The Dating Game.....Eccie Style!

So...Miss Lana,
have you made your choice?
PODarkness's Avatar
After just one question? That's not how it's played.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
I would fly you to Thailand and enjoy a oriental date. complete with Thai ladies to join are bed!!
LazurusLong's Avatar
I want to change my answer.

"I'm hung like "wellendowed"......
Hawkeye9's Avatar
so, we should buy him a drink at the next social!! LOL
Lana Warren's Avatar
So...Miss Lana,
have you made your choice?
Cheers! Originally Posted by italian1

Not quite yet, italian! But so far, you're in the lead!
Lana Warren's Avatar
After just one question? That's not how it's played. Originally Posted by PODarkness

I know, POD......sorry, been a little too busy at work!

Ok, now with the next question........Contestant #2, describe to me how you would proceed to give me my first orgasm of the evening!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I would invite you out to dinner and have you slip on the vibrating panties I bought you. *I would tease you through out the night turning up the pace and stopping just before you reach the promise land.

Once we got back from dinner, I would whisper in your ear are you ready for some fun. *Letting the heat of my breath reach your ears and neck as I begin to kiss you. *I would start to kiss and worship your breast. *Running my tongue around each and gently sucking after I make the full circle.

Then I would start to kiss my way down....Making you think I would go straight to work. *I would let my tongue just barely brush your pretty kitty giving it a quick kiss. *Then work my way up each leg kissing while going back down staying a little longer each trip. *Your breathing and heart rate changing as you begin to reach ecstacy. *You can feel the build up as your muscles become tense, your legs begin to tighten, and you let out a sigh of approval.

Something like that.... *
OK then Lana...let me add a little to my story.
Assuming that the chocolate dipped strwberries, sensual toasts and kisses went well, Let's open another bottle of champagne, pour it on our bodies and let's see what that leads to.
PODarkness's Avatar
I will tie you to the bedposts and do the trick with the frozen scampi
Since studies show that 50% of all women are thrown into fits of wild uncontrollable orgasm by this, but the other 50% merely develop a seafood fetish, I will then cook the scampi for you (on a bed of angel hair pasta with a white wine and edam cheese sauce) thus insuring your orgasm, and my success.
JohnJohn's Avatar

I'll be at your house all day taking out the trash, doing the dishes, vacuuming, and all the laundry while you're out with my credit card on a no limit shopping trip. When you get back I'll be drawing a bubble bath while begging you to tell me all about your day..leave nothing out. While you're luxuriating in the bath I'll be washing your hair before the foot and back rub.