Why is scheduling so hard???

So Centerlock, tell me what you think I should do? So if provider gives bad service, just let it go? If they put both you and the other providers through giving references and don't respect anyone's time in the process; let it go?? If they pull a "no show"; just let it go?

I have had terrible meetings in the past and I let it go. I just never went back to that person again, but I didn't tear them apart in a review for it. I could have.

Providers provide those references for safety of other providers, so I really don't care what you think because their safety is very important to me. When another provider does not show respect by not taking the time to check them out in a timely manner, after the refs took the time to give them, I take issue with that. Regardless of the lack of respect to clients, how about the lack of respect to other providers that are willing to give references?

I had to ask my refs permission four different times if it was ok for this girl or that girl to call. I have not had to do that ever in over 10 years.

I actually had one provider who is a friend tell me she did not want to provide references due to how some other providers like this few had acted.

Like most situations these days, I see you commenting on my "posting style" and not emphasizing the cause. I don't mind giving refs at all, but I think the providers should respect those that are willing to provide them; the other providers.
This thread is starting to get comical. It is proving that for some people, there is no horse too dead to kick again, and again, and again...
Mav - maybe you should just get over it and let it go. Here's another nugget for you: Providers are not "required" to spend time with anyone. They have the option to "choose" who they do or do not want to spend time with. As adults, we all know women change their minds - often for reasons us men don't understand. So that happened in your case, sorry but get over it and move on. Grinding this one out only further seals your fate on future opportunities. One would think a person who owns their own business would understand this. Are you required to sell your product to every person who comes along, or are you permitted to decline service to those you choose, for whatever reason you choose?

I'm not playing WK here, just pointing out the obvious.

The Amazing Karnac predicts that we'll see many more similar posts from you in the future, just with new victims. So sad.
I agree with James6766P, traci and CenterLock. In addition to checking references, I also check my prospective clients' postings on Eccie. If something sounds off or weird to me personally, I have the right to decide not to see them. I simply send an e-mail saying "Thanks for contacting me. But unfortunately, I don't believe we will be a good match." There is no explanation required. I also have a professional sales job, and like James 6766P said, I don't have to sell to everyone who comes along.
James, your post is not even worth responding to... Too bad you are not a dead horse..

Samantha Thom, you at least took the time to check the references. I can respect that and it is your choice to decide. Also, you said you would send an email to reject them.. That did not happen.. I would totally respect that too, because you took the effort to at least respond. One of the provider refs actually asked me "What's the deal?" because never received a call to check the references a couple days after I requested it.

So if wanting a girl to check my references is a bad thing, I guess I am going to get in trouble and some providers will not want to see me... I believe most girls will be happy that a guy will give references and is willing to give other contact info without a hassle. I'm done on the subject... This is supposed to be fun, hence "a hobby", but this experience was more like Match.com...
This thread has a stench to it.
TexTongue's Avatar
Maverick, you're about to

Might I suggest the following?

FleshLight Girls & FleshLight Mounts

Easy to schedule, no P411, no screening, and no complaints.

After a couple of exchanges privately, I'm convinced he's either a teenager with a desire for adult attention, or an extremely immature man with an inferiority complex. I tried here, I really did. He's just not gonna get it. Let's leave him to his tantrum, shall we?
hmmm... Traci, you wrote me once... I'm sticking this in the "whatever" file.. I was not cocky, demanding or anything like that which you "privately" discussed might have been the issue. I do believe, even apologized to you if I seemed that way. I do feel like a teenager, because it's like when you tell someone privately in high school that you like someone and you walk the hall an hour later and everyone knows. A PRIVATE conversation, should have been kept between the two parties having it.

One thing I have learned, if you have a bad experience in the hobby, don't share it on here... Getting P411 has been the only relevant suggestion.
I don't have a P411 account, which I know would make life easier for me but I haven't been turned down yet for an appointment. It just takes me a little longer sometimes. If a lady isn't comfortable, she shouldn't book an appointment until she is and I always respect that. At the end of the day, I think it's all about attitude and respect in the way you treat others in this hobby and life in general.
This man, PM'd, IM'd and e-mailed me so much that it could be considered spam. That's all I'm going to say.
Try joining P411
Analisa, because I explained to you I had a "short window" to be in Dallas. That is why I provided my information before I made an appointment so I could be "pre-approved".

You seemed happy to discuss your posts that I commented on and then you pulled a Houdini.. I had no clue your internet went down. It happens..

I will say that you were not the only one that did this, but I did provide what you asked since your email bounced back the first time, I tried to make sure you received my information. Maybe I was a little harsh on you because these happened multiple times in a short time. For that I do apologize.

What can I say, I can be picky about who I want to see, but after reading your post and reviews, I definitely wanted to see you... Analisa, you truly seem like an interesting person with similar interests to mine. Once again, please accept my public apology for being harsh on you. Hopefully a public apology does have some value on here.

Thank you Khloe for the advise and for the others that said try P411. I have two providers that will gladly ref for P411.
pyramider's Avatar

If you had a vajayjay scheduling would not be difficult. Being a vajayjay makes life difficult.