Starting off on the wrong foot via text

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
^^^^^^ Yep....what Kaylee said.
OP, maybe next time figure out when and where (incall, outcall) you want to see her for your initial text/call. Tell her you want to see her and state the exact day, time, length of session.

By then, you should know her rates, activities, where she works and when she's available.

Wanna see her? Put it out there, buddy. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Slow clap. NOW that is a man who get's it!

:th umbup:
^^^^^^ Yep....what Kaylee said.
OP, maybe next time figure out when and where (incall, outcall) you want to see her for your initial text/call. Tell her you want to see her and state the exact day, time, length of session.

By then, you should know her rates, activities, where she works and when she's available.

Wanna see her? Put it out there, buddy. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Slow clap. NOW that is a man who get's it!

:th umbup: Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
ManSlut's Avatar
If things happened as the OP states, then the lady in question was being a bitch. If a provider posts her number in the ad and says text or call for an appt....then that's what she'll get. Yes, you could have said this is so and so from Eccie, but that doesn't mean he would have gotten a different response from her. Some ladies just have horrendous TCB skills. I think you probably dodged a bullet OP. I agree with what others have stated, always use a pm for initial contact. Good luck in your new search. Have fun and hobby safely! Originally Posted by Kendall4U
This is why I am in love with Kendall4U and hope to make her Mrs. ManSlut III one day.

OP, you did nothing wrong and if this Bitch wants to be addressed or wants certain info on an opening statement/contact then she should list it...Fuck her and the high horse she rides on, which is probably a COTTON PONY....NEXT!!!
This is why I am in love with Kendall4U and hope to make her Mrs. ManSlut III one day.

OP, you did nothing wrong and if this Bitch wants to be addressed or wants certain info on an opening statement/contact then she should list it...Fuck her and the high horse she rides on, which is probably a COTTON PONY....NEXT!!! Originally Posted by ManSlut
Well, when you are done entertaining all these other silly lil hookers.....I'll be ready and waiting for my ring and proper proposal. Time is a ticking Manny!
txman123's Avatar
lots of good advice

(one of the) problems with text is that you don't get the voice nuances that can mean the difference in 'hey, I'm being half assed goofy with you' as opposed to 'what fucking rock did you crawl out from under', when using essentially the same words.

for text, I've found that something like 'hi (KHC/K4U/Eva) it's eccie txman123, I'd like to see you this week. If you'd like a PM let me know.'
I thought we werent allowed to post text convo...I was pointed in the powder room...clarification please.

And to the op, as most gents had suggested along with a provider...texting or calling was permitted - with you saying " Hi my name is blaze blaze from ECCIE, my handle is blaze blaze. " instead of "are you available" end of story. It seems like you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

How do you know YOU didn't come off as an asshole throughout the text convo by sharing your plans with another provider?? Ya see, the sword cuts both ways.

Sometimes texts cannot give off an intended tone that a phone call could. She was LIKELY in a great mood, but RECOGNIZE that unfortunately with texts one can't hear voice inflection. So, enough with throwing out the "bitch" at said provider. Anyone who knows her would disagree, and those of you calling the said lady a "BITCH" happen to know of her solid rep and even praise her in countless threads

Saying something like this in her final text would have been decent:

"Nevertheless I hope you have a wonderful evening...I certainly will " or " life is great"

That would have been non-bitchy, right OP?

Or is that considered bitchy? I see no "Bitch" in that....but that's just me...

To the OP and all you Fellas, Happy steak and BJ Day! Originally Posted by Eva Damita
I wonder why the OP bowed out from my "examples" of a cordial and diplomatic text response? Maybe he's leaving something out...( commenting ladies caught on in Private of BS - as did I)

lots of good advice

(one of the) problems with text is that you don't get the voice nuances that can mean the difference in 'hey, I'm being half assed goofy with you' as opposed to 'what fucking rock did you crawl out from under', when using essentially the same words.

for text, I've found that something like 'hi (KHC/K4U/Eva) it's eccie txman123, I'd like to see you this week. If you'd like a PM let me know.' Originally Posted by txman123
-^^^- You get it. That, and damn near a freebie.

I quoted my own comment to show how we agree about voice inflection. You gave a very common (sense) example of how to contact a companion via texts or any other contact venue vs a random "are you available?" and continuous vague texts.

I've seen the text convo from said provider MYSELF along with other reputable providers commenting here as close hobby affiliates of honest OP, how rude was she while texting you???

I hope you had your steak and blowjob hun!
PiperPosh's Avatar
Typically I get a message like this:
"Hi Piper!"
Me: "Hello there, may I ask who this is?"
"This is suchandsuch"
Me: "Ok, do you have an Eccie handle? or P411 client ID?"
"I'm person1 on eccie"
Me: "Ok, great. Please remind me, have I screened you yet? Thanks."
"Yes, etc. etc. etc"

So, it's a process. It always helps to be nice, but it seems like most younger providers sound outright rude when responding...even to me (a provider) asking for references. I won't go into some of the replies I've gotten.

It definitely helps to introduce yourself via text when you text her. Even if you gave her your phone number previously, please don't assume she already added it to her phone with your handle. Some prospective clients I give my number to don't text or call, so I don't add them until after they do.
And besides, she may have given her number out to 50 prospective clients that day...please don't assume she will remember giving it to you.

