearback Rosie Palm an' 'er 5 hermanas! Cain't hep mahself. Ah luvs ta live dang'rously.
TryWeakly's Avatar
We know this already. However, I truly wish your dad never barebacked your mom. Originally Posted by gt27
That is funny
Little Monster just acts a loon to keep all the ladies off him!
One of my favorite people on here was once someone I thought was the biggest slime ball ever! You just never know who's who & what's what sometimes.