Dropping like flies — Texas Congressman Will Hurd becomes 8th GOP House member to “retire.”

bambino's Avatar
I responded to your SS question in the other thread.

Above you state that "the vast majority of the Americans voting block don't buy this radical socialism".

You have made it very clear that you consider the Democratic contenders for POTUS to all be very left of center.

You also say "the radical left lose the presidential races by large margins when you have nominees like on display at the present time."

So if I follow your logic the Democratic contender will be far left of center no matter who it turns out to be, and when presidential nominees are far left of center they lose by large margins. True or false?

Not a problem. So I assume you do not believe Trump will win 520 electoral votes in November 2020. So what are you predicting as far as an electoral count for Trump in 2020? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You know that California and NY are out of play for a Republican Presidential candidate. So getting 520 EC votes is basically impossible. California would vote for Fidel Castro before a Republican. If Trump gets in the mid 300’s, I would consider it a shellacking.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You know that California and NY are out of play for a Republican Presidential candidate. So getting 520 EC votes is basically impossible. California would vote for Fidel Castro before a Republican. If Trump gets in the mid 300’s, I would consider it a shellacking. Originally Posted by bambino
I most definitely realize that. I am not the one who implied that Trump would win the 2020 electoral vote by a massive amount, whether it be 520 or whatever. Mid 300s is possible. My opinion, as I've stated before, is Trump will win less electoral votes than he did in 2016. I believe Michigan will go Democratic and I don't believe Trump will win any states that Clinton won in 2016.

I think we both know how few states are really in play in 2020 and most of them were won by Trump in 2016. The only states that I see as remotely possible to flip from blue to red in 2020 are Minnesota (Clinton won by 1.5%), Colorado (Clinton by 2.8%),
Nevada (Clinton by 2.4%), Virginia (Clinton by 4.9%), NH (Clinton by .4%). So I would narrow it down and say Minnesota and NH, for a combined total of 14 possible additional electoral votes for Trump. Trump had 306 electoral votes in 2016 so this would give him 320.

I'm interested in a similar analysis by you (or BB for that mattet),
bambino's Avatar
I most definitely realize that. I am not the one who implied that Trump would win the 2020 electoral vote by a massive amount, whether it be 520 or whatever. Mid 300s is possible. My opinion, as I've stated before, is Trump will win less electoral votes than he did in 2016. I believe Michigan will go Democratic and I don't believe Trump will win any states that Clinton won in 2016.

I think we both know how few states are really in play in 2020 and most of them were won by Trump in 2016. The only states that I see as remotely possible to flip from blue to red in 2020 are Minnesota (Clinton won by 1.5%), Colorado (Clinton by 2.8%),
Nevada (Clinton by 2.4%), Virginia (Clinton by 4.9%), NH (Clinton by .4%). So I would narrow it down and say Minnesota and NH, for a combined total of 14 possible additional electoral votes for Trump. Trump had 306 electoral votes in 2016 so this would give him 320.

I'm interested in a similar analysis by you (or BB for that mattet), Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I would agree with 320. Anything over that I would consider a blowout. It would be ironic if Trump tore down the Dems BLUE WALL twice.
LexusLover's Avatar
from around AOC's neck. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
More likely ....

... from around AOC's clit ...

You know those Cali ladies. Just pass up a fresh clit.

YR would know about that ... it involves thong removal.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What is your definition of "ass whipping"?

Nixon won in 1972 with 520 electoral votes. In 1984 Reagan won with 525. As it so happened, I voted for both.

So what are you willing to bet on -- Trump garnering 520 or 525 electoral votes? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Hey BB, how about a response. How many electoral votes do you see Trump winning in 2020? He won 304 in 2016. You are predicting a landslide for Trump in 2020. Which states that went Clinton's way in 2016 do you predict will go Trump's way in 2020?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I'll try again:

Hey BB, how about a response. How many electoral votes do you see Trump winning in 2020? He won 304 in 2016. You are predicting a landslide for Trump in 2020. Which states that went Clinton's way in 2016 do you predict will go Trump's way in 2020?
Hey SPEED be patient...don't get your panties in a wad!!

I predict Trump will win in a landslide by this majority ...


SPEED you never proved me wrong about this...all indicators show the year 2039 that SS is be going to insolvent and try and lie your ass off about it. I could post a dozen links from ALL different sources and you'd say THEY'RE ALL WRONG..Got to protect your beloved Gumment!!If that ain't Gumment failure was is??

