I feel the love...

Please remember the title of this board is "escort CLIENT community information exchange"! Not "escort provider community information exchange"!
just sayin'
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Damn. Now I may know what is going on. Coffee really works. Ok ok.... this is too far fetch. But you really got to think about this.

Here I present some evidence.
- They both give houston bad name. -I disagree. It would take more than just 2 to do that
- WAKEUP is the major source of the bad name. Brooke use him to call out all the H-towners as bad people. -Wakeup is an asshole sure, but source? highly doubtful
- They both are cock-blockers -Just straight FALSE
- They both somehow benefit from other providers not visiting Houston -Both? Lets be honest here.... Wakeup wants ladies here just as much as every other hobbyist here.

So it is logical to think they may be working together. Either WAKEUP and Brooke running the show together Or WAKEUP may be one of those abstinence preacher at a church and Brooke just love to have the market for herself. Originally Posted by futile

This is funny on so many levels! He could copy and paste and put his now 2nd fav person DH in there instead of Wakup, but the most of it is just idiotic.

Much as the countless Rants by BW are starting to shed more and more light on her and her agenda. What cracks me up is her continued posts saying "Providers are discouraged from posting" while having nearly 4k posts herself. Laughable to say the least!

Fact of the matter is this:
Wakeup is an asshole. I, for one, happen to like him for what he CONTRIBUTES to this board. Yeah, I said it..... what he CONTRIBUTES! Fishing out the drama ridden, the liars, the phoneys and the morons (provider and hobbyist alike). He is equally as big an asshole to one as he is the other... the only difference is that some here think that it is not fair to point out when a woman is being an idiot as opposed to a man. And fact of the matter is that when a man doesn't continue to follow up and fight back as much with the "nu-uh! No I'm not!" posts back and tend to not stir up as much drama because of it.

Now, there are PLENTY of ladies who can let stupid shit roll off their backs, and roll with the punches (see Lisa.Lisa for one) but there are plenty of others who are completely unable to, and to be quite honest..... seem to me to have bought into the Kool-Aid their WKs are spoon feeding them.

Dec 18th will not be NEARLY as much fun as the past few days, because guys are much quicker to say "fuck it" and let shit die down! Wakeup has taken Many MANY cracks at plenty of hobbyist around here on and this board, but none of the fucktards start threads and devote countless posts to try and besmerch his name because he called them a dumbshit!

Time to grow up a bit folks! If you don't get the joke, then there is a good chance that you are the butt of it! Keep that in mind before you decied to post on the matter......

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt....... Not enough people know this line.......

I'm off now to see if I can make one of these out of town ladies feel welcome here in Houston....... best 8min of her day! (or at least of her last 8min)

boardman's Avatar
Maybe, just maybe Brooke is pissed because that Maaco paint job turned out like we all warned her it would and this is the only way she knows how to vent her frustrations.

Ok, maybe not.

Oh, and Futile, suggesting that Brooke and Wakeup are actually in cahoots supplies months worth of SHMB fodder. TFF
Wakeup's Avatar
Interesting comparison between Brooke and I by Gabby and Futile. The difference, and the reason behind this thread is a big one.

I'm a hater. But my hate is directed, focused, targeted at single individuals. I may hate Brooke this week and Daphne next someone else the next day. Brooke, as evidenced by her posts, hates the ENTIRE HOUSTON MALE HOBBY SCENE! Furthermore, she goes out of her way to post this message ON A NATIONAL LEVEL, grouping all Houston hobbyists into a group. No exceptions, no exemptions, no appeals. If you're a male hobbyist in Houston, you're a horrible person. In fact, let me list what you are, in her own quoted words.

Back Stabbing
You suck
You bitch
You only see girls under $200
If your $200 girl won't do everything you want, you write a bad review
You discourage Houston providers from posting on the board

Mind you, this isn't ME she's talking about...this is ALL HOUSTON MEN. Don't trust me...please go read the quoted posts in my OP.

You guys can hate me all you want, Futile, go ahead and bash me all you want. The fact of the matter is, Brooke sees YOU, Futile, as just as bad a hobbyist as me, and furthermore, she tells everyone on a national level how bad you are.

