One Small Step

flghtr65's Avatar
Apparently, President Obama is trying to reign in some of the egregious abuses of power by the NSA. This is a very small step, but I don't recall any administration in recent history making an effort to turn back the tide of statism. Don't get me wrong, we are still losing the war against tyranny, but this battle is a small victory. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COF, the nutty professor, agrees with Obama. This must be a first. I will have to buy a lottery ticket this weekend.
If you had the courage to not shit your pants when an event like 9/11 happens and realize it for wtf it was...a desperate attack by a foe that has very little means to do harm to our wouldn't have given Bush the authority to take away your privacy and chickenshits just like you are the reason we have the snooping we do.

In therapy, they would say you are projecting you guilt onto Obama. Originally Posted by WTF
I laugh when I see your posts
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
if Obie farts in the morning someone will gripe about the way it smells Originally Posted by CJ7

CJ with his little dog EVA

CJ: Smells like flowers Mr. President