A contrast of party policies

So what does your parry think about the violent riots...DO TELL SPEED!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So what does your parry think about the violent riots...DO TELL SPEED!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I can't speak for anyone else. I support PEACEFUL protests. I do NOT support violence and looting. If you break the law you deserve the punishment. I think in many cities during the protests, the police showed a great deal of restraint and I applaud them. However, what happened in Chicago the other night was disgusting.
Then why doesn't your party condemn this SPEED??

Senate Democrats Try to Shove the Riots Down the Memory Hole

On Thursday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) proposed a non-binding resolution condemning the mob violence spreading across America. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) accused Lee of trying to “condemn largely peaceful protests around the nation as ‘mob violence.'” Instead, he suggested an amendment: “our elected officials especially the President of the United States should not incite violence or legitimize those who engage in hate-fueled acts.”

An exasperated Mike Lee took to the Senate floor to condemn this ridiculous obstruction.

“Democrats can’t say ‘mob violence is bad’ without simultaneously taking a jab at the president of the United States? … People are being shot. Businesses are being looted. Innocent Americans are being attacked and threatened. Lives are being ruined. Communities are burning, literally burning. So whose side are you on? This resolution was designed to be unifying,” Lee said.

Menendez objected, accusing Lee of violating Rule 19: “No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.”

Lee did indeed accuse Democrats of defending the mobs.

“The resolution was designed to be unifying. It avoided controversial subjects. All it asked of us was basic dignity and respect. … You can’t really oppose this without being on the side of the mobs, of mob violence, of mob mentality, of cruelty and intolerance and terror,” he explained.

Menendez interrupted with a “parliamentary inquiry.”

“Is this lying not in direct violation of Rule 19?” he asked.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who was presiding over the Senate, replied, “The chair concludes that pointing out that mob violence is dangerous to our nation is not contrary to Rule 19 or any other rule of the Senate.”

“The question is that imputing to members who did not agree with the framework and language of this resolution that they are supporting mob violence. That must be in violation of Rule 19 if this is going to be a deliberative body,” Menendez shot back.

Yet if Lee violated Rule 19, Menendez also did. Lee’s resolution clearly made a distinction between mob violence and peaceful protests.

The resolution states that “the rising tide of vandalism, mob violence, and the mob mentality that feeds it—including its cruel and intolerant ‘cancel culture’—should be condemned by all Americans; peaceful demonstrations and mob violence are different in kind; physical assault and property destruction are not forms of political speech but violent crimes whose perpetrators should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law; and the innocent law enforcement officers, public officials, and private citizens who suffer the mob’s violence and endure its scorn while protecting our communities from them deserve the thanks and appreciation of every American.”

The resolution also notes that “people across the United States have organized legitimate, peaceful, constitutionally protected demonstrations against instances of police brutality and racial inequality, serious problems meriting investigation and reform” but that “some Americans, unsatisfied with peaceful and positive demonstrations, have instigated and indulged in mob violence and criminal property destruction, not in service of any just or coherent cause, but simply as an arrogant, bullying tantrum of self-righteous illiberalism and rage.”

Contrary to Menendez’s incendiary accusation, Lee’s resolution does not “condemn largely peaceful protests around the nation as ‘mob violence.'” Instead, the resolution clearly praises those protests while condemning the lawless riots and violence.

Democrats cannot shove the riots down the memory hole. The looting, vandalism, and arson across America destroyed black lives, black livelihoods, and black monuments. Cancel culture iconoclasts have vandalized and toppled statues of Confederate generals and Union generals, along with statues of Christopher Columbus, George Washington, and Mahatma Gandhi. Vandals even targeted the monument to the first black Union volunteers.

