So I'd Like to Volunteer

The last time I volunteered for something political, all they seemed to do was look at the sex offender database and google me for anything stupid I might have said. The problem with that is these days that rules out EVERYBODY WHO CAN TYPE!
macrose's Avatar
To the original question, I spent time on a presidential campaign, it was a lot of fun. Met folks that I'm still friends with to this day. At the local, state and to some extent the national level screening wasn't that complicated.
Naomi4u's Avatar

I think it's a horrible idea. If you didn't show your face in your advertisements I would say go for it. All it takes is a rumor that the candidate is/was involved with an escort for shit to hit the fan. Also.. it only take ONE person to send your advertisement to the opposing candidate and the campaign is ruined. It doesn't have to be true. This happened to a friend of mine and she never even met the guy. It was blasted all over blogs and tabloids that he was involved with a "hooker". Again think before acting because your decision could possibly ruin a lot for the guy you're trying to help.

Oh and you can take your pictures down/your ads down all you want but you and I both know that once a picture is on the internet it's there to stay. Thanks to escorts malls like cheating boards, sexyescortads and my provider guide. I'm shocked that no one brought this up. If you weren't recognizable/didn't show your face in ads then of course you can do whatever you want. You know political campaigns can get very messy. They don't care about "us" , the opposing teams just wants to win. Take care.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-25-2011, 10:45 AM
Care to respond to that Dweezle? Originally Posted by Marshall
Yes but you need to start another thread about your hero Reagan and I will try and help you understand that low oil price's are the reason for both Reagan's and Clinton's popularity.

Low oil prices won the cold war. If you want to try and attribute that to Reagan...knock yourself out.

Marshall, we are a country that does very well when the price of oil is low, not so well when it isn't.

Everything else feeds off that economic reality , including your view of Ronnie. To use you logic, Reagan got a huge oil dividend from Carter's threat to make this country independent of foreign oil. But that will go over you head. But hey you think Reagan gave Clinton a Peace dividend so maybe you will understand Carter's oil dividend to Reagan!

But please start another thread about Reagan if that is all you want to talk about.

Volunteer in that campaign

He is not coming back from the afterlife and even if he did the GOP would not let him even enter the fray. After all he was for amnesty among other things you guys would crucify him for now.
Naomi4u's Avatar
WTF, Marshall... you guys are too much!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
A love triangle, WTF, Marshall and Nina.....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-25-2011, 11:22 AM
WTF, Marshall... you guys are too much! Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I am to much...Marshall is to little. Do not be fooled by the average.
A love triangle, WTF, Marshall and Nina.....
Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

I'm not sure it's love, but.....WTF is just jealous that Nina's my girl......

BTW: I'm the Robert Urich in the 3, but a Robert Urich who works out a lot!....Oh, and my head is less round, more oval.....just thought some of ladies might like to know......

I think it's a horrible idea. If you didn't show your face in your advertisements I would say go for it. All it takes is a rumor that the candidate is/was involved with an escort for shit to hit the fan. Also.. it only take ONE person to send your advertisement to the opposing candidate and the campaign is ruined. It doesn't have to be true. This happened to a friend of mine and she never even met the guy. It was blasted all over blogs and tabloids that he was involved with a "hooker". Again think before acting because your decision could possibly ruin a lot for the guy you're trying to help.

Oh and you can take your pictures down/your ads down all you want but you and I both know that once a picture is on the internet it's there to stay. Thanks to escorts malls like cheating boards, sexyescortads and my provider guide. I'm shocked that no one brought this up. If you weren't recognizable/didn't show your face in ads then of course you can do whatever you want. You know political campaigns can get very messy. They don't care about "us" , the opposing teams just wants to win. Take care.

Naomi Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I don't think that's always the case though Naomi.

It depends on what Ansley decides to do and who's campaign she decides to volunteer with. When you go volunteer, they do ask you what you're comfortable in doing to help.

Now, when I started volunteering in 2008 for POTUS, no one checked into my background because I wasn't close to him, I wasn't in his main campaign headquarters and I wasn't traveling with him. I did get a chance to meet him when he visited our city though.

When I went to fundraising parties here in Omaha and in other cities, I ran into a few clients and no one said a word.

As volunteers, you can decide what amount of time you give and how high up you wish to work towards. If Ansley was to say that she wants to WORK for the campaign and gain more access, then I would tell her to tread lightly and carefully because that's a whole nother ballgame.

We have no idea who Ansley wishes to volunteer for anyway folks. Could be someone in local office, congressman/woman, senate or POTUS. Stop trying to bust her bubble.
As volunteers, you can decide what amount of time you give and how high up you wish to work towards. If Ansley was to say that she wants to WORK for the campaign and gain more access, then I would tell her to tread lightly and carefully because that's a whole nother ballgame. Originally Posted by MsElena
That was my thinking too. Since I have never done anything like this, I thought it would be a great learning opportunity. I'll go in, lick envelopes and see what else there is to do. I'm sure there are plenty of things to do in the background.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Yeah right

Seriously Naomi, when has this really happened? Non-fiction. Not off your fiction shelf.
CajunGent's Avatar
It is admirable to volunteer for the candidate of your choice. Just make sure you don't do anything that will bring negtive publicity to the campaign.
Or maybe you can pull a Dick Tuck.

Volunteer for the opposing candidate and arrange to be caught in a tryst with him. Promotes the two goals of having fun and defeating the competition.
Clouddancer's Avatar
Go for it Ansley.

You obviously have a genuine interest in the political process. If you approach this as a learning opportunity, I would think you'll most likely enjoy yourself.
I have always believed we should never stop learning. You never know what new opportunities or adventures may lay ahead.

Keep life interesting.


That was my thinking too. Since I have never done anything like this, I thought it would be a great learning opportunity. I'll go in, lick envelopes and see what else there is to do. I'm sure there are plenty of things to do in the background. Originally Posted by Ansley
Just make sure you don't do anything that will bring negtive publicity to the campaign. Originally Posted by CajunGent
I really don't see how I could be a negative to his campaign. Licking envelopes or sitting on a phone bank wouldn't bring too much attention.