Porn Star Stormy Daniels & Donald Trump Coverup

Wouldn’t surprise me if Melania and Dickhead-in-Chief have an arrangement...he fucks who he wants and she fucks who she wants. I mean, come on...a hot chick like her is gonna be sexually satisfied by an old, fatass, pussy-grabbing shithole like him?

I hope, for the sake of our country, Melania is getting plowed by a bevy of young, muscular studs...who know how to keep their mouths shut.
TexTushHog's Avatar

I think it’s Hicks. Haley is too old for Trump.
Doesn't matter what kind of feces the monkeys in the press fling at Trump. They've lost complete credibility. Anyone who voted for Trump isn't likely to change their mind because he supposedly fucked a porn star. When 96% of your coverage is negative, you can't say you're being even-handed. So even if they find he murdered a hooker, nobody is going to believe them. Every Republican President is Hitler until there is a new Republican running for President then the Previous guy becomes a paragon of virtue and reasonableness. The clowns in the press don't even realize how badly they are being laughed at.

And again, Democrats have taught me that lying under oath about Sex is OK... Originally Posted by texassapper
Yes, you should only get your news from Faux, because that's not biased. Look, I can name you literally 100 flat out lies by Trump (I think the media counted around 1,950 last year). I could literally tell you 100 racist things he said. It's not going to change you mind. Let's agree to disagree. And go hobby. Of course, as a Republican, don't forget to hypocritically go to church after you do. And blame Hillary.
As I said earlier, I dint give a shit about him fucking around. It’s the hypocrisy of his supporters that gets me.

“I don't find a candidate’s private sexual ethics to be relevant if they are st least somewhat open about them and therefore not subject to blackmail. And like Bill Clinton, I think anyone with half a brain can figure Trump is a hard dog to keep on the porch. He’s going to fuck around. But the hypocrisry of all these right wing evangelicals is gobsmacking in its scope. They claim to vote on stuff like private sexual ethics, but live this asshole. They are nothing but bad liars.” Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Don't forget they care about a balanced budget too. . .

I think it’s Hicks. Haley is too old for Trump. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
and too tales-of-the-crypt-y like kellyanne conway and coulter.
Inside Edition had a TV crew that found Stormy (with no makeup she looks very plain except for big tits) and they said she lives outside Dallas.

Bet The Donald is pissed since he is the world's best deal maker and he paid her to be quiet and she squealed. He did not get what he paid for. Bet he wants a refund.

I Googled her real name and up popped her mug shot from beating up her husband.
GiovaniDosSantos's Avatar
All porn whores look plain with out make up lol. Part that is fucked up is that Stormy said Trump compared her to his daughter ajajajaj what a sick twisted hillbilly puke .
All porn whores look plain with out make up lol. Part that is fucked up is that Stormy said Trump compared her to his daughter ajajajaj what a sick twisted hillbilly puke . Originally Posted by GiovaniDosSantos
DT has made comments about Ivanka's sizeable tits.
She is 5'11" and I bet those tits are 36D.
TheWanderer's Avatar
There is a trail....LLC Corporation set up to pay her. First time Trump ever paid a contractor.
I noticed that she uses a condom in most of her porn scenes., I guess that's a safe bet for the Donald
I noticed that she uses a condom in most of her porn scenes., I guess that's a safe bet for the Donald Originally Posted by FunMonday
Doesn’t protect him if gets pee’d on, haaaaa ya ha!
Does anyone really care what he did as a private citizen before he was Pres? Compare that to what Clinton did while in state office and as the Pres. Not even fucking close...
Does anyone really care what he did as a private citizen before he was Pres? Compare that to what Clinton did while in state office and as the Pres. Not even fucking close... Originally Posted by Tapper69
Ah, "the look at Hillary defense." Clever. I see what you did there. A little mid-direction. Never seen that before. Although irrelevant to this and most conversations. Get a new argument. She's not the president. You could have also said, do we care about anything he does, he's not Hitler". Get your news from somewhere else other than Breibart. You have two things on Hillary that are blown out of proportion in your alternative fact news organization. I have 100+ things wrong with Drumpf. The guy is just not a good human being. A habitual liar. A racist. A sexist. Bad for the environment. Bad for the poor and those that need help. Bad for the world. Back to your question, as a right wing nut, shouldn't you care? Or do you get to choose when to play the morality card (don't answer, I already know).
TheWanderer's Avatar
Oh yeah, the "What abouts"
Kellyanne Conway uses this as her answer to most everything...Well, what about....?
Even Trump uses that one.
But what about Andrew Jackson? He killed a man in a duel before he became POTUS.

On May 30th, 1806, future President Andrew Jackson kills a man who accused him of cheating on a horse race bet and then insulted his wife, Rachel. Jackson was not prosecuted for murder, and the duel had very little effect on his successful campaign for the presidency in 1829.
What about Aaron Burr?
In 1804, Thomas Jefferson’s vice president Aaron Burr had also avoided murder charges after killing former Treasury secretary and founding father Alexander Hamilton in a duel.

So what about that? Well, what about it is that it's got nothing to do with what is going on today.
Ah, "the look at Hillary defense." Clever. I see what you did there. A little mid-direction. Never seen that before. Although irrelevant to this and most conversations. Get a new argument. She's not the president. You could have also said, do we care about anything he does, he's not Hitler". Get your news from somewhere else other than Breibart. You have two things on Hillary that are blown out of proportion in your alternative fact news organization. I have 100+ things wrong with Drumpf. The guy is just not a good human being. A habitual liar. A racist. A sexist. Bad for the environment. Bad for the poor and those that need help. Bad for the world. Back to your question, as a right wing nut, shouldn't you care? Or do you get to choose when to play the morality card (don't answer, I already know). Originally Posted by Barrymccockinner
I was talking about Bill, dumbass. LOL