And yes, I'm independent, no pimp (lol) or booking agent. And I have locks on my phone. I assume most experienced providers do it this way. There is no reason to be so vague when trying to set something up with a provider.
Slow clap. NOW that is a man who get's it!

:th umbup: Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Thanks for the feedback Kaylee. I checked out your ad and appreciate the way you lay out what it is that you want. I would know to make sure and contact you via PM with the info you want before sending a text. Communication like that helps avoid mistakes.
My first txt is usually sort of vague in case someone else has her phone. If I get a "Im at lunch w/ friends" sort of reply, I stop texting her. Originally Posted by slowmover
It's surprising how often this happens. I believe that a more experienced or organized provider makes sure that she doesn't get awkward questions via text at the wrong time but I've had many that have been with friends, family or an SO when the text comes in. So this is the other side of the coin. Lots of us have sent that info on the very first text and had it not turn out well.

This is why some of us guys tend to not send their handle and eccie details until they have some confirmation that it's actually the provider they are talking too and it's ok. Another reason why PM is better.
I thought we werent allowed to post text convo...I was pointed in the powder room...clarification please.

And to the op, as most gents had suggested along with a provider...texting or calling was permitted - with you saying " Hi my name is blaze blaze from ECCIE, my handle is blaze blaze. " instead of "are you available" end of story. It seems like you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

How do you know YOU didn't come off as an asshole throughout the text convo by sharing your plans with another provider?? Ya see, the sword cuts both ways.

Sometimes texts cannot give off an intended tone that a phone call could. She was LIKELY in a great mood, but RECOGNIZE that unfortunately with texts one can't hear voice inflection. So, enough with throwing out the "bitch" at said provider. Anyone who knows her would disagree, and those of you calling the said lady a "BITCH" happen to know of her solid rep and even praise her in countless threads

Saying something like this in her final text would have been decent:

"Nevertheless I hope you have a wonderful evening...I certainly will " or " life is great"

That would have been non-bitchy, right OP?

Or is that considered bitchy? I see no "Bitch" in that....but that's just me...

To the OP and all you Fellas, Happy steak and BJ Day! Originally Posted by Eva Damita
I appreciate you sharing the other side of this. If you have the chance to pass any of this on to her, please make sure that she notices that I've not been referring to her as a bitch or bitchy. I chalk it up to a matter of unfortunate miscommunication and posted this in order to help people share their thoughts and avoid issues like that.

If she is bothered by my original post, please point out that all I really said was "now is it just me or does this sound very unfriendly?" and "In any case "You must be new at this" sounds like "you're an idiot". At this point I'm regretting that I ever sent the text in the first place".

None of this says that I thought she was bitchy. While her saying "You must be new at this....where did you find me?" does NOT make her a bitch in my book, it did discourage me from wanting to move forward since I was looking for the illusion of being desired rather than feeling like I was annoying or amateurish which ruined the the moment for me.

The whole point of the OP was to find a better way to avoid getting off on the wrong foot. Yes I shared how those comments left me feeling but I didn't say that I was right to feel that way. I came on here and have been humble enough to let others school me on how I could have done things better. I hope there is some good feedback for her here as well and that it helps her be even more successful in her business. There is no ill will on my part.
  • annoe
  • 03-16-2016, 02:03 PM
Some providers believe having a keyword like eccie in a text is as bad as discussing prices and activities in terms of legally establishing the purpose of the meeting.
my last session with a provider started with a text.

went like like this : Hi, I am freshly showered, wanna fuck. And an hour later we did.
Some providers believe having a keyword like eccie in a text is as bad as discussing prices and activities in terms of legally establishing the purpose of the meeting. Originally Posted by annoe
Exactly! I don't mention anything specific in the first text for that very reason!
ghost901's Avatar
I'm sure most will disagree with me, and I'll get on a few bad list.
I understand this is a business, and there may be a lot of time wasters. But it seems the clients have to treat it that way and the providers don't.
Of you go to a store, the person does not say " you going to buy? If not see you later." some times people like to get a feel of who they are you going to see. Ask a few questions. This always seems to go over bad. I have very few ladies I see and the ones I do see know I text a bit, but they are nice about it and are friendly and we have a few laughs before I come over.
If I get the feeling I'm bothering you cause I like to chat and text a little before giving my money over to someone I know NOTHING about then I just move on. Providers call it time wasting, I look at it as a bad sales pitch.
I'm sure it's my lose, maybe not.
ghost901's Avatar
I'm sure most will disagree with me, and I'll get on a few bad list.
I understand this is a business, and there may be a lot of time wasters. But it seems the clients have to treat it that way and the providers don't.
Of you go to a store, the person does not say " you going to buy? If not see you later." some times people like to get a feel of who they are you going to see. Ask a few questions. This always seems to go over bad. I have very few ladies I see and the ones I do see know I text a bit, but they are nice about it and are friendly and we have a few laughs before I come over.
If I get the feeling I'm bothering you cause I like to chat and text a little before giving my money over to someone I know NOTHING about then I just move on. Providers call it time wasting, I look at it as a bad sales pitch.
I'm sure it's my lose, maybe not.