If you can quote me a post in a national forum where I've said that every provider in Houston is a deceptive, back stabbing, non-GFE, fat chick, then please quote it for me. Until then, I'll apply that description to only one provider here in Houston.

I get hate all the time, but that hate is directed at me alone...her hate is directed at ALL OF YOU MEN...think about that for a second and then maybe we can ask TheDogger if we should respect Brooke in every circumstance...

P.S.-I didn't even emphasize the fact that she's ACTIVELY telling traveling providers NOT to come to Houston after bitching at me about my avatar driving them away...hypocritical hooktard...
You guys can hate me all you want, Futile, go ahead and bash me all you want. The fact of the matter is, Brooke sees YOU, Futile, as just as bad a hobbyist as me, and furthermore, she tells everyone on a national level how bad you are. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Agreed. I am not defending her. I was pissed already for that and now you making me more furious by reminding. I am one of the nice guys and I as well as many hobbyists in Houston don't deserve same label as you got. I refused to be classified as jerks and assholes. I demand a different classification. Still because I don't like what she said, it does not mean I have to like you

Let me put it this way.
She is a gasoline. You are a match. And there is a post whore monkey (____fill in the blank. I decided to ignore her completely.) running around who would love to light things up and make everything drama.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Maybe BW is an ailurophobe.
Wakeup's Avatar
Still because I don't like what she said, it does not mean I have to like you. Originally Posted by futile
Never asked you to. I don't expect people to like me, all I expect people to do is understand what I'm saying. Hate me all you want, doesn't make what I say untrue, it just makes it harder to come out and agree with me.

Maybe BW is an ailurophobe. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Naw...she's professed undying love to Boardman too many times...I think she just honestly hates men and her job, and is finally fed up with it now that things aren't all rosy like they were before I got back from Iraq...
Wakeup your my hero it shows a lot of courage, to do what you do. I don't understand if she hates it so much here why be here. I was born and raised in this great city and still living in Houston traveled and hobbied in many countries and cities around the states, but I would never openly say girls elsewhere are better than Houston. If it was for me she can take her CBJ service somewhere else. I love Houston and all bbbj Houston girls.
Wayward's Avatar
Maybe BW is an ailurophobe. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Interesting comparison between Brooke Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Personally I think wakeup and brooke wild are the same person. Both handles have similar avatars, both are post ho, and both are a wee wild and crazy…case closed

boardman's Avatar
I'm just trying to figure out what it takes to be labeled an asshole around here anymore. This is getting a little out of hand.
The man posse has all but abandoned dearhunter and I can't even get Raphael or Carkido to even look my way.
I mean shit, I got a PM earlier today from a provider that wanted to see me cuz she thought my posts were "cute" WTF? Six months ago I was the scourge of Eccie. Hell, now the mods just ignore me.
Wakeup needs to go. He has set the asshole bar so high none of us will ever reach it again.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-17-2010, 07:12 PM
Wakeup needs to go. He has set the asshole bar so high none of us will ever reach it again. Originally Posted by boardman
Jealousy really doesn't look good on anyone BM.
A cat really ain't suppose to care.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Wakeup needs to go. He has set the asshole bar so high none of us will ever reach it again. Originally Posted by boardman
No, Wakeup is Icky's Dick Fosbury - his gold-medal innovations will enable other aspirants to achieve even greater heights of SHMB assholery.
Wayward's Avatar
Look at it from my end of the Table, Cat Daddy, once banned into the afterlife, a murdering rat bastard. With the ribbons and metals to prove it! Now nothing more than a guttersnipe ( sometimes not even that! ) or a member of the "Lynch Mob" member, MEMBER, oh noes we used to lead the rebel alliance, have more handles than sofia/jasmin/AD/Paul could even thinck of. Now we are reduced to being some misguided "friend of Wakeup" woe is Father Wayward where is the justice in that?

Life is not fair.

This used to be kind of a big deal, now it's out in the open.

notanewbie's Avatar
hey Wayward, on a positive note you and Wakeup are the same person...feel better?