Run into a provider/client in public?

Damn, I would have not been too happy to get a text when she KNEW I was with my SO.

Of course, nowadays with Google Voice that crap stays on DND until needed. Originally Posted by falconbueller
Yeah, I guess I wasn't all that shocked (that she shot me a text with the SO nearby).....we're not exactly talking about Rhodes Scholars here now, are we? My take was she figured I was savvy enough to read & delete and be totally discrete about it, which I was of course as I inhaled my drink.
JamesBond's Avatar
Discreet nod and move on. It has happened to me at a grocery store, restaurant, and of all places a track meet, for we both had kids participating in the meet. One time I was at a QT and saw a provider that I had wanted to see but never had. She looked so hot walking into the QT as I was filling up. She came back and got in her car as I was pulling up her ad. I contacted her right on the spot, asked her if she was just at QT and if she was available. She did and the rest was history. Talk about a spontaneous encounter.
I had been seeing this provider regularly for about a year and a half, and then she disappeared. I assumed she either moved, or got out of the hobby. the last time i saw her was about 6 months ago. About two weeks ago, i was at the grocery store with my 3 year old daughter, and literally bumped into her shopping cart. we both said excuse me, and did a very quick double take, instantly recognizing each other, but we both moved on quickly. As I was with my kid, and she was with her SO and infant child.

we caught each others eye a couple more times before i left, but never made any sort of acknowledgement to each other. had we both been alone, I may have said hello to her, but i guess that would have depended on her initial reaction to seeing me.

but i agree the best thing to do is to ignore each other and move on, and respect each others personal lives.
wizzbang's Avatar
Yes, just last night at a fast food restaurant. She was alone and I was alone, but it seemed she was trying her best to ignore me, so I extended the same courtesy. Sometime, we are just trying to live a life.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I would never approach someone (provider or hobbyist), but maybe I'd give a nod or smile. Im very UTR, very shy, and would hate to cause an issue for someone.
brickmonster's Avatar
I once saw Eryka Delacruz at Walmart ! She looked right at me and I know she saw me but she did not say or do anything . I would hope that all providers would have that common sense .
I've had it happen a few times. I actually ran into a client checking in @ the hotel and he was working @ the front desk lol. I always say if you see me with people don't approach me. But if I'm alone let's chat it up!
CoHorn's Avatar
Note to self...get job at hotel front desk! made my morning! ROTFLMAO

I would work at ANY hotel desk to meet Ashleydior !!!
Gypsy's Avatar
  • Gypsy
  • 02-08-2012, 09:09 AM
It is the best policy to not speak in public. Just last week I was meeting my wife for lunch and as is always the case I arrived before she did. It was a nice day and I was standing outside the restaurant and it appeared that I was alone. About the same time my wife was arriving I received a text message which I ignored and then a minute later another one. After lunch when I was heading back to my office I read the texts. The first one said "Hey, look around". The second one about a minute later said "Oh, I'm soooo glad I didn't just come up to u." Needless to say, they were from a provider I know, who I never spotted at the restaurant.
  • BoZo
  • 02-08-2012, 09:54 AM
In the many years, I have run into a few, and of course, it is always rule #1 to ignore each other as best as possible.
One time, I saw a girl at Fantasy Ranch who had juast the day before climbed under the table and serviced me! Next day, my SO and I were entering Rolling Stones concert and literally ran into a couple at the gate getting in. My excuse me, then looked at the stripper as she looked at me! I know my face got red!
Another time ran into one at the checkout aisle of a supermarket. Tried not to stare, as she was dressed to the nines!
Never a provider, but a stripper I used to hang with quite a bit at a couple of different clubs. I was out with my wife and 2 other couples, we were at a bar, the girls were all sitting at a table together and I was with the guys, standing a few feet away. From across the bar I spotted the girl, I told one of my buddies that used to frequent the clubs with me she was there. I told both the guys that when she saw me she would come over there. The one that didn't really go with us said, "Yeah right, she probably doesn't even know you." About 5 minutes later I get a big smack on the ass, I turn and see her standing there, I said very calmly, "Please just walk away", she turns and walks off. One of the other wives sees this encounter and brings it up later to her hubby (keep in mind he's one of my best friends and my SC partner in crime), he just says, "Oh yeah, did you see that!? That chick thought she knew him!" All was well. I did fail to mention, she was in a bright red dress that went from the top of her nipples to just passed her nice round ass.
rylstone's Avatar
Only twice in all the years.

I was alone at a gun show when a certain very outgoing short-haired redhead saw me. Ran up, threw her arms around me and gave me a big hug - all appreciated!

But I was with my family at a high-school football game when I saw another lady ascending the bleacher steps toward us on her husband's arm. I looked away before she noticed me - she messaged me later that she recognized me only as she passed me. We got together soon afterward and laughed that it was great to see one another - then and soon after in bed!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Great thread, I have been behind on reading lately.

I have been spotted quite a few times, not by actual clients but guys from the site that just recognized me (with all my ink I tend to stand out lol) I have received messages after the fact asking me if I was at walmart the strip club ect ect

They never approached me which I appreciate and respect. It is kinda weird finding out someone was watching and I didn't know but as long as they didnt come running up to me or yelling "hey Jules" I am am cool with it

I have seen a hobbyist twice out in public. Once the guy was with his wife and very cute young son and I was with my now ex boyfriend we sat across from each other at a restaurant and I am not even sure if he recognized me or not so I never brought it up, didn't want to freak him out for no reason LOL. The other was at a grocery store both were alone but we played it cool and laughed about it later.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I run into clients all the time and its no big deal, as long as details stay where they happened. Originally Posted by Anastasia Roberts

Especially when you see them at financial events with your dad. That was fun 2 weeks ago. I know what you look like nekked Mr. Speaker.