Brittany, as infuriating as it must be for you to get this type of pm, it is his *right* to see who he chooses...just as we have choices. Originally Posted by Likinikki
Word. He could have gone about it better, but who are we, the tact police?
Word. He could have gone about it better, but who are we, the tact police? Originally Posted by JSmith2010
Lol. Seriously.
Mossman's Avatar
Why is this any different than the ladies who choose not to see blacks or the young lady who chooses not to see anyone over 40? He's a racist but the ladies are privileged to see whom they want. Hmmm...seems like a double standard to me.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Everyone has their preference and all that junk. But this was racist in my opinion. And just because he wasnt rude about it- it still sucks and he is an ignorant ass. I wouldnt see him just because of his personal views and issues. I like to be able to connect in many different ways with my special visitors and this would be a type of person that I would have nothing in common with and would not like to be around at all. It is disgusting to hear shit like this. We are still so behind as a society in some areas and that is sad and pathetic for those who force us backwards as a race.

Tall_Cat81's Avatar
I refuse to see any provider that drinks pepsi. I stand by my choice, don't judge me.

Any who, the guy can see whoever he wants but sounds like a jack ass. To me certain providers won't see clients base on age and race. That understandable, that why we just move onto the next provider that will see us gentlemen.
Budman's Avatar
Good lord. It's his choice. He wasn't rude so why are some of you getting so upset. Very few seem to have issues with providers who have an NBA policy. Ya'll need to get over this holier than thou bullshit and see who you want. How many of you providers see hobbyist that refuse to see black providers? I've seen where some black providers refuse to see black hobbyist.

One more thing. Some have made comments about him wasting her time. Seriously. How fucking long did she spend typing a couple of sentences? She wasted a hell of lot more time posting this thread.
i dont think this topic is any different than a provider denying a gent bc he sees SW.
ammonite's Avatar
LMAO Who cares? The guy's a troll anyway. It would be like I just got turned down by a white provider cuz I've done black girls. It's a free world. Move on to the next one.
Aftershock's Avatar
Good lord. It's his choice. He wasn't rude so why are some of you getting so upset. Very few seem to have issues with providers who have an NBA policy. Ya'll need to get over this holier than thou bullshit and see who you want. How many of you providers see hobbyist that refuse to see black providers? I've seen where some black providers refuse to see black hobbyist.

One more thing. Some have made comments about him wasting her time. Seriously. How fucking long did she spend typing a couple of sentences? She wasted a hell of lot more time posting this thread. Originally Posted by Budman
Okay okay so maybe time wasnt really wasted but for fucks sake get to the point and dont jerk a person around is what I was really gettin at.

Im mean wtf! After plainly asking if she was seeing blacks, he should have also asked if Brittanys refrigerator was running...yes so he could later respond with "well you better go catch it"
Now that I think about it Im sure Britt and Pepper were just getting pranked by some jackass who had nothing better to do.

And while Im at it, WHO the fuck says "Gosh"? Who the hell was writing to Britt, Goofy? Or was it the Beave? what a lame ass...Might as well said gee willikers. Roo be dooby dooo!
Ok im done.
pepper really????? LOL
"say"??? slang?? i think the guy meant "saw"
anywho..miss u girl!! Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti
No lol Sey = Hey (I cut and paste so maybe it is mispelled. But I have heard, "Sey (or say, I dunno) girl, what you up to." instead of "Hey girl" stuff like that. lol I know its confusing!
Exactly Ammo! We could sit here till we're blue in the face and talk about racism, prejudice, etc. It's a damn shame such a thing exists, but that's just the way it is...and I don't see it going away anytime soon.

I've been a victim to racism all my life. I should be the one screaming *racism* is horrible and inappropriate. Yes, it is, and it does suck, but it's a reality folks. We can choose to let if affect us or simply see it for what it is.

One more thing. Some have made comments about him wasting her time. Seriously. How fucking long did she spend typing a couple of sentences? She wasted a hell of lot more time posting this thread.'re missing the point. It's not so much about how much of her time he wasted...although it was a complete waste of her time...but rather, why couldn't he have simply stated that he only meets providers who DO NOT see AA men, instead of going back and forth?
sixxbach's Avatar
What's the point of this thread? Sure the guy isn't cool but what purpose does this have in coed? Seems like this should be in the ladies areas if anything....

Sixxbach...the point is Brittany just as anyone else has a right to post her opinion as long as it's within the rules. And, she may have posted this in the ladies area...however, we can't even access that forum right now. Apparently, since your resignation, they haven't clued you in.
Budman's Avatar're missing the point. It's not so much about how much of her time he wasted...although it was a complete waste of her time...but rather, why couldn't he have simply stated that he only meets providers who DO NOT see AA men, instead of going back and forth? Originally Posted by Likinikki
Nikki, my point is this thread is much ado about nothing. It seems many just look for a reason to get their panties in a wad. IMO, based on the conversation as stated he ask several questions that are not answered in her showcase or web site and then added the "do you see blacks". It was all very polite. So Brittany is pissed. Fair enough. But it seems like everybody wants to jump on the "I'm pissed too" band wagon and tell us how enlighten they are in regards to race. Who gives a fuck. As I stated in another post nobody seems to get this upset when a provider has a NBA policy or an age policy. Would Brittany see a client that refuses to see a black provider?
Budman...I get you, but she does have the right to post whatever. It's not as if this is the silliest thread in the history of *ever!* I've seen some pretty stupid stuff through the years! lol As for other discrimination'd be surprised how many people get their panties in a wad over providers having NBA and age restrictions...yes, we hear it all the time.