My statement:
Support a failing system...sure.
In ten years if the age for "retirement" hasn't increased I will be able to collect in 2029.. I'm not counting on it or worried about it...things are going to change in regard to it because at the present rate it is going to be insolvent in 2039. I look foward to 10 yrs. of getting SOME of MY money back...ain't that GRAND. What a stellar program the the Gumment has set up!!
I guess it's like the fans of a losing team...they're still your team.
You don't need to ask me anything...I'm "one of the less educated ones".

You still run from that totally stupid statement you made that using the word socialism is...NAME CALLING!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey SPEED be patient...don't get your panties in a wad!!

I predict Trump will win in a landslide by this majority ...


SPEED you never proved me wrong about this...all indicators show the year 2039 that SS is be going to insolvent and try and lie your ass off about it. I could post a dozen links from ALL different sources and you'd say THEY'RE ALL WRONG..Got to protect your beloved Gumment!!If that ain't Gumment failure was is??

My statement:
Support a failing system...sure.
In ten years if the age for "retirement" hasn't increased I will be able to collect in 2029.. I'm not counting on it or worried about it...things are going to change in regard to it because at the present rate it is going to be insolvent in 2039. I look foward to 10 yrs. of getting SOME of MY money back...ain't that GRAND. What a stellar program the the Gumment has set up!!
I guess it's like the fans of a losing team...they're still your team.
You don't need to ask me anything...I'm "one of the less educated ones".

You still run from that totally stupid statement you made that using the word socialism is...NAME CALLING!! Originally Posted by bb1961
My goodness, bb1961, the way YOU and a few otherOnes in the forum use the word “socialism” it IS name calling.

Just like your open threat to “write obituaries.”

A casual observer might think your constant use of hateful rhetoric might make you a dangerous guy. A professional monitor might also.

But more to your post, are you actually complaining about the future of your GUMMENT benefits?

Figured an independent fella like you wouldn’t want it. Wouldn’t need it. Would rather abolish it. After all , it’s the evil GUMMENT, right?

And again, what does that have to do with your prediction of a Trump electoral landslide in 2020.

I think it might be a lopsided victory, but not for him. People are sick and fucking tired of All Trump all the time. They’ll vote just to change the channel.

Spare parts, bud.
Cry to somebody else BUD.
Thank you valued THUG SUPPORTING poster!!
“What you ignore, you empower. And what you condone, you own. But too many…stop the damage at those who are being maligned, and those who should stand up against it

Please RTM me until your fingers bleed!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Making it personal again?

That’s not even the third time you’ve hysterically called me a “THUG SUPPORTER.”

Part 1 — Please explain.

Part 2 — tie it into the retirement of the GOP rep from SA.
That’s not even the third time you’ve hysterically called me a “THUG SUPPORTER.”
Please explain. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Here's you explanation...

Yssup Rider
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Regrettable. I feel safer knowing that someone’s gonna take care of these punks.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
You REGRET the THUGS being taken care of...WHAT PART OF THAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND??????????????? That should CONFIRM that you are a THUG SUPPORTER!!
Thank you valued thug supporting poster.
Good enough for ya'??

“What you ignore, you empower. And what you condone, you own. But too many…stop the damage at those who are being maligned, and those who should stand up against it
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope. You quoted something that expresses regret for the event and praises those who have vowed to take care of those thugs. Namely YOU!

You need to learn to read.

Even through the sarcasm, I never said what you accuse me of saying.

Shouldn't have to explain that to you, son.

That is the biggest crock of bullshit...you say things and don't even know what they means...typical of the left. That is why I call you Mr. Gaffe.
Remember these two recent whoppers...
Why are you worried about what congress says or does!!
Are you trying to sabotage me with good news!!

to be sorry about. I regret my foolish behaviour

Yssup Rider
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Join Date: Jan 3, 2010
Location: BAND
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>>>Regrettable. I feel safer knowing that someone’s gonna take care of these punks.<<<
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^
You said this and don't even know what it means!!BULLSHIT

Know how to use words before you use them!!
Again you can't wiggle out of...YOUR BULLSHIT!!

Thank you thug supporting valued poster.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The thugs to whom I was referring were the people you were crying about. We fucking agreed.

Do you still not get that?

Can anybody be this dense?

More name calling? You know what I call you? Bb1961

One compound word...BULLSHIT
I like it better when you have me on ignore.