Help me to understand this!!!!

Am I allowed to post ZING! here?

This is true, and I'm not a side-taker. Originally Posted by Capital
CT, you promote k agencies and spas to get paid to play. Now days you demand discount to have session in exchange to write reviews. You definitely can’t afford 400/hr. Shit, you can’t even afford 300/hr agency girls without demanding discount for promotion.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
You are rebuking someone for not posting reviews? Unlike all the ones you do. Oh, sorry one in the last 18 months is not exactly sharing a lot of intel. Yet you brag about all the providers you take to games, etc. Clearly all your encounters for many years have been great in spite of all the generic whining you do about lack of IOP, poor TCD, mechanical sex, YMMV, over priced GPS. Maybe you need to provide some examples of those poor encounters so others can avoid those gals. And maybe some of these great values you claim to find. You know, share intel Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Says the guy who has 5 reviews, last review about 7 years ago, commenting on several reviews of how great the provider is BCD and you certainly have lots to say bad about him when a guy does have the wherewithall to post negative intel of his experience with a provider.

My recent past couple of years experiences have been great, and I see well reviewed ladies so I would not have much to add to the intel you so desperately seek. Yes, I have had bad experiences in the past prior, whether it be with shit attitude with providers I have never seen BCD and with providers I have seen one or more times and reported intel of a shit attitude afterwards. And I have provided my opinion of my experience with them, you know intel.

But guess what? I get told I am the one who is the asshole by guys like you and even got banned on OH2 for reporting intel on a provider who NCNS me multiple times. A provider who has long since got out of the business probably due to her feeling of teflon for screwing people over and eventually, her phone stopped ringing. Which in turn, makes guys shy away for even giving any intel good or bad. Take a look at the review forum, of all the male members of this site, usually, it is the same group of guys that do the reviewing. So, I have stuck to my couple of handfuls of regulars, do not need to review them and do not have bad experiences to report. But when I get one, I will certainly provide my experience and name the provider. Then, as always, look for your smart ass condescending remarks afterwards as well.

As far as the topic of this thread goes, IMO, you are a fool for paying premium steak house donation prices for dollar menu services, looks and/or piss poor dispositions, I don't care if you can afford it.
suiram77's Avatar
I have always said that in life there are different lanes, financial lanes for everyone. Some men can only ride in the $50-$300 lane, some can ride in the $300-$600 lane, some can ride in the $600-$1,000 lane and a very few men can ride in the above $1,000 lane consistently. You have to pick your lane and stay in it, until you are able to ride in the more costly lanes. Until you are able to do that, just keep your windows up on your ride and keep rolling in the lanes that you can afford.

It’s a providers choice to set what she wants her rate to be for her Time/Fun/Services.
It’s client choice to decide if he can, want, or willing to pay such rate, period.
Cumulative inflation from 2013-12 to 2023-12 is 31.62%
$300 in 2013-12 would be $394.87 in 2023-12. That answers the question.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
hobbying isn't something you really need to spend money on like a tank of gas
Some would disagree. When the hormone horny gauge is on is truly a need.
Yes sometimes we are only as Smart as our Little Head wants us to be no matter what the
Cost!! I remember when I was in Nam we could get a HJ & Bbbj for $15 MPC, military
script. We would make them do the HJ first then the Bbbj so they would have to work
On that!!! Yes War is Hell!! lol
Semper Fi Viet Nam 1969-1970
$15 in 1969 is $130 in todays dollars. Just saying.
Says the guy who has 5 reviews, last review about 7 years ago, commenting on several reviews of how great the provider is BCD and you certainly have lots to say bad about him when a guy does have the wherewithall to post negative intel of his experience with a provider.

My recent past couple of years experiences have been great, and I see well reviewed ladies so I would not have much to add to the intel you so desperately seek. Yes, I have had bad experiences in the past prior, whether it be with shit attitude with providers I have never seen BCD and with providers I have seen one or more times and reported intel of a shit attitude afterwards. And I have provided my opinion of my experience with them, you know intel.

But guess what? I get told I am the one who is the asshole by guys like you and even got banned on OH2 for reporting intel on a provider who NCNS me multiple times. A provider who has long since got out of the business probably due to her feeling of teflon for screwing people over and eventually, her phone stopped ringing. Which in turn, makes guys shy away for even giving any intel good or bad. Take a look at the review forum, of all the male members of this site, usually, it is the same group of guys that do the reviewing. So, I have stuck to my couple of handfuls of regulars, do not need to review them and do not have bad experiences to report. But when I get one, I will certainly provide my experience and name the provider. Then, as always, look for your smart ass condescending remarks afterwards as well.