All Americans should be able to condemn these destructive riots, but it seems Democrats like Bob Menendez cannot bring themselves to support law and order, even in a non-binding Senate resolution. Indeed, this suggests that Democrats are on the side of the mobs. In fact, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) condemned Mount Rushmore as a celebration of “white supremacy.”
JRLawrence's Avatar
This isn’t about discussion. It’s like every other thread in what should be renamed White Grievance Forum. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Sticking to the facts eliminates the lies we hear during discussions.

The fact is the democrats have done nothing for the black families for over 80 years. Trump did more to help the inner city that all the presidents since FDR. And yet, the Democrats give him grief and a lot of lies.

It is time for a change. The Democrat Party is not the same one that your pappy liked. Wake up and smell the roses, Trump is the black man's salvation. The Democrats want to keep the black man down with promises but no results. The only thing the Democrats have done for the black man is to lie to him as they are taking his vote.

Think about it, and then vote for Trump, as every black voter should voter for Trump.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 04:34 PM
I can't speak for anyone else. I support PEACEFUL protests. I do NOT support violence and looting. If you break the law you deserve the punishment. I think in many cities during the protests, the police showed a great deal of restraint and I applaud them. However, what happened in Chicago the other night was disgusting. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Seattle, Portland , chcago, and on and on
the DPST mayors and governors of DPST led city/states enable and foment the violence as a tool against Trump.
It is a tool that may well backfire on your precious 'non-violent' mobs enabled by DPST leadership which refuses to condemn the violence. not only in their city/states - but in the house and Senate.

After all - hannah-jones made it clear - Destroying property is not Violence - as long as it isn't my House.

wake up and smell the coffee!

To be clear - I support the right to peaceful gathering to demonstrate without violence - including blocking roads, rioting, looting, arson, assault, rape - all characteristics of the 'Demonstrations' in DPSR led cities/states.

Please read bb's post above in this thread.
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2020, 06:25 PM
To be clear - I support the right to peaceful gathering to demonstrate without violence -NOT including blocking roads, rioting, looting, arson, assault, rape - all characteristics of the 'Demonstrations' in DPSR led cities/states.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Seattle, Portland , chcago, and on and on
the DPST mayors and governors of DPST led city/states enable and foment the violence as a tool against Trump.
It is a tool that may well backfire on your precious 'non-violent' mobs enabled by DPST leadership which refuses to condemn the violence. not only in their city/states - but in the house and Senate.

After all - hannah-jones made it clear - Destroying property is not Violence - as long as it isn't my House.

wake up and smell the coffee!

To be clear - I support the right to peaceful gathering to demonstrate without violence - including blocking roads, rioting, looting, arson, assault, rape - all characteristics of the 'Demonstrations' in DPSR led cities/states.

hatlease read bb's post above in this thread. Originally Posted by oeb11
I do my best to ignore BB without putting him on ignore.

There are how many cities in this country and how many still have protests going on? What happened in Chicago was not a "protest", it was violence unrelated to protesting. That leaves 2 cities -- Seattle and Portland -- with significant protests.

But you are correct in that it is not helping Biden. Trump has little to campaign on in my opinion but this gives his law and order fear campaign some support.
rexdutchman's Avatar
As long as the LSM ,and liberals call the protest peaceful people don't get it , Show me one large democratic city that has there shit together ??????????
HoeHummer's Avatar
Trump called the people not wearing masks peaceful protesters. What do yous think about that, Resxy? Or are yous just driveling again?

Name one large Republican City... that has “there shit together.”

How was your vacation? Did yous use lots of disinfectants?
  • oeb11
  • 08-12-2020, 08:01 AM
YR is on Ignore!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
One party is locking up the other party, while the other party is simply going to jail. Anyway, maybe it's a new trend in politics.

40 Sec

pfunkdenver's Avatar
YR is on Ignore! Originally Posted by oeb11
oeb11 is afraid of YR! LOL!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
oeb11 is afraid of YR! LOL! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

if you say so
matchingmole's Avatar
oeb11 is afraid of YR! LOL!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm afraid of myself! LOL Originally Posted by matchingtroll

if you say so!