As far as the topic of this thread goes, IMO, you are a fool for paying premium steak house donation prices for dollar menu services, looks and/or piss poor dispositions, I don't care if you can afford it. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Hay, I am not the one telling others they need to do reviews but don't do any of my own. I am not the one constantly complaining about all the bad experiences yet provides no reviews to back it up. In 90 reviews you had one that you could not even say yes or no on. Where are the reviews of all the bad providers you have had? You know, intel. OH2 has nothing to do with ECCIE so your experiences there are meaningless.

And how someone spends their money is up to them and none of yours or anyone else's business. There is a strong possibility they get a very different experience from the same woman you saw so they got their moneys worth.
Originally Posted by slowmover
While this is true in the big picture, if either side is artificially constrained or controlled by someone or a small group, it is less true. Also, the smaller the market, the more the actions of a few can influence the other side of the chart.

EX: When ECCIE was in its prime, in Texas at least, the prices gals got here had an oversized influence on the rates of providers not on here. Now ECCIE has little influence and while it is far from this simple, rates are free to rise without any constraints from sites like these
While this is true in the big picture, if either side is artificially constrained or controlled by someone or a small group, it is less true. Also, the smaller the market, the more the actions of a few can influence the other side of the chart.

EX: When ECCIE was in its prime, in Texas at least, the prices gals got here had an oversized influence on the rates of providers not on here. Now ECCIE has little influence and while it is far from this simple, rates are free to rise without any constraints from sites like these Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
The factors you mention just shift the demand or supply curve.
adav8s28's Avatar
Originally Posted by slowmover
In Dallas the demand has increased over time from ten years ago. There are a lot of new clients. The supply has stayed the same. There were 800 - 1000 provider profiles for Dallas ten years ago and it's still at that number today. With demand increasing and supply remaining the same the price will go up. Thus, girls who were getting 300 roses for one hour of time are getting 400 roses today. This is probably why Dallas gets so many touring providers from other cities and countries.
Grace Preston's Avatar
In Dallas the demand has increased over time from ten years ago. There are a lot of new clients. The supply has stayed the same. There were 800 - 1000 provider profiles for Dallas ten years ago and it's still at that number today. With demand increasing and supply remaining the same the price will go up. Thus, girls who were getting 300 roses for one hour of time are getting 400 roses today. This is probably why Dallas gets so many touring providers from other cities and countries. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Dallas, and Texas in general, does also tend to have a bad reputation among a lot of independent ladies who travel as being difficult to tour. Those of us who do consistently tour the area do so because we have enough regulars to sustain our trips. I can't tell you how often ladies in the northeast are shocked that I come to Texas at all because it does have a reputation. Its really hard to convince some ladies to try out Texas when they can make their money far easier in the northeast.
The majority of people that have money to throw around are nearing the age where their body wont cooperate with them anymore (ED, joint problems, back pain, etc). On top of that, as Testosterone drops, frequency declines. There will be a drop off in demand at the high end gradually as the boomers age out. Couple this with an impending recession (huge rise in unemployment) as the zombie companies finally bite the dust and rates should fall dramatically.
suiram77's Avatar
The majority of people that have money to throw around are nearing the age where their body wont cooperate with them anymore (ED, joint problems, back pain, etc). On top of that, as Testosterone drops, frequency declines. There will be a drop off in demand at the high end gradually as the boomers age out. Couple this with an impending recession (huge rise in unemployment) as the zombie companies finally bite the dust and rates should fall dramatically. Originally Posted by GuyEatingRice
Them rates not going to fall buddy, so don’t hold your breath. Most women would rather just subsidize their income before they let their rates drop drastically. If any man in the hobby is expecting a lady to drop her rates by $200 or more decrease, is absolutely fooling themselves. In most cases yes, the market set the rates for rent, food, gas etc, but if a woman believes her value and time is worth $400 or more, then she will never drop to $200. Think about it, she knows that if she does that she will never be able to move her rates back up without a hell of a reason to do so. Women are way smarter than most men will give them credit for, so again for those men who are Hoping or waiting on the recession, unemployment or the down market to force them to lower their rates, will be a big fool because that’s never going to happen. $400 or higher providers are here to stay ,so get your ass in your financial lane and stay in it lol.